Diploma of Nursing

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Student Assessment
HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing
HLTENN012 – Version 2.1 Jul 2017
Student Assessment
HLTENN012 Implement and monitor care for a person with chronic health problems
HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing
Record of Assessment Outcome

Student Name: Student ID:
Summary of evidence gathering techniques used for this assessment:
O Questioning O Scenario O Case Report O Professional Practice Experience
The evidence presented is:
O Valid O Sufficient O Authentic O Current
Unit Result: Competent O Not Competent O
The student has been provided with feedback and informed of the assessment result and the reason for the decision.
Assessor Name: Date Assessed:
Assessor Signature:
SCEI Contact: [email protected]

Student declaration on assessment outcome

I have been provided with feedback on the evidence I have provided. I have been informed of the assessment result and
the reason for the decision.
Student Name: Date:
Student Signature:

Student Assessment
Student Assessment
HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing
HLTENN012 – Version 2.1 Jul 2017

Reasonable Adjustment
Was reasonable adjustment applied to any of the assessment tasks? (please tick) Yes O No O
If yes, tick which assessment task(s) it was applied to.
O Questioning O Scenario O Case Report O Professional Practice Experience
Provide a description of the adjustment applied and why it was applied.
Name of Assessor: Assessor Signature:
Name of Student: Student Signature:


Student Declaration
Plagiarism constitutes extremely serious academic misconduct and severe penalties are associated with it. By signing below,
you are declaring that the attached work is entirely your own (or where submitted to meet the requirements of an
approved group assessment, is the work of the group).
I certify that
I have read and understood the Southern Cross Education Institute’s PP77 Assessment and submission
policy and procedures.
This assessment is all my own work, and no part of this assessment has been copied from another person.
I have not allowed my work to be copied by another person.
I have a copy of this work and will be able to reproduce within 24 hours if requested.
I give my consent for Southern Cross Education Institute to examine my work electronically by relevant
plagiarism software programs.
Student Signature: …………………………………………………. Date: ……../………./…………….

Student Assessment
HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing
HLTENN012 – Version 2.1 Jul 2017
Assessment Task 1 – Questioning

Submission No. Result Score Date Assessed Assessor Name Assessor Signature
O First submission O S O NS ____/100
O Re-submission 1 O S O NS ____/100
O Re-submission 2 O S O NS ____/100
S = Satisfactory NS = Not Satisfactory
Feedback to the Student:

Assessment Task 2 – Scenario

Submission No. Result Score Date Assessed Assessor Name Assessor Signature
O First submission O S O NS ____/50
O Re-submission 1 O S O NS ____/50
O Re-submission 2 O S O NS ____/50
S = Satisfactory NS = Not Satisfactory
Feedback to the Student:

Student Assessment
HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing
HLTENN012 – Version 2.1 Jul 2017
Assessment Task 3 – Case Report

Submission No. Result Score Date Assessed Assessor Name Assessor Signature
O First submission O S O NS ____/50
O Re-submission 1 O S O NS ____/50
O Re-submission 2 O S O NS ____/50
S = Satisfactory NS = Not Satisfactory
Feedback to the Student:

Assessment Task 4 – Professional Practice Experience

Submission No. Result Score Date Assessed Assessor Name Assessor Signature
O First submission (booklet) O S O NS
O Re-submission 1 (booklet) O S O NS
O Re-submission 2 (booklet) O S O NS
S = Satisfactory NS = Not Satisfactory
Feedback to the Student:

Student Assessment
HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing
HLTENN012 – Version 2.1 Jul 2017
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to contribute to the care of a person with chronic health
problems by performing nursing interventions that support the person’s needs and assist them in maintaining an
optimal lifestyle.
This unit applies to enrolled nursing work carried out in consultation and collaboration with registered nurses,
and under supervisory arrangements aligned to the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia regulatory authority
legislative requirements.
To achieve competence the following assessment tasks must be successfully completed in the time allocated with
the essential resources. Your trainer/assessor will give you the due date to submit the assessments and provide
you with feedback after assessing your work.
Refer to the table below for the summary of Assessment Task for this unit:

Assessment Task
Assessment Type Notes
1 Questioning To be completed in own time and submitted
to the trainer/assessor by due date
2 Scenario To be completed in own time and submitted
to the trainer/assessor by due date
3 Case Report To be completed during professional practice
and submitted to the trainer/assessor within
five days of professional practice completing
4 Professional Practice
Undertake professional practice placement at
the end of the semester in a SCEI approved
health facility

Students may need to spend some hours outside the class hours without supervision to complete the
All assessment tasks must be satisfactory to achieve competency in the unit
All the units of competency must be deemed competent to complete the qualification and obtain a certificate
The assessment requirement for this unit are presented clearly in the Unit of Competency located at:
In the Student assessment, you must be able to:
o Answer all questions
o Complete all assessment tasks within the required timeframe
o Complete all skills assessments tasks to a satisfactory standard
The following resources are required for this assessment:
o Lemone, P., 2013. Medical-Surgical Nursing (Australian Edition) Volumes 1-3 (2e). Australia: Pearsons
o Tollefson, J., Bishop, T., Jelly, E., Watson, G. & Tambree, K. (2012). Essential Clinical Skills:
Enrolled/Division 2 Nurses (2nd Ed.) Australia: Cengage
o Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia websitehttp://www.nursingmidwiferyboard.gov.au/
Student Assessment
HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing
HLTENN012 – Version 2.1 Jul 2017
Reasonable Adjustment
For information on reasonable adjustment please refer to the student handbook located at: http://scei.edu.au/wpcontent/uploads/2016/11/2016_Studenthandbook.pdf
Record of Assessment Outcome
After all of the assessment evidence has been gathered from the assessment tasks for this unit/cluster of units of
competency the Record of Assessment stating your result will be completed.
Information for the Student
If you do not understand any part of the unit or the assessments you are required to undertake, please talk with
your trainer/assessor. It is important that you understand all of the aspects of the learning and assessment process
that you will be undertaking. This will make it easier for you to learn and be successful in your studies.

Student Assessment
HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing
HLTENN012 – Version 2.1 Jul 2017

Instructions for
You are required to complete all requirements of this written assignment
Responses may be typed or hand written
If hand written, writing must be legible and in pen NOT pencil
Use of correct grammar and spelling is required to demonstrate foundational
You must complete the assignment in your own words or use appropriate
Use of APA referencing must be used where original sources other than your
own have been used – to avoid plagiarism
Write your name, student ID, the assessment task and the name of the unit of
competency on each piece of paper you attach to this assessment document
This assessment task contributes to 30% of the overall grade for this unit
Answer questions in less than 50 words each.
Submit to your trainer/assessor by the due date
You must achieve a satisfactory result
DUE DATE The trainer/assessor will inform you of the due date


S no. Questions
1 List two clinical manifestations for each of the following chronic health conditions.
I. Congestive heart failure
II. Osteoarthritis
III. Eczema
IV. Stroke
V. Systemic lupus erythematous
2 a.Define chronic pain. What are the demographics of chronic pain in Australia?
b.Mention 3 etiological factors for Lumbago.
3 Define each of the following diseases and outline two clinical manifestations
a. Rheumatoid arthritis
b. Motor neurone disease
c. Parkinson’s disease
4 List 2 common clinical manifestations seen in a patient with a permanent tracheostomy and a
temporary tracheostomy each
5 Identify four (4) common anatomical sites that may undergo malignant changes

Student Assessment
HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing
HLTENN012 – Version 2.1 Jul 2017

6 List four clinical features of chronic obstructive airway disease (COPD)
7 Describe the aetiology, pathogenesis, clinical features and management of Chronic Bronchial Asthma
8 List and describe three clinical manifestations of a patient with chronic renal failure or chronic kidney
disease stage-5
9 Define and classify Diabetes mellitus. Outline 4 most common symptoms of type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
10 List 2 clinical manifestations of neurological injury
11 Define persistent vegetative state. Outline 3 clinical manifestations that are observed in patients
suffering with this ailment
12 List the 6 National health priority areas of chronic diseases
13 What is continuum of chronic disease?
14 List 4 life variables that has impact on health and wellbeing
15 Describe the impact of chronic diseases on an individual for each of the following:
a. social
b. emotional
c. physical
d. psychological
e. financial
16 a. Define the following modalities of rehabilitation. For each modality, state examples of the
equipment involved and techniques used.

Modailty Definition and/ or Technique involved Equipment
Occupational Therapy
Art and Music therapy

b. Briefly outline the importance of wheelchairs, scooters, walking aids and prosthetics in
rehabilitation of a patient.

17 Define and describe palliative care?
18 Discuss the principles and practices of person centred nursing care
19 List 3 preventative measures for a patient with chronic asthma
20 List and describe the four components in the WHO chronic disease model of care?
21 Define incontinence. How does this manifest in a patient with chronic disease?
22 List three various treatment modalities for diabetes mellitus type – 2
23 Identify two ways an enrolled nurse can support a client with chronic rheumatoid arthritis to
maintain a positive life role
24 Identify two behavioural changes required for a client with chronic history of diabetes mellitus
25 Identify two positive attitudinal and behavioural change that can be established by a patient with
chronic renal failure.

Student Assessment
HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing
HLTENN012 – Version 2.1 Jul 2017

26 Access and consider below mentioned links regarding resources for the core standards for nurses
who support people with disability (NSW Family and Community Services) and answer following
2. https://www.adhc.nsw.gov.au/sp/delivering_disability_services/core_standards
3. http://www.adhc.nsw.gov.au/__data/assets/file/0005/301775/1.-PC-Health-Care-Assessments
The Nursing and Health Care Core Standards can be used for any nurse supporting
people with disability, giving them the basic required knowledge to be able to do
their job and be able to demonstrate this. (TRUE /FALSE)
B. Following are the core standards for nursing and health care who support people with
disability (NSW Family and Community Services). Circle one correct answer.
i. Person-Centered Health Care Assessments and the Development of Health
Care Plans
ii. Communication and Behavior Support
iii. Working with People with Chronic and Complex Health Care Needs:
iv. Mealtime Management for Nurses
v. All of above
C. Circle one correct answer. The core standards materials and resources can be used in a
variety of ways-for example:
i. Professional education and training
ii. Knowledge translation and appraisal of core standards in practice
iii. Induction of new staff or staff new to the area of disability
iv. As a reference point in supervision or mentoring
v. Use with students on placement or within learning institutions
vi. All of above
D. “Nurses works with the multidisciplinary team in the management of chronic and complex
health care needs of clients. The multidisciplinary team may include a Speech Pathologist,
Dietitian, Physiotherapist, Occupational Therapist, Gastroenterologist and Physician”.
Answer following questions considering above statement and the first web link above.
Choose at least four of provided chronic and complex health care needs. Explain for each
condition/care need: its management, list what is considered by a nurse during its (condition)

Student Assessment
HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing
HLTENN012 – Version 2.1 Jul 2017

management and which multidisciplinary members/people will a nurse be working with in
order to meet care needs of clients and why. (250-300 words)
Conditions and care needs are: Management of Chest Infection / Aspiration Pneumonia,
Respiratory Health, Management of Type 2 Diabetes, Management of Osteopenia and
Osteoporosis, Management of chronic pain, Management of bowel problems: Colostomy,
E. In regard to Person Centered Health Care Assessments and the development of Health
Care Plans Core Standard for Practitioners. Answer following questions considering the third
web link provided above.
Explain the purpose of Person Centered Health Care Assessments and the development of
Health Care Plans Core Standard for Practitioners. Explain what does this mean for in your
nursing practice.

Student Assessment
HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing
HLTENN012 – Version 2.1 Jul 2017
Assessment Task 1-Questions -Checklist
Trainer/assessor to document the students’ knowledge as relevant to the summative assessment. Indicate in
the table below if the learner is deemed satisfactory (S) or not satisfactory (NS) for the activity or if
reassessment is required

Student’s name
Assessor’s name
Unit of Competence
(Code and Title)
Date(s) of assessment
Has all questions been answered, as required to assess the competency of the
Yes No
(Please circle)
Has sufficient evidence and information been provided by the student all
Yes No
(Please circle)
Provide your comments here:
The Student’s
performance was:
Not yet satisfactory Satisfactory
If not yet satisfactory, date for reassessment:
Feedback to learner:

Student Assessment
HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing
HLTENN012 – Version 2.1 Jul 2017

Instructions for
Read the scenarios details provided and complete the assessment instructions
Responses to the questions may be typed or hand written
If hand written, writing must be legible and in pen NOT pencil
Use of correct grammar and spelling is required to demonstrate foundational
Use of APA referencing must be used where original sources other than your
own have been used – to avoid plagiarism
Write your name, student ID, the assessment task and the name of the unit of
competency on each piece of paper you attach to this assessment document
You answer all questions correctly to achieve a satisfactory result
Submit to your trainer/assessor by the due date
This scenario assessment task contributes to 40% of the overall grade for this unit
DUE DATE The trainer/assessor will inform you of the date and time of the examination

Scenario One
Mrs Paula Jones is a 68 year old lady who was admitted to the ward for a left below knee amputation. Paula has
Rheumatoid Arthritis and Type 1 Diabetes, insulin dependent who has had chronic leg ulcers on her left shin for
eleven months that are not healing. She has glaucoma and cataracts in both eyes, leaving her with poor eyesight
and peripheral neuropathy. Paula is non-compliant with her diabetic diet, she eats what she likes and does not
regularly check her blood sugar levels.
Paula lives alone but is supported by her two sons who live nearby. Her husband died four years ago. Her
extended family live in New Zealand.
Paula is recovering in the ward post the amputation. She is very upset about the amputation and not accepting of
it. She is resistant to adhering to a diabetic diet, despite the efforts of the dietician and nursing staff. Her BSL’s
fluctuate as a result and she is on her regular insulin with a sliding scale.
Paula is managing her pain with Paracetamol and Ibuprofen, which is effective. Her left stump is bandaged and free
from infection. She is not sleeping well, making her tired during the day and reluctant to commence
Paula will be discharged to a rehabilitation centre to improve her independence with ADL’s prior to going home.

Student Assessment
HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing
HLTENN012 – Version 2.1 Jul 2017
Scenario 1: Part A
1. Develop a nursing care plan for her admission using the nursing process. The care plan must contain at
least 2 nursing interventions
2. Outline a health teaching plan for Paula that prepares her for discharge to rehabilitation and then home.
3. Explain the ways/strategies that you can implement to evaluate Paula’s understanding of her chronic
problems in consultation with interdisciplinary health team.
Scenario 1: Part B
1. Identify and describe Paula’s condition and chronic health problems. Research and describe the possible
impact of at least two of the identified conditions on body systems and explain how these can affect a
person’s ability to perform daily living activities.
2. List and describe at least 2 clinical manifestations of diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis and their long-term
effects on the body’s systems.
3. Explain three available resources and support services available to Paula upon her discharge from the
rehabilitation centre to home.
4. Discuss the physical, psychological, emotional, social and financial impact Paula’s chronic health problems
and recent amputation has on her ADLs and her family

Student Assessment
HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing
HLTENN012 – Version 2.1 Jul 2017
Scenario Two
Mr Shane Gillespie is an 80 year old male, admitted to the ward via A&E with exacerbation of COPD and
abrasions to his left shin and elbow and a cut to the forehead following a fall.
Shane lives alone and up until now has managed with the assistance of home help (cleaning services) and meals on
wheels for lunch. His wife has dementia and lives in a nursing home within walking distance from his home. He
has a two very supportive neighbours who visit daily, bring him the newspaper and stay for a chat. He has one
daughter who lives interstate and another who lives 1.5 hours away.
Shane is emaciated and admits he does not like preparing meals and only eats the lunch delivered by meals on
wheels. He has a dosette box for his medication, but he is increasingly forgetting to take them or mixing up the
days and times.
Shane has recently found it difficult with activities like showering and dressing and walking to the letter box due
to experiencing shortness of breath. He has been unable to visit his wife for a few weeks due to his increasing
shortness of breath.
Shane is an ex-smoker of 25 cigarettes/day for 46 years, he stopped smoking 20 years ago. He has a history of
chronic asthma (since childhood) and epilepsy.
On arrival his vital signs are:
RR – 30 bpm
HR – 100 bpm
BP – 190/100 mmHg
2 – 87%
Temp – 38.3
1. Briefly describe Shane’s condition and chronic health problems including chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease and chronic asthma.
2. List and describe five clinical manifestations of COPD and long-term effects on the body’s systems.
3. List three each and explain the role of other services and health care workers who will be involved in his
4. Discuss the impacts of chronic disease: physical, emotional, social and psychological.

Student Assessment
HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing
HLTENN012 – Version 2.1 Jul 2017
Assessment Task 2-Scenarios – checklist
Trainer/assessor to document the students’ knowledge as relevant to the summative assessment. Indicate in
the table below if the learner is deemed satisfactory (S) or not satisfactory (NS) for the activity or if
reassessment is required

Student’s name
Assessor’s name
Unit of Competence
(Code and Title)
Date(s) of assessment
Have all questions been answered in Both scenarios, as required to assess the
competency of the student?
Yes No
(Please circle)
Has sufficient evidence and information been provided by the student for all
questions in Scenario 1 and scenario 2?
Yes No
(Please circle)
Provide your comments here:
The Student’s
performance was:
Not yet satisfactory Satisfactory
If not yet satisfactory, date for reassessment:
Feedback to learner:

Student Assessment
HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing
HLTENN012 – Version 2.1 Jul 2017

Instructions for
Read the case report details provided and complete the assessment instructions
Responses to the questions may be typed or hand written
If hand written, writing must be legible and in pen NOT pencil
Use of correct grammar and spelling is required to demonstrate foundational
Use of APA referencing must be used where original sources other than your
own have been used – to avoid plagiarism
Write your name, student ID, the assessment task and the name of the unit of
competency on each piece of paper you attach to this assessment document
You answer all questions correctly to achieve a satisfactory result
Submit to your trainer/assessor by the due date
This scenario assessment task contributes to 30% of the overall grade for this unit
Due Date To be submitted to the trainer/assessor within five days of professional practice

You are required to discuss evidenced based nursing practice for TWO patients, with chronic health problems,
you cared for during your professional practice.
You will be required to access the patient’s medical records to prepare for your case report for both patients.
Please maintain patient’s anonymity at all times
Use a pseudonym name for the patients that is not identifiable and state this in your case report
Be careful not to include any information that my identify the patient including places, dates, time, events
The case report should include information related to
only ONE patient (word limit less than 70 words
1. Brief introduction (one paragraph)
2. Presenting complaint, assessment data and diagnosis
3. Past medical and health history including medications
4. Discuss the clinical manifestations of the chronic health problems on the body systems
5. Identify two (2) actual and two (2) potential health issues of the patient
6. Explain current treatments for the identified chronic problems. Name and explain a few resources and
support services which can be utilised to meet patient’s care needs.
7. Answer following:

Student Assessment
HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing
HLTENN012 – Version 2.1 Jul 2017
a. Identify two (2) nursing interventions you performed based on the patient’s needs according to
continuum of chronic disease
b. Discuss the patient’s (as appropriate, with family or carer to confirm their) understanding of the
conditions and its impact.
c. List other agencies and interdisciplinary team members involved in supporting patient’s care.
8. Formulate an action plan for the patient which includes referral to community support services or
rehabilitation services or other support services as needed
9. Explain how you actively involved the patient in the development of strategies to manage their condition.
Write what progress notes documentation you did for this patient.
10. Explain how did you identify and meet own role and responsibilities in communicating and reporting the
person’s response to nursing interventions.
11. Enlist at least any two variations in person’s needs and explain your response to these variations in the
context of a coordinated service approach.
12. Explain what and how you identified the level and type of contribution and support made by family or
Support your case report with reference to current literature. (Minimum 2 literature and maximum of 4

Student Assessment
HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing
HLTENN012 – Version 2.1 Jul 2017

Assessment Checklist S = Satisfactory
NS = Not
Case report includes all following: S NS
1 = Introduction
2 = Current admission diagnosis and medications
3 = Past medical history including medications
4 = Discussion of clinical manifestations of the patient’s chronic health problems
5 = Discussion of two actual and potential health issues
6 = current treatments for the identified chronic problems, few resources and
support services
7 = Nursing interventions according to continuum of chronic disease, patent’
understanding of the conditions and its impact.
8 Formulate an action plan
9 = Actively involved the patient
Academic writing and Referencing
Trainer’s comments:
Trainer’s Name_____________________ Trainer’s Signature_____________________
Learner’s Name_____________________ Learner’s Signature_____________________

Student Assessment
HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing
HLTENN012 – Version 2.1 Jul 2017

Please note : The following activities are to be demonstrated by the trainer
and performed by the student in the simulated laboratory, during the course
of unit delivery.
Total allocated lab
time for this unit:
8 Hours
Analysed health information and the clinical presentation of 1 person in the workplace or
simulated environment to reach an accurate conclusion on possible nursing interventions
related to their chronic health problems, in consultation with a registered nurse
Palliative care

Student Assessment
HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing
HLTENN012 – Version 2.1 Jul 2017

Instructions for
You are required to undertake professional practice as per the timetable
You must have been graded successful in your skills assessment prior to
commencing professional practice placement
You must have been graded successful in your assessments for all units of
competency prior to commencing professional practice
The SCEI work placement coordinator will arrange your work placement to
ensure it is undertaken in a SCEI approved Health Service.
Due Date The work placement booklet must be submitted to the trainer/assessor within
five days of completion of the work placement

Prior to attending professional practice you will be issued with a professional practice booklet. This will outline:

the roles and responsibilities of you (the student), the nurse educator and host organization
the skills you will be observed and assessed performing
Assessment tasks to complete prior to work placement and during professional practice.

It is expected during the professional practice placement the student will consistently demonstrate achievement
of the required skills and knowledge as set out below.
Please refer to the professional practice booklet
for further details of the professional practice and the assessment requirements.
There must be evidence that the candidate has:

Undertaken nursing work in accordance with Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia professional practice
standards, codes and guidelines
Analysed health information and the clinical presentation of 1 person in the workplace or simulated
environment to reach an accurate conclusion on possible nursing interventions related to their chronic
health problems, in consultation with a registered nurse
Performed nursing interventions in the workplace to contribute to the support of 2 people who have

chronic health problems.
Student Assessment
HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing
HLTENN012 – Version 2.1 Jul 2017
Assessment Criteria
It is critical that the candidate demonstrate the ability to effectively do the task outlined in elements and
performance criteria of this unit, manage the task and manage contingencies in the context of the identified work
role. This includes the ability to:
Apply professional standards of practice:
ANMC code of conduct
ANMC code of ethics
ANMC national Enrolled/Division 2 nurse competency standards
state/territory Nurse Regulatory Nurses Act
state/territory Nursing and Midwifery Regulatory Authority standards of practice
scope of nursing practice decision making framework

Skills must have been demonstrated in the workplace with the addition of simulations and scenarios
where the full range of contexts and situations cannot be provided in the workplace. The following
conditions must be met for this unit:
use of suitable facilities, equipment and resources in accordance with the Australian Nursing

and Midwifery Accreditation Council’s Standards including:
assessment data
progressive notes of a de-identified person’s medical history
organisation policy and procedures on which the candidate bases the planning
Modelling of industry operating conditions including access to real people for
simulations and scenarios in enrolled nursing work.
analysed health information and the clinical presentation of 1 person in the workplace or simulated
environment to reach an accurate conclusion on possible nursing interventions related to their chronic
health problems, in consultation with a registered nurse
Performed nursing interventions in the workplace to contribute to the support of 2 people who have
chronic health problems.
Use effective communication skills
Use language, literacy and numeracy competence as required
Student Assessment
HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing
HLTENN012 – Version 2.1 Jul 2017

Sno. There must be evidence that the candidate has: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
1 Undertaken nursing work in accordance with Nursing
and Midwifery Board of Australia professional practice
standards, codes and guidelines
o o
2 Analysed health information and the clinical presentation
of 1 person in the workplace or simulated environment
to reach an accurate conclusion on possible nursing
interventions related to their chronic health problems,
in consultation with a registered nurse
o o
3 Performed nursing interventions in the workplace to
contribute to the support of 2 people who have chronic
health problems.
o o
Trainer’s Comments:
Trainer’s Name_____________________ Trainer’s Signature_____________________
Learner’s Name_____________________ Learner’s Signature_____________________
Date: ____________


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