Design a system

109 views 10:02 am 0 Comments July 29, 2023


Assessment Description

You are required to design a system that can perform the above activities and maintain aSample Page database containing data relevant to those activities. Carry out “process modelling” and “data modelling” to achieve this purpose.

Content and Structure: You are required to submit a report of at least 800 words excluding references.

Provide a justification of why this system needs to be developed and ensure that you are professionally convincing to senior management.

Provide a description of the business case and justification about the business benefits from implementing this system.

Describe the project scope and provide a brief cost and schedule analysis.

Create a Use Case diagram to show the actors and a sequence diagram for at least one of the processes

Develop data flow diagram (DFD level 0 and Context Diagram with at least 1 process exploded).

Prepare entity relationship diagram, to model the data requirement relevant to this system. Make use of Crow’s foot notations in ER diagram. Indicate Primary and Foreign keys clearly. Make sure the data is in 2nd Normal Form.

Create 3 screen interfaces a (main menu, an input screen and a report).

Create a Gantt chart to show the project schedule in Excel or MS Project


Case study

Medicos, a multi-specialty hospital, prides on providing excellent medical services to their patients. They are using the information system to keep track of its day to day activities and records of their wards, doctors, patients and staff. The system provides various functionalities to keep the hospital running smoothly by managing information effectively. Consider the following set of information given to you:

• A hospital consists of various specialised wards like oncology, ICU, Surgical, maternity etc.

• Each ward hosts a number of patients. Information stored about wards includes ward number, name, facilities and number of beds.

• Patients get admitted to hospital on the recommendation of their own GP. Patients are characterized by unique patient Number, name, address, contact number, email and sex.

• Patient can be treated by only one doctor. The doctor checks up patient’s clinical condition and according to the condition the doctor either prescribes medicine or admits the patient in the concerned ward.

• Information kept about prescription includes unique number and medicine prescribed.

• A doctor is referenced by doctor number, name, phone, qualification, specialty and address.

• A patient might get admitted many times in hospital and in different wards depending on the clinical condition gets treated each time.

• When a patient gets admitted, he/she assigned a bed in specific ward. Information stored about patient admission includes admission date, symptoms, and clinical condition.

• A doctor writes one or many prescriptions to a patient. Information kept about prescription includes unique prescription number, date when it was written, and medicine.

• After the treatment is completed, the doctor discharges the patient. Before discharge from the hospital, the patient needs to pay bill. Bill contains test charges, operation charges (if any), doctor’s charges and bed charges.


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