Develop a multithreaded database

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DUE DATE: 11:59 PM (before Midnight) on Wed Mar 31 2021
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CSE-381: Systems 2
Homework #9
Due: Wed April 7 2021 before 11:59 PM
Email-based help Cutoff: 5:00 PM on Tue, April 6 2021
Maximum Points for: 34 points

The objective of this part of the homework is to develop a multithreaded database:
Enable multithreaded select and update operations to a multithreaded database
Enable wait select and wait update operations using condition variables
Limit number of threads to mitigate DoS attacks
Work with different classes and data types to build strength is problem-solving
Understand functional testing with multithreaded programs
Do not use global variables


Submission Instructions
This homework assignment must be turned-in electronically via the CODE Canvas plug-in. First
ensure your program compiles without any warnings or style violations. Ensure you have tested
operations of your program as indicated. Once you have tested your implementation, upload just
your updated source files
SQLAir.h and SQLAir.cpp.
General Note: Upload each file individually to Canvas. Do not upload archive file formats such
as zip/tar/gz/7zip/rar etc.

Grading Rubric:

The programs submitted for this homework must pass necessary base case test(s)
in order to qualify for earning any score at all
. Programs that do not meet base
case requirements will be assigned zero score!
Program that do not compile, have a method longer than 25 lines or badly
formatted code as in } } }, etc.
, or some skeleton code will be assigned zero score.

Point distribution for features:
o Base case: Complete implementation of selectQuery and updateQuery
methods to process multithreaded queries [12 points]
o Additional feature #1: Extend selectQuery and updateQuery methods to
wait-and-try (sleep-wake-up) until at least 1 row is selected or updated [
10 points]
o Additional feature #2: Limit number of background threads to mitigate Denial of
Service (DoS) attacks using sleep-wake-up approach [
6 points].
o Formatting, Good organization, code reuse, documentation, etc. – earned fully
only if all of the functionality are attempted
: [2 + 2 + 2 = 6 points].
-1 Points: for each warning generated by the compiler when using Miami University C++
project (warnings are most likely sources of errors in C++ programs)
-30 Points: If global variables (without namespaces) are used.
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Develop a multithreaded SQL-like database program
Background & setup
This project requires you to continue to add features to the SQLAir multithreaded database. The
project has been developed with the following objectives:
Combines the key topics learned in this course (and in pre-requisite courses).
Remember: CSE graduates don’t just use databases (ISA, Stats, and many other disciples
also use many different databases), they build it – building systems is the hallmark of a
CSE graduate that makes you unique.
Provides a very interesting project to showcase your learning on your resumes and during
job interviews.

An updated zip file is provided with the solution from previous part of this
You may reuse your solution from previous part, but ensure you get
the new set of test files & updated
getAndLoad method from the zip.

An overview of the project, the processing of setting up the project, and testing are demonstrated
SQLAir Overview video on Canvas. Please review the video for the following information.
The time (in
minute:second) format where each topic starts in the video is listed below:
Why this project – Time: 1:45 (1 minute, 45 seconds into the video)
Demo of SQL Air – Time: 3:15
Setting up SQL Air project in NetBeans – Time: 6:10
Overview of starter code – Time: 10:18
Code overview in NetBeans – Time: 13:41
Review using debugger – Time: 15:11
Multithreaded testing of SQL Air – Time: 17:50
Base case: MT-safe selectQuery and updateQuery methods [12 points]
Part #1: Complete implementation of updateQuery method:
1. Count and print the number of rows updated at the end of the updateQuery method in
the format – “
5 row(s) updated.”.
2. Implement feature to handle
where clause (i.e., the whereColIdx parameter is not -1)
with 3 different conditions (‘
=’, ‘<>’, and ‘like’) in a query, as in “update
test.csv set raters=3 where title like ‘The’;
”. See
SQLAirBase::matches helper method. For this feature you only print rows with
column-values (
i.e., value in column indicated by whereColIdx) that match the given
condition. See
SQLAirBase::matches helper method. Note that given a row, you
can get value via
3. Of course, you can use the
selectQuery method to help guide your implementation.
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Sample test and output:

$ sql-air> select title, rating, raters from test.csv where movieid = 193579;
title rating raters
Jon Stewart Has Left the Building 3.5 1
1 row(s) selected.
update test.csv set rating=3.25, raters=3 where movieid = 193579;
1 row(s) updated.
select title, rating, raters from test.csv where movieid = 193579;
title rating raters
Jon Stewart Has Left the Building 3.25 3
1 row(s) selected.

Part #2: Make select and update queries MT-safe:
1. Lock-and-unlock each row (see CSVRow::rowMutex) prior to processing. Locking at
the row-level is pretty standard in databases and provides a better balance (when
compared to locking a whole
CSV) between performance and thread-safety (i.e., avoiding
race conditions).
2. Ensure you keep your critical sections as short as possible. Do not do I/O in your critical
1. For the
selectQuery method it would be better to make a copy of the row
(inside your critical section) you are operating on and use the copy for I/O outside
the critical section.
3. To further minimize unnecessary I/O,
modify the selectQuery to print column titles
only if at least 1-row is selected.
Automated multithreading test:
Use the supplied mt_tester program to do multithreading testing as follows:
1. First run the your SQL Air serer on a given port number by specifying the port number as
a command-line argument (
e.g., ./sqlair 8080). Note: For each round of testing
below, you will need to stop and restart your server as the data is updated/changed in the
second test (
i.e., mt_sel_upd_tests.txt).
2. Next in a separate terminal run the
mt_tester program 2 separate times as shown below:

$ ./mt_tester tests/mt_select_tests.txt 8080
Finished block #0 testing phase.
Finished block #1 testing phase.
Testing completed.


$ ./mt_tester tests/mt_sel_upd_tests.txt 8080
Finished block #0 testing phase.
Finished block #1 testing phase.
Testing completed.

Additional feature #1: Wait-queries using sleep-wake up approach [10 points]
Background: Wait-queries are unique to SQLAir. In these queries, the user can request the
database to wait and retry
select or update operations until at least one row is selected or
updated. The wait-queries are specified by adding the wait clause to a select or update statements
as in:

sql-air> wait select * from test.csv where raters = 2;
wait update test.csv set rating=5 where raters = 3;

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Feature requirements
: The selectQuery and updateQuery methods accept a mustWait
flag. This flag is set to true when the user specifies a wait clause. Using the value of the
mustWait flag, the two methods must operate in the following manner:
1. If the
mustWait flag is false, then the methods must continue to operate the same
manner as in the previous part(s).
2. Else, if the
mustWait flag is true, then the methods must try to select/update a CSV
until at least 1 row is selected/updated, while honoring any conditions specified via a
where clause. If no rows were selected/updated then the methods must wait and retry
the operation after an update has occurred to the specific
CSV (indicating some data has
changed and the queries may succeed).
o For the sleep-wake up approach use CSV::csvMutex and
CSV::csvCondVar (already in the starter code).
o For this project, use an unconditional wait – i.e., csvCondVar.wait(lock)
in both select and update options (or their helper methods based on your
o Since we don’t know which conditions change, use notify_all() to wake-up
all awaiting threads after an
update or wait update statement updates at
least 1 row.
Manual Testing:
For initial testing, it would be easiest to use two separate tabs
in a web-browser as demonstrated in the adjacent video:
1. In the first tab run a
wait select or wait
2. After that, in second tab run an
update statement
that changes the data.
3. Once the data is changed, the query in the first tab
should show updated results.

Despite all the testing, it still takes a human to review a program to decide if a program is
correctly multithreaded. Hence, the even if your program passes all the tests in the CODE
plug-in it could still be incorrectly multithreaded. Consequently, double-check your
solution to ensure you are correctly multithreading your program in order to earn full
points for this homework.

Automated testing:
Use the supplied mt_tester program to do multithreading testing as follows:
1. First run the your SQL Air serer on a given port number by specifying the port number as
a command-line argument (
e.g., ./sqlair 8080). Note: For each round of testing
below, you will need to stop and restart your after each test.
2. Next in a separate terminal run the
mt_tester program as shown below:

$ ./mt_tester tests/mt_wait_sel_tests.txt 8080
Finished block #0 testing phase.
Finished block #1 testing phase.
Finished block #2 testing phase.
Finished block #3 testing phase.
Finished block #4 testing phase.
Finished block #5 testing phase.

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Finished block #6 testing phase.
Finished block #7 testing phase.
Testing completed.

3. Stop and restart your server and run the mt_tester program as shown below:

$ ./mt_tester tests/mt_sel_upd_tests.txt 8080
Finished block #0 testing phase.
Finished block #1 testing phase.
Finished block #2 testing phase.
Finished block #3 testing phase.
Finished block #4 testing phase.
Finished block #5 testing phase.
Testing completed.

Additional feature #2: Limit number of background threads [6 points]
In the previous multithreading features the maximum number of detached threads were not
limited (to keep the problem simple). Unlimited threading leaves the server highly susceptible to
Denial-of-Service (DOS) attacks, which is a big cybersecurity issue. Hence, in this feature you
are required to limit the maximum number of detached threads to be fewer than the
parameter to the runServer method using a Sleep-Wake-up approach. The solution must use
a Sleep-Wake-up approach to earn any points for this feature
Implementation suggestions
There are already a couple of variables and tips (see documentation for the variables) to
implement this feature:
1. See atomic variable
numThreads in SQLAir.h header. Increment and decrement this
variable appropriately when a thread is started/stops.
2. See
thrCond condition variable (in SQLAir.h). You can use this condition variable to
wait until the number of detached threads is less than
Manual Testing
There isn’t a good approach to automatically test this feature. You have to manually test this
feature via:
1. Limit the number of threads to 2 and run
your server:

$ ./sqlair 8080 2

2. Next, use 2 separate tabs on a web-browser
to run
wait select queries that will
wait forever. These two queries will now
hold-up the 2 background threads.
3. Now, open a 3
rd tab and try to access the server. You should notice the web-page does not
load (because we have limited to 2 threads and the server has run out of threads to service
the 3
rd request).
Note: This feature is not automatically testable and requires manual code review. Hence, on
Canvas, the results from this test may appear to fail and that is ok.

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Submit to Canvas
This homework assignment must be turned-in electronically via CODE Canvas plug-in. Ensure all
of your program(s) compile without any warnings or style violations and operate correctly. Once
you have tested your implementation, upload:
1. Your updated source files
SQLAir.h and SQLAir.cpp,
Upload each file associated with homework (or lab exercises) individually to Canvas. Do not
upload archive file formats such as zip/tar/gz/7zip/rar etc.

Despite all the testing, it still takes a human to review a program to decide if a program is
correctly multithreaded. Hence, the even if your program passes all the tests in the CODE
plug-in it could still be incorrectly multithreaded. Consequently, double-check your
solution to ensure you are correctly multithreading your program in order to earn full
points for this homework.


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