Core Body of Knowledge

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ACS Core Body of Knowledge for ICT Professionals|V1.1|22 February 2019 Page 1
The ACS Core Body of Knowledge for
ICT Professionals (CBOK)

ACS Core Body of Knowledge for ICT Professionals|V1.1|22 February 2019 Page 2
Australian Computer Society Inc
ARBN 160 325 931
National Secretariat
Level 11, 50 Carrington Street, Sydney NSW 2000
PO Box Q534, Queen Victoria Building, Sydney
NSW 1230
T +61 2 9299 3666 | F +61 2 9299 3997
[email protected]
© 2015 Australian Computer Society
Data in this publication, and this publication itself, are copyright. Other than for the purposes of and subject to the
conditions prescribed under the Copyright Act, no part of it may be in any form or by any means (electronic,
mechanical, micro-copying, photocopying, recording or otherwise) be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or
transmitted without prior written permission.
Skills Framework for the Information Age
This publication contains information from the Skills Framework for the Information Age with the permission of the
SFIA Foundation.

ACS Core Body of Knowledge for ICT Professionals|V1.1|22 February 2019 Page 3
1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………4
1.1 Using this document……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..4
2. Acronyms………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….5
3. Authority ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….5
4. Purpose ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………5
5. Scope ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….5
6. The ICT Profession ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..6
6.1 Defining the ICT Profession ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………6
6.2 Definition of an ICT Professional …………………………………………………………………………………………………….7
6.3 ICT Graduate Attributes…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………8
7. Knowledge Areas: CBOK……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..9
7.1 Essential Core ICT Knowledge ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..9
7.2 General ICT Knowledge ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….11
8. Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………13
9. Appendices ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..14
Appendix A. Mapping of General ICT knowledge against SFIA categories ………………………………………………..14
Appendix B. ICT Occupations Contained within ANZSCO……………………………………………………………………….16
Appendix C. Graduate attributes – Adapted from the Australian Qualifications Framework………………………17
Appendix D. Graduate attributes – Seoul Accord………………………………………………………………………………….18
Appendix E. Graduate attributes – SFIA Responsibility Matrix ……………………………………………………………….19
10. Version Control………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………20

ACS Core Body of Knowledge for ICT Professionals|V1.1|22 February 2019 Page 4
There are 600,000 ICT workers in Australia with 52% employed in industries outside of ICT itself1. There are
over 2 million trading businesses in Australia, with only 4% employing twenty or more staff
2. This diversity
results in a high degree of variability of competencies and skills applied within occupations. Larger
organisations tend to employ specialists, while smaller organisations require employees with a breadth of ICT
skills and not necessarily the depth expected in larger organisations.
One approach towards establishing a CBOK is to develop a set of knowledge requirements for each specific
domain area (for example, distinguishing between computer science and information systems). In an
environment of rapid technological innovation, this requires continual monitoring to ensure the knowledge
areas remain current, with the risk being that updates are too slow to respond to changes in ICT occupation
An alternative approach is to specify common skills that all ICT professionals must hold and then require
additional skills to specialise in specific ICT occupations (see Appendix A).
The second approach is adopted in this revision of the CBOK to enhance flexibility and best support variances in
localised occupation requirements across Australia.
1.1 Using this document
The CBOK has been developed as a framework for assessing capability across a variety of contexts such as the
education system and professional practice within industry.
This development has been informed by other frameworks such as the Australian Qualification Framework
(AQF) and the Skills Framework for the Information Age (SFIA), and mutual recognition arrangements such as
the Seoul Accord.
To maintain currency of the CBOK, other frameworks referenced are included in the appendices. The purpose
of this approach is to enable the CBOK to be updated immediately should one of these other frameworks be
modified, without the CBOK undergoing a review outside of its own maintenance cycle.
Deloitte Access Economics, Australia’s Digital Pulse 2015, p1.
ABS Cat. No. 8165.0[email protected]/mf/8165.0
ACS Core Body of Knowledge for ICT Professionals|V1.1|22 February 2019 Page 5

ACDICT Australian Council of Deans of ICT
ACPHIS Australian Council of Professors and Heads of Information Systems
ACS Australian Computer Society
ANZSCO Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations
AQF Australian Qualifications Framework
BCS British Computer Society
CBOK Core Body of Knowledge for ICT Professionals
CIPS Canadian Information Processing Society
COBIT Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology
ICT Information and Communication Technologies
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
ITIL Information Technology Infrastructure Library
SFIA Skills Framework for the Information Age

The Professional Standards Board is the delegated authority of ACS chartered for the development and
oversight of professional standards including ethics, the code of professional conduct and the disciplining of
members. Review and continuous improvement of the Core Body of Knowledge ICT Professionals (CBOK) rests
with the Professional Standards Board.
The CBOK is the framework used by ACS to determine whether an individual holds the appropriate knowledge
and can apply the appropriate skills for initial and ongoing professional practice.
The CBOK is used by ACS for the accreditation of degree and post-graduate degree programs of study (where
applicable), and for assessing capability through ACS professional certifications. Certified Professional is one of
a number of pre-requisites for inclusion in the ACS Professional Standards Scheme as covered by the
Professional Standards Act 1994 (NSW).

ACS Core Body of Knowledge for ICT Professionals|V1.1|22 February 2019 Page 6
Professions Australia defines a profession as being:
a disciplined group of individuals who adhere to ethical standards and who hold themselves out as,
and are accepted by the public as possessing special knowledge and skills in a widely recognised body
of learning derived from research, education and training at a high level, and who are prepared to
apply this knowledge and exercise these skills in the interest of others.
6.1 Defining the ICT Profession
Given the pervasiveness of ICT enabling all business operations, it is problematic to definitively define the ICT
profession. Occupations and professional ICT skills however provide a strong context. There are two
frameworks that assist with this context:
ANZSCO; a statistical classification used by Federal Government for jobs and occupations
The Skills Framework for the Information Age (SFIA).
ANZSCO is an Australian all of industry classification model and doesn’t necessarily represent contemporary ICT
occupation titles. Despite this, as it is used by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and reported on via data
captured through the national census, it is an important framework for understanding employment patterns
across ICT occupations. ICT occupations contained within ANZSCO can be reviewed in Appendix B.
SFIA is a mature framework having been first published in 2003 and undergoing regular reviews since that time.
It best represents the global nature of ICT profession given it’s adoption in nearly 200 countries.
Professionals purport to have specialist skills which can be relied upon. Consequently laws require that a
Professional exercises the required skill to an appropriate level expected by that profession. Any damage
arising from a failure by the Professional to exercise the required level of skill may mean that a legal judgement
is made against them if their lack of professionalism caused loss to others.
In Australia, ICT professionals do not require a licence to practice. To provide a form of self-regulation for the
profession, ACS has influenced professional standards for ICT through Professional Standards legislation and
the establishment of the ACS Professional Standards Scheme.
Professional Standards Schemes are legal instruments that bind occupational associations such as ACS to
monitor and improve the professional standards of their members in order to protect consumers of ICT
professional services.
Requirements of ACS to participate in the Scheme include having the following systems in place:
Admission requirements to the association
Continuing Professional Development (i.e. continuing occupational education) of its members
A publicly accessible Complaints and Discipline process
A Code of Ethics
Compulsory standards for Professional Indemnity Insurance for all its members, up to a specified level
of liability
Risk Management systems that monitor all of the above, and track claims made against any members
Professions Australia Definition;
ACS Core Body of Knowledge for ICT Professionals|V1.1|22 February 2019 Page 7
6.2 Definition of an ICT Professional
The historical entry point into a profession is through a relevant degree. ACS provides an accreditation service
to ensure ICT degrees are appropriate for initial professional practice.
In Australia however, 43% of workers in ICT occupations studied courses other than ICT or engineering
4. ACS
Professional Certifications provide the bridge between the historical entry point and current practice within the
ICT Industry. The International Standard, ISO/IEC 17024, alludes to why this bridge has presented itself:
“…it is necessary to distinguish between situations where certification schemes for persons are justified
and situations where other forms of qualification are more appropriate. The development of new
certification schemes for persons, in response to the ever increasing velocity of technological
innovation and growing specialization of personnel, may compensate for variations in education and
training and thus facilitate the global job market.” (p. iv)
The CBOK addresses these trends by ensuring all persons seeking professional membership of the ACS hold an
in-depth understanding of the skills and knowledge areas common to all ICT professional occupations. These
core knowledge areas are:
Problem solving, abstraction, design
Ethics & Professionalism
Teamwork concepts and issues
Interpersonal communication
Independent of any specific ICT occupation, an ICT professional is expected to hold an in-depth understanding
in each of these four areas.
At a minimum, they are also expected to have at least a conceptual understanding of the general ICT
knowledge areas (Technical Resources, Technology Building, and ICT Management).
In relation to ACS Professional Certifications, given that 43% of workers in ICT studied courses other than ICT or
engineering, an outputs based assessment method is adopted. That is, if a candidate can demonstrate
competency in the SFIA categories supported by the ACS General ICT Knowledge (see Appendix A), it is
assumed that the person has sufficient underlying ICT conceptual knowledge to satisfy the General ICT
Knowledge requirements.
Deloitte Access Economics, Australia’s Digital Pulse 2015, p1.
ACS Core Body of Knowledge for ICT Professionals|V1.1|22 February 2019 Page 8
6.3 ICT Graduate Attributes
Graduate attributes for initial professional practice in ICT form a set of individually-assessable outcomes that
are indicative of the potential competency of a professional beginning his/her professional practice. The
graduate attributes are exemplars of the attributes expected of a graduate from an accredited program. Each
attribute is a discrete statement of an expected capability, qualified, if necessary, by a range of indicators
appropriate to the type of program.
ACS Accreditation evaluates how ICT Graduate Attributes have been addressed by each program submitted for
accreditation. It also validates how each program addresses the CBOK core knowledge areas and general ICT
knowledge areas.
A qualification at AQF level 7 (or above) is a basic requirement for an ACS accredited program for initial
professional practice. Hence the AQF level 7 graduate attributes are adopted as the starting point (see
Appendix C). They are refined with knowledge specific requirements for the ICT industry.
ICT Graduate attributes:
1. Graduates will have broad and coherent knowledge and skills for ICT professional work and/or further
learning in a global economy
5. This knowledge should extend to being innovative and entrepreneurial
as appropriate to the ICT occupation they are pursuing.
2. Graduates will have broad and coherent theoretical and technical knowledge with depth in one or
more disciplines or areas of practice in ICT
3. Graduates will have well-developed cognitive, technical and communication skills to select and apply
methods and technologies to:
a. analyse and evaluate information to complete a range of activities in their ICT area of
b. analyse, generate and transmit solutions to unpredictable and sometimes complex ICT
c. transmit knowledge, skills and ideas to others
4. Graduates at this level will apply knowledge and skills to demonstrate autonomy, well-developed
judgement and responsibility:
a. in contexts that require self-directed work and learning
b. within broad parameters to provide specialist advice and functions
To support international mobility of ICT graduates, ACS participates in the Seoul Accord. The Accord provides
mutual recognition of accredited academic computing programs that prepare graduates for professional
practice. For comparative purposes, the Accord’s documented graduate attributes are summarised in Appendix
Graduates should have an understanding of working in a global ICT industry. This would include understanding issues such as cultural
differences, legal/regulatory differences, etc.

ACS Core Body of Knowledge for ICT Professionals|V1.1|22 February 2019 Page 9
The CBOK is used in two ways to support the accreditation and certification processes. It provides:
Essential Core ICT Knowledge required for any ICT professional. This includes ICT Professional
Knowledge and ICT Problem Solving.
General ICT Knowledge which provides graduates with a breadth of understanding of the ICT industry
regardless of his/her ICT job role. This includes Technical Resources, Technology Building, and ICT
7.1 Essential Core ICT Knowledge
All graduates are expected to have an in-depth understanding of two knowledge areas: ICT Professional
Knowledge and ICT Problem Solving.
This area includes:
Professional expectations
Teamwork concepts and issues
Interpersonal communication
Societal issues/legal issues/privacy
Understanding the ICT profession.
It is expected that Professional Knowledge topics will need to be addressed at multiple levels in different stages
of professional development. The very nature of professional work means that some knowledge and skills are
best developed through experience and that understanding of complex issues such as ethics grows with
maturity. Thus, the goals for developing professional knowledge/skills will be different at entry-level (graduate)
than at full professional level (a certification program). Appendix E demonstrates this continuum using the
most relevent two of the seven SFIA responsibility levels.
Topics covered should include:
Fundamental ethical notions (virtues, duty, responsibility, harm, benefit, rights, respect and
Basic ethics theories;
Integrity systems (including, the ACS Code of Ethics, the ACS Code of Conduct, ethics committees and
whistle blowing);
Methods of ethical analysis;
o Methods of ethical reflection
o Methods and procedures of ethical repair and recovery;
ICT specific ethical issues (professional – e.g. compromising quality and conflict of interest, and
societal – e.g. phishing and privacy).
Professional expectations
Topics covered should include: expertise, certification, competence, autonomy, excellence, reflection,
responsibility and accountability.
Teamwork concepts and issues
Topics covered should include: collaboration, group dynamics, leadership styles, conflict resolution, team
development and groupware.
Topics covered should include: oral and written presentations, technical report writing, writing user
documentation and the development of effective interpersonal skills.

ACS Core Body of Knowledge for ICT Professionals|V1.1|22 February 2019 Page 10
Societal issues
Topics covered should include: history of computing and the ICT discipline, privacy and civil liberties, cyber
crime, intellectual property and legal issues.
Understanding of ICT profession
Professionals should have some knowledge of where and when their discipline began and how it has evolved,
in addition to understanding of ongoing issues in the discipline.
This requires knowledge of how to use modelling methods and processes to understand problems, handle
abstraction and design solutions.
The methods and tools that are used for handling abstraction could vary a great deal with the branch of ICT,
from circuit diagrams to data modelling tools to business process modelling.
It is important to recognise this area because it captures some of the creativity and innovation that is required
of ICT professionals, and the excitement that is present in their jobs. Recognising this component also assists in
identifying what is unique about ICT and what differentiates it from other disciplines. In no other discipline is
there such an emphasis on developing artefacts (e.g., computer and information systems) which are so abstract
and complex and where modelling tools and methods are essential. The systems that ICT professionals deal
with cannot be seen or handled in the same simple and direct manner as products of other applied disciplines
(e.g., buildings, bridges, chairs, drugs). Consequently, highly developed problem solving skills and the need for
methods to handle abstraction and modelling are absolutely vital.

ACS Core Body of Knowledge for ICT Professionals|V1.1|22 February 2019 Page 11
7.2 General ICT Knowledge
As well as have essential core ICT knowledge (ICT Problem Solving and ICT Professional Knowledge), it is
essential that all graduates have a conceptual understanding of ICT as a broad discipline
The three General ICT Knowledge areas are related to the SFIA categories that they support in Appendix A.
This area includes:
Hardware and software fundamentals
Data and information management
Hardware and software fundamentals
An understanding of the basic components of computer systems is required, including:
Computer architecture and organisation – including processors, memory, storage systems and
input/output devices
Systems software – Operating systems and application system software.
Data and information management
An understanding is required of how data is captured, represented, organised and retrieved from files and
databases. Topics include:
Data modelling and abstraction
Database Management Systems (DBMS)
Information assurance and security in a shared environment
Acquisition, custodianship and eventual disposition of information
Nature of data, information and knowledge transformation through technologies.
This area requires an understanding of data communications and networking fundamentals. Topics include:
Network concepts, protocols and standards
Network security
Wireless and mobile computing
Distributed systems.
This area includes:
Human factors
Systems development
Systems acquisition.
Human factors
This area requires an understanding of the importance of the user in developing ICT applications and systems,
and involves developing a mindset that recognises the importance of users, their work practices and
organisational contexts.
Note: In addition, for a program to be accredited at the Professional level, it must ensure graduates have developed ICT Role Specific
Knowledge at SFIA level 3 or above. This will be assessed during the accreditation process.

ACS Core Body of Knowledge for ICT Professionals|V1.1|22 February 2019 Page 12
This involves an understanding of the fundamental concepts of a programming language. It is expected that the
requisite knowledge of programming fundamentals would be best developed by engaging students in software
developments tasks (programming). However, the range of programming languages and tools that could be
used to develop this knowledge is wide and will vary with the expected ICT job role of the graduate.
Systems development and acquisition
An understanding is required of how to develop or acquire software (information) systems that satisfy the
requirements of users and customers. All phases of the lifecycle of an information system should be
understood including: requirement analysis (systems analysis) and specification, design, construction, testing,
and operation and maintenance. There should also be knowledge of methodologies and processes for
developing systems.
This area includes:
IT governance and organisational issues
IT project management
Service management
Cyber security
IT governance and organisational issues
Topics covered should include:
Fundamental governance principles (e.g. structures to encourage moral behaviour within
organisations and corporations, and moral behaviour by organisations and corporations);
Organisational context, including business processes, organisational culture, change and risk
IT project management
This area involves an understanding of the factors required to successfully manage systems development
projects. Topics include: team management, estimation techniques, cost/benefit analysis, risk analysis, risk
management, project scheduling, quality assurance, software configuration management, project management
tools, reporting and presentation techniques.
Service management
Service management deals with the ongoing operation of ICT in an organisational context and includes
frameworks for structuring the interactions of ICT technical personnel with business customers and users.
Many frameworks exist to guide ICT service management, for example, the Information Technology
Infrastructure Library (ITIL) and Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology (COBIT).
Cyber security
This area is based on the ACM Cyber Security Curriculum 2017 and includes:
Data Security
Software Security
Component Security
Connection Security
System Security
Human Security
Organizational Security
Societal Security
ACS Core Body of Knowledge for ICT Professionals|V1.1|22 February 2019 Page 13
The use of the CBOK ensures that all persons seeking professional membership of the ACS have an in-depth
understanding of the ICT Essential Areas (ICT Professional Knowledge, and ICT Problem Solving) plus a
conceptual understanding of the General ICT Knowledge Areas (Technical Resources, Technology Building and
ICT Management).
The ACS Accreditation process looks at how the ICT Graduate Attributes have been addressed by each program
submitted for accreditation. It also checks how each program addresses both the ICT Body of Knowledge (both
ICT Essential Areas as well as General ICT Knowledge areas).
Assessing the conceptual knowledge (as seen in the ICT General Knowledge component of the ICT Body of
Knowledge) is more difficult for persons applying for CT/CP status who have not undertaken an accredited ACS
degree. Here it is recommended that an outputs based method be applied to determine if the applicant has
satisfied this component. If the candidate can demonstrate competency in the SFIA categories and
subcategories (Appendix Aw) supported by the ACS General ICT Knowledge, it is assumed that the person has
sufficient underlying ICT conceptual knowledge to satisfy the General ICT Knowledge requirements.

ACS Core Body of Knowledge for ICT Professionals|V1.1|22 February 2019 Page 14
Appendix A. Mapping of General ICT knowledge against SFIA categories
SFIA version 7 has six skills categories. The General ICT Knowledge Areas which all graduates are expected to
hold a conceptual understanding of, are grouped under four of the six SFIA categories: Strategy and
Architecture, Change and Transformation, Development and Implementation, and Delivery and Operation.
These four SFIA categories are the ones most likely to apply for ICT programs that prepare students for initial
professional practice. The aim for this grouping is to reinforce the linkage between SFIA and the ICT Body of

SFIA Skill Skill Description CBOK Alignment
IT Infrastructure
The operation and control of the IT infrastructure (typically
hardware, software, data stored on various media, and all
equipment within wide and local area networks) required to
deliver and support IT services and products to meet the needs
of a business. Includes preparation for new or changed
services, operation of the change process, the maintenance of
regulatory, legal and professional standards, the building and
management of systems and components in virtualised
computing environments and the monitoring of performance
of systems and services in relation to their contribution to
business performance, their security and their sustainability.
Hardware and software
The overall governance of how all types of information,
structured and unstructured, whether produced internally or
externally, are used to support decision-making, business
processes and digital services. Encompasses development and
promotion of the strategy and policies covering the design of
information structures and taxonomies, the setting of policies
for the sourcing and maintenance of the data content, and the
development of policies, procedures, working practices and
training to promote compliance with legislation regulating all
aspects of holding, use and disclosure of data.
Data and information
The management of practices and processes to ensure the
security, integrity, safety and availability of all forms of data
and data structures that make up the organisation’s
information. The management of data and information in all
its forms and the analysis of information structure (including
logical analysis of taxonomies, data and metadata). The
development of innovative ways of managing the information
assets of the organisation.
Data and information
Network Support
The provision of network maintenance and support services.
Support may be provided both to users of the systems and to
service delivery functions. Support typically takes the form of
investigating and resolving problems and providing
information about the systems. It may also include monitoring
their performance. Problems may be resolved by providing
advice or training to users about the network’s functionality,
correct operation or constraints, by devising work-arounds,
correcting faults, or making general or site-specific

ACS Core Body of Knowledge for ICT Professionals|V1.1|22 February 2019 Page 15

SFIA Skill Skill Description CBOK Alignment
User Experience
The iterative development of user tasks, interaction and
interfaces to meet user requirements, considering the whole
user experience. Refinement of design solutions in response to
user-centred evaluation and feedback and communication of
the design to those responsible for implementation.
Human Factors
The design, creation, testing and documenting of new and
amended software components from supplied specifications in
accordance with agreed development and security standards
and processes.
The provision of specialist expertise to facilitate and execute
the installation and maintenance of system software such as
operating systems, data management products, office
automation products and other utility software.
Systems Development and


SFIA Skill Skill Description CBOK Alignment
Enterprise IT
The establishment and oversight of an organisation’s approach
to the use of information, digital services and associated
technology. Includes responsibility for provision of digital
services; levels of service and service quality which meet
current and future business requirements; policies and
practices for conformance with mandatory legislation and
regulations; strategic plans for technology to enable the
organisation’s business strategy; transparent decision making,
leading to justification for investment, with appropriate
balance between stakeholder benefits, opportunities, costs,
and risks.
IT Governance and
organisational issues
The management of projects, typically (but not exclusively)
involving the development and implementation of business
processes to meet identified business needs, acquiring and
utilising the necessary resources and skills, within agreed
parameters of cost, timescales, and quality.
IT Project Management
IT Management
The management of the IT infrastructure and resources
required to plan for, develop, deliver and support IT services
and products to meet the needs of a business. The preparation
for new or changed services, management of the change
process and the maintenance of regulatory, legal and
professional standards. The management of performance of
systems and services in terms of their contribution to business
performance and their financial costs and sustainability. The
management of bought-in services. The development of
continual service improvement plans to ensure the IT
infrastructure adequately supports business needs.
Service Management
Security (SCTY)
The selection, design, justification, implementation and
operation of controls and management strategies to maintain
the security, confidentiality, integrity, availability,
accountability and relevant compliance of information systems
with legislation, regulation and relevant standards.
Cyber security

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Appendix B. ICT Occupations Contained within ANZSCO
135111 – Chief Information Officer
135112 – ICT Project Manager
135199 – ICT Managers NEC
223211 – ICT Trainer
225211 – ICT Account Manager
225212 – ICT Business Development Manager
225213 – ICT Sales Representative
261111 – ICT Business Analysts
261112 – Systems Analysts
261211 – Multimedia Specialist
261212 – Web Developer
261311 – Analyst Programmer
261312 – Developer Programmer
261313 – Software Engineer
261314 – Software Tester
261399 – Software and Application Programmer
262111 – Database Administrator
262112 – ICT Security Specialist
262113 – Systems Administrator
263111 – Computer Network and Systems Engineer
263112 – Network Administrator
263113 – Network Analyst
263211 – ICT Quality Assurance Engineer
263212 – ICT Support Engineer
263213 – ICT Systems Test Engineer
263299 – ICT Support and Test Engineer NEC
263311 – Telecommunications Engineer
263312 – Telecommunications Network Engineer
313111 – Hardware Technician
313112 – ICT Customer Support Officer
313113 – Web Administrator
313199 – ICT Support Technicians NEC
313211 – Radiocommunications Technician
313212 – Telecommunications Field Engineer
313213 – Telecommunications Network Planner
313214 – Telecommunications Technical Officer or Technologist
621211 – ICT Sales Assistant

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Appendix C. Graduate attributes – Adapted from the Australian Qualifications Framework

Bachelor Degree
(AQF Level 7)
Masters Degree
(AQF Level 9)
Knowledge Graduates of a Bachelor Degree will have a
broad and coherent body of knowledge, with
depth in the underlying principles and
concepts in one or more disciplines as a basis
for independent lifelong learning.
Graduates of a Masters Degree will have:
a body of knowledge that includes the
extended understanding of recent
developments in a discipline and its
professional practice
knowledge of research principles and
methods applicable to the discipline and
its professional practice
Skills Graduates of a Bachelor Degree will have:
cognitive skills to review critically, analyse,
consolidate and synthesise knowledge
cognitive and technical skills to
demonstrate a broad understanding of
knowledge with depth in some areas
cognitive and creative skills to exercise
critical thinking and judgement in
identifying and solving problems with
intellectual independence
communication skills to present a clear,
coherent and independent exposition of
knowledge and ideas
Graduates of a Masters Degree will have:
cognitive skills to demonstrate mastery of
theoretical knowledge and to reflect
critically on theory and professional
cognitive, technical and creative skills to
investigate, analyse and synthesise
complex information, problems, concepts
and theories and to apply established
theories to different bodies of knowledge
or practice
cognitive, technical and creative skills to
generate and evaluate complex ideas and
concepts at an abstract level
communication and technical research
skills to justify and interpret theoretical
propositions, methodologies, conclusions
and professional decisions to specialist and
non-specialist audiences
technical and communication skills to
design, evaluate, implement, analyse and
theorise about developments that
contribute to professional practice
Application of
knowledge and
Graduates of a Bachelor Degree will
demonstrate the application of knowledge
and skills:
with initiative and judgement in planning,
problem solving and decision making in
professional practice and/or scholarship
to adapt knowledge and skills in diverse
contexts with responsibility and
accountability for own learning and
professional practice and in collaboration
with others within broad parameters.
Graduates of a Masters Degree will
demonstrate the application of knowledge
and skills:
with creativity and initiative to new
situations in professional practice and/or
for further learning
with high level personal autonomy and
to plan and execute a substantial research
based project, capstone experience and/or
professionally focused project.

Adapted from AQF 2nd Edition:
ACS Core Body of Knowledge for ICT Professionals|V1.1|22 February 2019 Page 18
Appendix D. Graduate attributes – Seoul Accord

Seoul Accord Computing Professional
(equivalent to AQF Bachelors Degree)
Knowledge for
Solving Computing
Apply knowledge of computing fundamentals, knowledge of a computing specialization, and
mathematics, science, and domain knowledge appropriate for the computing specialization to
the abstraction and conceptualization of computing models from defined problems and
Problem Analysis Identify and solve complex computing problems reaching substantiated conclusions using
fundamental principles of mathematics, computing sciences, and relevant domain disciplines.
Development of
Design and evaluate solutions for complex computing problems, and design and evaluate
systems, components, or processes that meet specified needs.
Modern Tool Usage Create, select, or adapt and then apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern
computing tools to
complex computing activities, with an understanding of the limitations
Individual and
Team Work
Function effectively as an individual and as a member or leader of a team in multi-disciplinary
Communication Communicate effectively with the computing community about complex computing activities
by being able to comprehend and write effective reports, design documentation, make
effective presentations, and give and understand clear instructions.
and Society
Understand and assess societal, health, safety, legal, and cultural issues within local and global
contexts, and the consequential responsibilities relevant to professional computing practice.
Ethics Understand and commit to professional ethics, responsibilities, and norms of professional
computing practice.
Life-long Learning Recognize the need, and have the ability, to engage in independent learning for continual
development as a computing professional.

Adapted from Seoul Accord Graduate Attributes:
ACS Core Body of Knowledge for ICT Professionals|V1.1|22 February 2019 Page 19
Appendix E. Graduate attributes – SFIA Responsibility Matrix

SFIA Level 3 SFIA Level 5
Autonomy Works under general direction. Uses
discretion in identifying and responding to
complex issues and assignments. Usually
receives specific instructions and has work
reviewed at frequent milestones. Determines
when issues should be escalated to a higher
Works under broad direction. Work is often self
initiated. Is fully responsible for meeting allocated
technical and/or project/supervisory objectives.
Establishes milestones and has a significant role in the
assignment of tasks and/or responsibilities.
Influence Interacts with and influences colleagues. Has
working level contact with customers,
suppliers and partners. May supervise others
or make decisions which impact the work
assigned to individuals or phases of projects.
Understands and collaborates on the analysis
of user/customer needs and represents this
in their work.
Influences organisation, customers, suppliers,
partners and peers on the contribution of
own specialism. Builds appropriate and effective
business relationships. Makes decisions which impact
the success of assigned work, i.e. results, deadlines and
budget. Has significant influence over the allocation and
management of resources appropriate to given
assignments. Leads on user/customer collaboration
throughout all stages of work. Ensures users’ needs are
met consistently through each work stage.
Complexity Performs a range of work, sometimes
complex and non-routine, in a variety of
environments. Applies methodical approach
to issue definition and resolution
Performs an extensive range and variety of complex
technical and/or professional work activities. Undertakes
work which requires the application of fundamental
principles in a wide and often unpredictable range of
contexts. Understands the relationship between own
specialism and wider customer/organisational
Knowledge Has a sound generic, domain and specialist
knowledge necessary to perform effectively
in the organisation typically gained from
recognised bodies of knowledge and
organisational information. Demonstrates
effective application of knowledge. Has an
appreciation of the wider business context.
Takes action to develop own knowledge.
Is fully familiar with recognised industry bodies of
knowledge both generic and specific. Actively seeks out
new knowledge for own personal development and the
mentoring or coaching of others. Develops a wider
breadth of knowledge across the industry or business.
Applies knowledge to help to define the standards which
others will apply.
Demonstrates effective communication skills.
Plans, schedules and monitors own work
(and that of others where applicable)
competently within limited deadlines and
according to relevant legislation, standards
and procedures.
Contributes fully to the work of teams.
Appreciates how own role relates to other
roles and to the business of the employer or
Demonstrates an analytical and systematic
approach to issue resolution.
Takes the initiative in identifying and
negotiating appropriate personal
development opportunities.
Understands how own role impacts security
and demonstrates routine security practice
and knowledge required for own work.
Demonstrates leadership. Communicates effectively,
both formally and informally. Facilitates collaboration
between stakeholders who have diverse objectives.
Analyses, designs, plans, executes and evaluates work to
time, cost and quality targets. Analyses requirements
and advises on scope and options for continuous
operational improvement. Takes all requirements into
account when making proposals. Demonstrates
creativity, innovation and ethical thinking in applying
solutions for the benefit of the customer/stakeholder
Advises on the available standards, methods, tools and
applications relevant to own specialism and can make
appropriate choices from alternatives.
Maintains an awareness of developments in the
industry. Takes initiative to keep skills up to date.
Mentors colleagues. Assesses and evaluates risk.
Proactively ensures security is appropriately addressed
within their area by self and others. Engages or works
with security specialists as necessary. Contributes to the
security culture of the organisation.

Adapted from SFIA Version 7:
ACS Core Body of Knowledge for ICT Professionals|V1.1|22 February 2019 Page 20

Graham Low Andrew Johnson


Date Document
Revision History (reason for change) Author /Reviser
27 Aug
0.6 Reviewed CBOK draft for external validation
19 Oct
0.7 Update following PSB meeting of 15 Oct 2015
22 Feb
1.1 Update of Cyber Security and SFIA to level 7


Date approved Version: Approved By Date in force Date of Next Review
27 Aug 2015 0.6 Director,
Standards Board
27 Aug 2015 30 Sep 2015
26 October 2015 1.0 Management
26/10/2015 26/10/2016
22 February 2019 1.1 Management
22/02/2019 To be determined


Custodian title &
e-mail address:
Director of Professional Standards and Assessment Services
[email protected]
Responsible Business
Professional Standards and Assessment Services
Distribution: Public document
Content Security: N/A.


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