Communicate and work in health or community services

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CHCCOM005 Communicate and work in health or community services


STUDENT to complete this section

Date submitted

Student declaration—By signing below, I declare that:

I have been advised of the assessment requirements, have been made aware of my rights and responsibilities as an assessment candidate, and choose to be assessed at this time.

no part of this assessment has been written for me by another person. I am aware that a false declaration may lead to withdrawal of a qualification or statement of attainment.

Student signature

ASSESSOR to complete this section
Name of assessor
Date of assessment
Date review completed




Page No.


Assessment Tool Cover sheet

Task 1

Assessor Instructions

Task 1 of 3

Knowledge questions

Task 1

Assessor Instructions

Task 2 of 3

Case study

Assessment Record form for CHCLEG001

Task 2

Workplace Observation (separate file common for all units)

Assessment Tool Coversheet: Cluster 4 Ways of Working


Certificate III in Individual Support


Communicate and work in health or community services

Name of the student

Tool mapping:


Unit competency mapping

Task Information for Assessor

Method of Assessment

Preparation/Requirements for the administration of the task(s)

Assessor instructions and Learner instructions

Requirements for satisfactory completion

Answer key (Marking Guide, Answer sheets, Observation Checklist etc.) as appropriate for each task


Reading text or audio/video transcript (as appropriate)

Assessment Task(s) sheets for Learner:

Learner Response Sheet(s) / Question sheet(s), Observation checklist, etc. (as appropriate)

Learner and interlocutor cue cards (as appropriate)

Assessment Record Form for units of competence

This assessment tool contains:

Three assessment task/s

QN Task 1: Knowledge Questions

QN Task 2: Case study

WO Task 3: Workplace observation

Appeals Procedure: AMES Australia has implemented systems to ensure that all learners are entitled to fair, equitable and consistent treatment. See the Quality Management System (QMS) Learner Complaints and Appeals Procedure TDM-06.

Requirements for a competent result

To attain a competent result for Unit CHCHCS011 the learner must complete two tasks to a satisfactory standard as outlined within each task.


Task1 of 3: Knowledge Questions


CHCCOM005 Communicate and work in health or community services

Method of Assessment:

QN Questioning verbal or written

Due date

Summary and purpose of assessment

This is a written assessment and the student is required to answer all questions. The purpose of this assessment is for the student to answer questions and demonstrate knowledge required.

Assessor Instructions:

The assessor is to provide copy of assessment to student and explain in full what is required. Students can clarify questions when they are undertaking the task. The answers should be evaluated on the basis of the marking guide provided.

If a student provides an acceptable answer not on your marking guide record the answer and add it to the marking guide in the next validation session. At the end of each assessment the students will get the outcome of the task with feedback.

Follow AMES procedures for : Reassessment If a student is deemed to be “Not Satisfactory” in this task, they are eligible to resubmit.

Records The judgement decision must be recorded appropriately in accordance with AMES Australia’s record keeping processes.

Student instructions Task description

In this assessment you will be directed to the reference books which are to be used.

Please read all the information given to you before starting each assessment task. If you do not understand some or all of the instructions, please ask your trainer/ assessor for assistance.

All questions should be answered. Use the spaces provided to record your response to each of the following questions.

Requirements for satisfactory completion

For a satisfactory result on this task, students must answer ALL questions correctly.

Conditions of assessment

Students will be advised of the due date for this assessment at the time the assessment is given. Students will work individually on this task

Time: 3 weeks

Location: Students will work outside class hours at home on this assessment.

Reasonable adjustment:

Modify the learning environment or make changes to the training delivered to assist learners with a disability or similar problems.


References: TREC resources CHCCOM005 Communicate and work in health or community services

Long term caring by Karen Scott, Margaret Webb and Sheila Sorrentino

The Australian Carer by Helen Croft

Assessment retention

As it is important to keep all documents in the task set secure for future assessment purposes, please DO NOT hand out the answer key after marking or allow learners to keep their corrected response sheets when giving feedback


Assessment Task Developer: Sheela Nair/ Anita Mathew

As it is important to keep all documents in the task set secure for future assessment purposes, please DO NOT hand out the answer key after marking or allow learners to keep their corrected response sheets when giving feedback

Task 1 Knowledge questions

Question 1 What is a multidisciplinary approach? How is it useful in community service sector? 2.2


MarkingSatisfactory Unsatisfactory

Question 2 What is the difference between Confrontation and Collaboration? 3.3


MarkingSatisfactory Unsatisfactory

Question 3. What is the service that each of the following provide to the community?

Aged Care Service

Disability Service 2.2


MarkingSatisfactory Unsatisfactory

Question 4. How are the following digital media useful in the community services sector?



Email 5.4


MarkingSatisfactory Unsatisfactory

Question 5 Why is it important for workers to complete their tasks within the specified time frame? 2.1


MarkingSatisfactory Unsatisfactory

Question 6 What is meant by industry terminology? Give 4 examples of situations where a care worker should use correct industry terminology. 2.3


MarkingSatisfactory Unsatisfactory

Question 7 Mention 5 factors that can affect effective communication. 3.2


MarkingSatisfactory Unsatisfactory

Question 8 What do you understand by ‘conflict of interest’? Give 2 examples of situations where conflict of interest can occur.4.1


MarkingSatisfactory Unsatisfactory

Question 9 What are some issues that may prevent a worker from achieving his rights and responsibilities? 4.3


MarkingSatisfactory Unsatisfactory

Question 10. As a care worker, what should you do if you are bullied or harassed at workplace?4.4

Marking Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Question 11. Give an example each for:

a Breach of duty of care

b Breach of professional ethics 4.2


MarkingSatisfactory Unsatisfactory


CHCCOM005 Communicate and work in health and community sector

Method of Assessment:

QN Questioning verbal / written

Summary and purpose of assessment

This is a written assessment with a series of case studies presented. The purpose of this assessment is for the student to read the case studies and answer all the questions.

Assessor Instructions:

The assessor is to provide copy of assessment to student and explain in full what is required. Students can clarify questions when they are undertaking the task.

The answers should be evaluated on the basis of the marking guide provided.

If a student provides an acceptable answer not on your marking guide record the answer and add it to the marking guide in the next validation session.

At the end of each assessment the students will get the outcome of the task with feedback.

Follow AMES procedures for :

Reassessment If a student is deemed to be “Not Satisfactory” in this task, they are eligible to resubmit.

Records The judgement decision must be recorded appropriately in accordance with AMES Australia’s record keeping processes.

Student instructions Task description

In this assessment you will be directed to the reference books which are to be used.

Please read all the information given to you before starting each assessment task. If you do not understand some or all of the instructions, please ask your trainer/ assessor for assistance.

All questions should be answered. Use the spaces provided to record your response to each of the following questions.

Requirements for satisfactory completion

For a satisfactory result on this task, students must answer ALL questions correctly.

Conditions of assessment

Students will be advised of the due date for this assessment at the time the assessment is given. Students will work individually on this task.

Location: AMES classrooms and student’s home.

Reasonable adjustment:

Modify the learning environment or make changes to the training delivered to assist learners with a disability or similar problems



TREC Resources: CHCCOM005 Communicate and work in health and community sector

Long term caring by Karen Scott, Margaret Webb and Sheila Sorrentino

The Australian Carer by Helen Croft

Assessment retention

As it is important to keep all documents in the task set secure for future assessment purposes, please DO NOT hand out the answer key after marking or allow learners to keep their corrected response sheets when giving feedback


Assessment Task Developer: Sheela Nair/ Anita Mathew

As it is important to keep all documents in the task set secure for future assessment purposes, please DO NOT hand out the answer key after marking or allow learners to keep their corrected response sheets when giving feedback

Task 2 Case Study
Read the following case study and answer questions 1 to 5:

Maria works in the community services sector. As part of her job she needs to communicate with people having low language literacy, low health literacy and people with various types of impairment. She will also have to exchange client related information to other services required by the client.

Question 1 Write 3 closed questions that Maria could ask her clients with low language skills while providing care?1.1
Marking Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Question 2 How should she communicate with her clients with vision impairment?1.1


MarkingSatisfactory Unsatisfactory

Question 3 How is pronunciation, grammar and speed of talking important for Maria while communicating with her clients?1.1


MarkingSatisfactory Unsatisfactory

Question 4 What are the important factors that might influence effective communication between Maria and her clients? 1.1, 1.3, 1.4 3.1


MarkingSatisfactory Unsatisfactory

Question 5 Give few examples of Non- verbal communication that Maria might need to use to communicate with a client having dementia and needs assistance with ADLs. 1.2

Marking Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Read the following case study and answer questions 6 to 8:

Declan started working as a support worker in the community services sector soon after he acquired the required qualification.

Question 6. Why is it important for Declan to know the ways to communicate with different community service sectors? 1.5 2.2


MarkingSatisfactory Unsatisfactory

Question 7 Give 5 examples of client related documents where Declan need to follow organisations protocols and procedures 2.4


MarkingSatisfactory Unsatisfactory

Question 8 Name the website which Declan can use for easier access to full range of aged care services 2.2


MarkingSatisfactory Unsatisfactory

Assessors, tick as appropriate:

Outcome of Task: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Feedback provided to student:

Learner signature


Assessor name
Assessor signature ________________________________

If no learner signature, reason:

Learner Name



Assessment Record Form for Units of competence

Learner name:

Teacher/trainer/assessor name:

Single Unit

Unit code: CHCCOM005005

Unit title: Communicate and work in health or community services

Clustered Units

Unit code: [code]

Unit title: [title]

Unit code: [code]

Unit title: [title]

Unit code: [code]

Unit title: [title]

Unit code: [code]

Unit title: [title]

Methods of assessment can include observation, written test, role-play, reflective journal, presentations etc.

Task No.

Assessment Method / Task Name


Not yet satisfactory

Feedback provided

Evidence attached







Feedback for learner:

Assessors, tick as appropriate
Learner signature


Assessor signature

If no learner signature, reason:

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