Distinguish between a feasible route and infeasible route

108 views 9:08 am 0 Comments September 16, 2023

(a) To which group of traffic assignment methods does the Dial Algorithm belong? (b) Distinguish between a feasible route and infeasible route in the context of the Dial Algorithm (c) Consider the network shown in Figure 1 below, and assuming that the demand between zones 1 and 6 is equal to 1200 trips/day, and that between zones 4 and 6 is another 1000 trips. Use the dial algorithm to stochastically assign traffic to the network shown. The link likelihood function is given as exp 1.0*j)-ri)-(->j if ri) 0, otherwise and si)> s(j) Lu-> j)- where i)-the expected minimum travel time from the origin node (node 1) to node i; ri-the expected minimum travel time from the destination node (node 4) to nodeji; t(17)-the travel time for link (17). Figure 1. Network for Question 6 5 min 3 min 4 min 3 min 5 min 4 min 6 min 8 min 7 min 2 min

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