Course Assignment Assignment

198 views 9:20 am 0 Comments November 17, 2023

Assignment Task:
cuts across departmental boundaries with an interdependent relationship between marketing and operations, requiring that they communicate, share their knowledge and experience to inform what the organization produces and delivers to the customer.” (Piercy, 2007)

Critically examine the role of operations and marketing within your chosen
organization in terms of how it helps the organization to build and maintain
a competitive advantage. You need to examine from both a marketing and operations perspective. Some areas that you might consider, but you are not limited to, include:

 Examine the extent to which operations and marketing work together to develop competitive advantage. What are the benefits to this interface in helping to develop competitive advantage?
 How successful is the interface between the organisation’s marketing and
operations strategies to develop / maintain competitive advantage? Where and how can improvements be made to these strategies?
 Consider if there are any conflicts / challenges that occur between the two
functions in developing and maintaining competitive advantage. How have these conflicts / challenges been overcome (or how might they be overcome)?

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