Discuss the usefulness of feedback

147 views 10:04 am 0 Comments August 8, 2023


Value: 30%

Due Date: 20-Oct-2019

Return Date: 11-Nov-2019

Length: 1500 words

Submission method options: Alternative submission method


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You are required to write a report on the following topic.

Topic: Feedback on assessment tasks has traditionally been used to help students ‘bridge the gap’ between lecturer expectations and their work. In your report, discuss the usefulness of feedback and argue the best way for students to receive feedback on their assessment tasks. Develop your arguments using examples from the feedback given from the essay (BUS100 – Assessment Item 2) and evidence found in peer-reviewed journal articles. Include recommendations for various university stakeholders to implement your findings. 

You should read the appropriate topics on Interact2 and chapters of your textbook to obtain the information on writing reports.

Online submission via Turnitin is required for this assignment. Details will be provided by your subject lecturer.


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This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:

be able to locate, paraphrase, summarise and comprehend simple to complex English texts.

be able to develop an effective academic argument based on information gained from a range of sources.

be able to write in a range of academic formats, following English writing mechanics and appropriate academic referencing styles.

be able to develop speaking and listening communication skills.

be able to apply their communication skills to debate differing points of view using verbal and non-verbal communication methods.

An important survival skill for you as a tertiary student is to learn the art of professional report writing. This assessment task is provided to allow you to learn more about the broader context of writing in a report format. Professional report writing requires the application of discipline in conformity with established conventions of presentation, expression, style and format. Learning to write well therefore becomes a lifelong educational task. For you to be successful in your university studies, you should be developing skills in analysis and evaluation to improve your ability to think clearly, to document the arguments and findings made by others, and to compare and contrast different viewpoints. Report writing is one such method of assisting students to achieve these tasks.

This assessment addresses the following subject learning objectives.

LO1 – Be able to locate, paraphrase, summarise and comprehend simple to complex English texts;
LO2 – be able to develop an effective academic argument based on information gained from a range of sources;
LO3 – be able to write in a range of academic formats, following English writing mechanics and appropriate academic referencing styles.

Marking criteria and standards

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Criteria LO HD (85-100%) DI (75-84%) CR (65-74%) PS (50-64%) FL (0-49%)
Argument development (40%) 2 Your arguments are logical.

You include at least four key points of analysis. You synthesise multiple references to support each point.

You include a substantiated evaluation of the research included for at least two of your key points

You make at least 4 recommendations each linked to the preceding key points.

Your arguments are logical.

You include at least four key points of analysis. You synthesise multiple references to support each point.

You make at least 4 recommendations each linked to the preceding key points.

Your arguments are logical

You include at least four key points of analysis. You include at least two articles to support each point.

You make at least 3 recommendations each linked to the preceding analysis.

You include at least four key points of analysis. You include at least one article to support each point.

You make at least 2 recommendations on the topic given.

You do not meet the pass criteria though your attempt is genuine.
Organisation and structure (25%) 3 You include all components of a report

You provide an accurate yet succinct executive summary

Your report follows a logical sequence and your paragraphs are logically structured.

You include all components of a report

You provide an accurate yet succinct executive summary

Your report follows a logical sequence.

You include all components of a report

You provide an accurate yet succinct executive summary.

You include all components of a report. You do not meet the pass criteria though your attempt is genuine.
English writing mechanics (20%) 3 You use formal academic language throughout the report and your sentences simple yet expressive.

Your report has minimal typographical or grammatical errors.

You use formal academic language throughout the report.

Your report has some typographical or grammatical errors.

You use formal academic language throughout your report

Your report largely follows the rules of English writing mechanics.

You use formal academic language in several places.

Your report partially follows the rules of English writing mechanics.

You do not meet the pass criteria though your attempt is genuine.
Quality of articles (5%) 1 You use at least eight sources.


All eight references meet all elements of the CRAP test.

You use at least seven sources.


All seven references meet all elements of the CRAP test.

You use at least six sources.


All six references meet all elements of the CRAP test.

You use at least five sources

All five references are academic.

You do not meet the pass criteria though your attempt is genuine.
Referencing (10%) 3 Your reference list and in-text references are accurate as per APA6 standard and include all components.

You include a variety of citation techniques.

You include citations where expected.

Your reference list shows most references correctly APA6 formatted and most of your in-text references are correctly APA6 formatted

You include a variety of citation techniques.

You include citations where expected.

Your reference list shows most references correctly APA6 formatted and most of your in-text references are correctly APA6 formatted

You include a variety of citation techniques.

Your reference list shows at least one reference correctly APA6 formatted and you include at least one in-text reference correctly APA6 formatted. You do not meet the pass criteria though your attempt is genuine.







No marks awarded but a maximum of 8 marks each may be deducted for errors in the following:
Word count (1500 +/- 10%)
Presentation guidelines
Text match exceeding 20%


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