Coordinate Complex Case Requirements

134 views 7:01 am 0 Comments July 4, 2023
  • a. List and describe five components of the coordination role.

b. List and describe eight of a coordinators responsibilities.

  • List five different approaches and models of case management.
  • Conduct appropriate research into evidence-based practices requirements and explain the approach.
  • Answer the questions below:

a. Explain how information about external service providers might be sourced.

b. List three circumstances it might be necessary for a coordinator to use external service providers to ensure that a consumer’s care plan meets their needs and five services they might provide.

Three Circumstances Five Services

5.  a.  List 10 issues faced by consumers, their family and carers accessing multiple services.

b.  What is generational abuse?

c.  What is welfare dependency?

6. List five processes that might be used by case coordinators to collect information that is relevant to the consumer and to the service organisations included in the case plan.

7.  List and describe five features of monitoring and review.

  • What are three service inputs that the coordinator should consider when working with the consumer and other services?
  • What are 10 services or supports that might be accessed by a homeless consumer with drug and alcohol issues, and a mental illness?
  •   List five signs of self-harm.
  •   a. List 10 standards of case management in Australia.

b. List seven areas covered by legislation relevant to the coordination of case management in the community services field.

c. Conduct appropriate research and locate a procedure used for developing case management plans.  Explain the procedure.

  • a. Exploring consumer and stakeholder needs is an integral part of developing case management plans.  List seven things case coordinators take into account when developing individual case plans?

b. Why should stakeholders be informed of the need for specialist intervention in a plan?

  • Discuss your duty of care to your consumers.
  • What are three cultural considerations that the Commonwealth Department of Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs require from a youth service before providing funds?
  • List five family structures that might impact on the dynamics of the consumer interacting with their family members.
  • Explain how you might document the outcomes of a meeting, where would the recorded data be stored and why is it necessary to document meetings?
  • What are ten requirements or boundaries related to the role of a case coordinator?
  •   a. What are four things that consumers might feel confused or concerned about that could cause a barrier to accessing services?

b. List five forms of communication that staff can use to minimise consumer confusion and concern and facilitate decision-making.

  •   a. List five barriers to attaining outcomes of a consumer with no job, who has English as a second language and lives in a family situation of regular conflict.

b. Provide a strategy to overcome each of the barriers you identified in the above question.

  • List at least eight information categories that can be included in a referral.
  • a. Explain the procedure a case coordinator might follow to collect, collate, and record feedback on outcomes.

b. List five stakeholders from whom case coordinators should collect feedback.

  • a. List five strategies case coordinators and service organisations can use to avoid or manage service duplication.

b. Why do funding bodies object to service duplication?

Assessment Task 2: Case Study

Case Study 1 – Greg
Greg worked in and out of school hours care centre.  One afternoon he brought in some CDs and put one on for Alice and Amanda to listen to.  They were in the gym because Greg was also watching over some older children playing badminton.  Alice and Amanda got up and began dancing around energetically.  They hopped, skipped and bounced around with great joy.  Suddenly Amanda fell over.  The gym floor was slippery and the girls had taken off their shoes but not their tights.
  • Was there a breach of duty of care?
Case Study 2 – Jennifer
Your consumer Jennifer, has been behaving out of character.  She appears to be confused and anxious, which is acting as a barrier to her accessing the multiple services inputs identified in her case management plan.  You, as her case coordinator have decided that this needs to be resolved either by discussion with Jennifer, or if that fails at the next case management meeting.
  1. List at least three issues Jennifer might be feeling anxious, confused or concerned about.
  • If the reason for Jennifer’s distress is having to provide the same information to three different service agencies, how could you, using communication strategies, work with her and staff from the service agencies to resolve her concerns?
  • What are five indicators of a successful case management meeting?
  • Jennifer appears to be upset and is often angry and verbally abusive towards you.  You think you can smell alcohol on her breath but have not found any in her possession.  You have decided that this needs to be resolved at the nest case management meeting.

What actions would you take prior to the meeting and how would you bring up the subject at the meeting?

Assessment Task 3: Part A & B

  • This is an open book test – you can use the Internet, textbooks and other documents to help you with your answers if required.
  • You must answer all questions.


Olive is a 78-year-old pensioner who lives alone in rural Australia.  Olive has two daughters – one lives interstate and the other one lives overseas.  Olive has osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and glaucoma.  Six months ago she fractured her hip and experiences chronic and ongoing pain as a result.  Given Olive’s complex medical conditions she has many medical appointments.  Olive has been missing appointments because she is unable to access public transport and because of the high cost of alternative transport services.  Her telephone has recently been disconnected because she has not been able to pay the bills.  Olive had been completely independent but since fracturing her hip she has lost her confidence and become overwhelmed and anxious in managing her day-to-day affairs.   Olive’s doctor believes that she should be assessed for low residential care because the doctor is concerned that she can no longer manage on her own.  As the ACAT has a waiting list of one month the AGP contacted the local Community Options ( COPS ) package service who after meeting Olive agreed to provide a package interim.  As a result of this Olive was assigned a case coordinator.  The case coordinator spent time getting to know Olive and identifying the various issues which were making Olive feel that she could no longer cope at home.  Olive did not really want to go into residential care but felt she had no alternative.  The case coordinator believed that with some limited services and increased confidence Olive would be able to live in supported independent living accommodation.

Prepare a 3 page report answering these questions.

1.     What service inputs might the case coordinator work with Olive and other services to determine?

2.     Develop an outline of a plan identifying all service inputs, their time frames and expected outcomes.

3.     Identify the requirements and boundaries of the coordination role.

4.     What kind of information might be provided to Olive to establish an understanding of the coordination role?

5.     How could the case coordinator address or avoid any confusion, concerns or barriers in relation to accessing the range of services on behalf of Olive?

6.     Explain which communication skills the case coordinator could employ to establish and maintain good communication with Olive and with the staff from the other services, to ensure smooth and effective service delivery, and to minimise confusion.

7.     How does duplication of service inputs occur, why is it a problem, and how can it be managed?

8.     How might the case coordinators monitor the progress of Olive towards her expected and required outcomes?



You are to complete individual research and answer each point with the appropriate strategy.

Project – Strategies

Information and information management systems are a requirement for effective organisational operations.

When working for a community service organisation, how do or would you :

for each of these, you will need to describe and discuss the strategies you would use )

  • Identify the information requirements of consumers, the community and specific groups in the community.
  • Identify and use reliable information sources.
  • Cross-check and edit information so that irrelevant or unusable information is not stored or disseminated.
  • Make sure that information is regularly checked and updated.
  • Ensure that any data / information you enter into your organisation’s information system is useful, reliable, valid and accurate.
  • Address any gaps or inadequacies in the information base / system.
  • Evaluate and assess the degree to which the information needs of consumers and the community are met.
  • Explore options and consult with users and stakeholders regarding the input of new information.
  • Develop methods of continuously improving the effectiveness of information materials and systems.
  • Promote opportunities to address waste minimisation and environmental responsibility.
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