Develop their critical thinking and research design skills

149 views 10:10 am 0 Comments September 16, 2023

PSYC5010 Assessment 2
Ethics Portfolio
Word Limit: 1500 words; No +/- 10% on this word limit
Weighting: 40% of final mark
Due date: Sunday of Week 5 by 11:59pm.
The aim of this assessment is to provide students with the opportunity to develop
their critical thinking and research design skills, and to raise awareness of the
complexity of ethical issues involved in conducting research in psychology.
You are required to write an ethics proposal for a research idea that will be submitted
to the UNSW Human Research Ethics committee. You will need to use the “Ethics
Proposal Template” document to complete this assignment task. This template
indicates the information required in your proposal along with the word limit for each
You can choose to write your ethics proposal using your own research idea or you
may choose one of the following ideas.
Examining whether incorporating therapeutic strategies that improve emotion
regulation into standard treatment for individuals with Post-Traumatic Stress
Disorder (PTSD) affect treatment outcomes.
Examining the influence of consuming Mediterranean diet on symptom
severity in individuals with Schizophrenia.
Examining the relationship of parent-child attachment at 5 years of age and
psychopathy and/or problem behaviours at 15 to 18 years of age.
Examining the relationship between social media use and psychopathology in
children aged 10 to 13 years of age.
Examining the effect of stress and social isolation arising from the COVID-19
pandemic during pregnancy on memory development across childhood.
Your portfolio must include the following:
A brief literature review that highlights the gap in the literature to be filled by
your research
A clear identification of the research aims and hypotheses
A brief description of the research methods
Identification of the relevant ethical issues related to the project and an
explanation of how each issue will be addressed.
Your assignment should be formatted according to
APA 7th edition. Your
assignment should be double spaced.
You must include both in-text citations and a final reference list formatted according
APA 7th edition formatting.
Academic integrity
Your assessment should be your own independent work and will be checked for
similarity with other sources using the plagiarism checking software. By submitting
the assessment to the Turnitin link you are acknowledging that your assessment is

your own work. (Please keep in mind that you can be picked up for self-plagiarism,
thus you should not use a research idea that you have submitted for a previous
course to ensure you do not inadvertently self-plagiarise).
Your assessment will be marked according the marking rubric. Please read through
the rubric so that you aware of what is required for each criterion.
Late Penalties
Late submissions will incur a penalty of 5% per day (including weekends). The final
day late submissions
with special consideration will be accepted is Wednesday of
Week 6 by 11:59pm. The final day for submission is Friday of Week 6 by 5:00 pm.
Failure to submit your assessment will result in automatic failure of the course. You
must attempt all assessments in order to be eligible to pass this course.
Special Consideration
If you experience unexpected misadventure you may apply for special consideration
using the special consideration portal on myUNSW. You must have official
documentation to support your application. Please refer to the Program Guide and
course outline for more information about this process.

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