150 views 10:30 am 0 Comments September 28, 2023

Weighting: 35%
Due date: Week 6 – Friday 25th August 2023
Submission: Moodle and Turnitin
Word limit: 1400 words
APST assessed: 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 3.3, 4.1
Subject Learning Outcomes assessed: 1 and 2
Task description
For the purpose of this assessment you are asked to select and critically review a children’s movie and draw on
this to design a lesson plan around a social justice concept that could be used in an early childhood or primary
school context. In responding to this task, it would be helpful for students to consider the assessment as
consisting of 2 parts.
What is required
Part 1: Practical component (20%)
The practical component of the assessment asks students to provide a lesson plan that could be used to teach
a social justice concept. A lesson plan template will be provided on Moodle and students will need to include
the following details:
a. Their chosen social justice concept
b. Two learning intentions this plan will introduce/teach to children
c. Two modes of delivery this plan will use to supplement the chosen movie
d. How the lesson plan will be implemented – where, when, how often, environment set up and materials
and resources
e. Two intentional teaching techniques
f. Clear links to
one of the following Practice Principles of the VEYLDF for each mode of delivery:
Reflective practice
Respectful relationships and responsive engagement
Equity and diversity
g. Clear links to
one of the following General Capabilities of the Australian Curriculum for each mode of
Critical and creative thinking
Ethical Understanding
Intercultural Understanding
Please note that the practical component will be attached as an appendix and will not be included in the
overall word count. However, clarity and succinctness will be weighted within the 20% value of Part 1.
Part 2 Written component (80%)
The written component should include the following:
An outline the rationale for points a-g in the lesson template (15%)
A critical analysis of the movie paying close attention to the storyline and the language and images
used and interrogate which characters, values and beliefs are silenced or privileged (20%)
A discussion of how contemporary theoretical frameworks could be used to disrupt dominant
discourses (15%)
Makes clear links to specific curricula areas the movie could be used with a supporting rationale (15%)
Evidence of academic writing style with attention to grammar and spelling (10%)
A correctly formatted reference page that includes a minimum of three readings from the
EDU206 subject outline and/or Moodle site

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