Company Strategic Planning

161 views 7:43 am 0 Comments July 4, 2023


This section is an introduction of your company. Discuss things such as company history, background, leadership team, and location. Ensure that you mention who you are and what you do. If there are global operations, highlight this as well. Mention any goods and/or services that you provide. Who is your customer base? How long have you been in business? Include website information and/or social media presence.


Discuss the current vision and mission statements. Are they accurate? Would you suggest changing either one?

SWOT Matrix/Analysis

An environmental scan informs the company of its current position and reviews the external and internal environments. There are many accepted methods for conducting successful environmental scans, for this project students will conduct a SWOT Analysis: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.

SWOT: This analysis consists of two main scans: the internal scan, Strengths and Weaknesses, and the external scan, Opportunities and Threats.

  • The internal scan should provide an accurate assessment of the company’s capability before developing priorities, outcomes and action plans. The analysis should build upon strengths and overcome weaknesses. Internal considerations may include, but are not limited to, culture, finance, reputation, faculty or staff commitment, skills or expertise, organizational systems, stakeholder expectations, and demographics among others.
  • An external scan considers economic, social, demographic, political, legal, technological, and/or international factors to identify opportunities for growth and improvement, and barriers thereto. Identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to recognize and address gaps between the company’s current status and vision for the future.
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