Demonstrate your understanding of Capacity building

143 views 10:34 am 0 Comments July 28, 2023

This essay allows you to demonstrate your understanding of Capacity building in Aboriginal and Torres Strait IslanderHuman Computer Interaction Communities, and why community development of this kind is an appropriate approach in these communities.

It also allows you to demonstrate your ability to analyse community development programs and their impacts in the areas of culture, education and employment amongst disadvantaged and marginalised groups.


[AP1]This is from the Learning Outcomes.

Essay question:

For this assessment, you are required to discuss each point:

In the context of Community Development, what is Capacity Building?

Why is this important when working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities?

Briefly outline the current experiences and ongoing impacts of colonisation on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities.

Research one (1) Community Development project which focuses on culture, education or employment in an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community.

Discuss how this project is relevant and supportive to the Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander community.

Students need to demonstrate how it is a good example of capacity building. How were people from the Aboriginal community trained and or employed to run the project or to increase their capacities to live, work, participate in culture etc. Did they attain any kind of leadership in the program?

You also need to reference the website for the project.

Along with other resources, please be sure to include suggested references from this unit outline, and resources from your weekly readings.

You must use APA 7 referencing. Your essay should include at least 5 scholarly journal articles that you have read, in addition to any textbook references.

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