173 views 9:06 am 0 Comments October 19, 2023

Section 1:  Draft a complex workplace document (procedure)


Following on from the WHS consultation meeting regarding the proposed Occupational Therapy Services (Task 4 – Toolbox Talk), you have been asked to draft a procedure on ‘Accessing Workplace Occupational Therapy’. This procedure will form part of AWC’s Rehabilitation Policy and Workplace Health and Safety Management System (WHSMS). The procedure must detail the process of accessing the option that was agreed upon during the toolbox talk.

Remember the OT options were:

  1. During work hours – up to a maximum of 30 mins/day and up to twice per week


  1. Outside of work hours – up to a maximum of 45 mins/day and up to three times per week

This draft document will be reviewed by the state WHS manger before implementation. A per AWCs Document Control and Record Keeping Standard you must apply a unique identifier – the unique identifier for this procedure is AWC-WHSMS-PRO-002

Section 2:  Review a draft procedure


When developing any type of workplace document, it’s important it is reviewed to ensure the structure and format of the document is easy to read and applies the organisational style guide. In this section you are required to review one of your peer’s drafted Accessing Workplace Occupational Therapy procedures. To do this you must:

  • Swap your draft Accessing Workplace Occupational Therapy Procedure with a work peer (this is another member of the class)
  • Download AWC’s Document Review Form – name this file ‘Document Review for [name of document author] – [your name]’
  • Review the draft procedure you have been provided with. When reviewing you must:
    • Read the document thoroughly and identify any gaps in required data, information, and knowledge
    • Make sure the document meets AWCs standards and is of similar complexity to other procedures in AWC’s WHSMS
    • Check grammar, spelling and style for accuracy and punctuation
    • Complete AWC’s Document Review Form. You must provide constructive feedback (provide them with at least one suggestion on how they can improve the document)
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