Develop professional communication

153 views 9:25 am 0 Comments August 19, 2023

Cover page

Table of contents

Introduction: explain what the report would cover such as evaluation of learning, career action plan, etc.

Task one (25 marks)

Having worked as part of the team solving your client’s business problem, this task requires YOU to reflect on the process and evaluate your learning and your skills development. For example,

Which skills have you developed and/or enhanced as a result of the project? (skills) The project should have facilitated you develop professional communication as you interacted with your client, time management as you had tight timeline, team working & leadership quality through group work and analytical skill as you had to provide innovative solution. Similarly, think about other skills which you may have developed from the project.

What do you know now that you didn’t know at the start of the process? (knowledge) For example,

what you learnt about the Higher education recruitment and the challenges for HR in this regard, etc. (HR brief)

Competition in the Higher Education market (Marketing brief)

Challenges of managing a project (all briefs)

Similarly, think about other learnings that took place.

To what extent has your level of confidence improved? Your confidence may have improved as you communicated with your client, completed the project on time, etc.

How could you use your learning in your future career? for example, you can lead a project in your professional life as you have developed leadership qualities.

Your critical evaluation should be supported with examples. Therefore, please do not just say you developed communication skill rather say something like ‘…….the engagement in team and supervisor meeting have helped me gain communication skill ………...’’

Task two (10 marks) Identify 3 skills that you need improvement on for you to be successful in your business career. Propose a plan of action for filling these gaps/developing these areas. For example,


Actions to be taken


Sales and marketing skills

Task three (40 marks including appendix 1) (please read with appendix 1) Create a table:

Appendix 1 (40 marks including task 3)

Insert a screenshot of a graduate level job advert including the job description/person specification

Create a CV which is specifically tailored to the selected job

Showing the key skills/qualities that the organisation is looking for (obtain the information from the selected job advert which should be inserted in appendix 1)

copy and paste the section from your CV which addresses these requirements

For example:

Skills/ qualities (taken from the job advert)

Information in CV

Communication skills

I have gained communication skills from my engagement in groupworks during my studies.

(Task 4) Create or update your LinkedIn profile to ensure it is fully reflects your current situation.

(15 marks), Appendix 2

Copy and paste your LinkedIn profile. Your profile should include:

Your photo,

headline and summary,

education, skills (at least 4),

groups (at least 2)

Companies (at least 2.)


Please MUST include the appendices as the section carries 55% marks shared with task 3

(10 marks is designated for written communication)

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