Credit And lending decision Assignment

140 views 7:51 am 0 Comments October 18, 2023

1. Would you grant the loan requested by Mr. Ball? If so, on what terms and |
conditions? |
2. Why does this company need this level of financing? :
3. What special risks do you see in this situation:

  • To the bank?
  • To the company?Part B: Artificial Intelligence and Credit Decisions
    Part B is designed to develop skills in assessing and providing insights into how technological developments will impact the banking sector. It will involve a literature search, synthesising the findings, and presenting a succinctly written essay briefing note.! Incorporating current trends and communicating the findings and conclusions to senior management is an important employability skill.

Use Townson’s (2020) “AI can make bank loans more fair” and the article by
Berrada et al. (2022), “A review of Artificial Intelligence approach for credit risk
assessment,” as starting points in your analyses. Furthermore, relate the issues provided by the articles to the Singaporean banking sector and the material presented – in the BUS308 unit.

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