Core Essay

172 views 9:15 am 0 Comments October 18, 2023

Choose a common core curriculum from a foreign university. Do not choose the common core curriculum of the Singaporean branch/campus of a foreign university. Please bear in mind that the common core curriculum is common to all undergraduates, regardless of their disciplinary specializations. Do not choose a core curriculum that is specific to a particular program and not common to all undergraduates in the university. If you are unsure if you have chosen a common core curriculum, please approach your instructor for assistance. Examine your selected common core curriculum carefully should be in a single report that addresses the following three issues:

a. What does the common core curriculum tell you about the common motivations that drive working and/or learning in the university’s country?

b. What does the common core curriculum tell you about the commonly promoted ideal characteristics of workers and/or learners in the university’s country?

c. Identify and explain the broader contexts (e.g. political, social, economic, historical, technological, etc.) specific to the university’s country that have possibly shaped the common motivations and commonly promoted ideal characteristics discussed in a. and b. page3image23481536 You may structure/format your report in any way. It is not necessary to structure it in the form of a flowing essay.

You may, for example, express your thoughts in a bullet point list. Whatever you do, please ensure that your claims are presented clearly and backed with evidence.

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