Coding Documentation

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FIT5222 Assignment 2 Coding Documentation
Assignment 2 Coding Documentation
1. Pacman Environment
For Assignment 2 we will work with an existing game environment that implements “Pacman
Capture The Flag”. This supporting application provides us with the necessary hooks to
implement, load and then test our customised agent controllers.
1.1 Simulator is the command line entry point for the simulator. This program requires some
arguments to specify the team and the rules of the game. You can find the full list of
arguments accepted by the simulator with the following command (-h means help):
python -h
We highlight a few particularly important arguments, of which you should be aware.
Bracketed [terms] indicate parameters:
● -r [ Default]
Path to red team python implementation
● -b [ Default]
Path to blue team python implementation
● -l [LAYOUT: Default ./layouts/defaultCapture]
The description map layout to use for the game. The LAYOUT parameter can be a
filename, in which case the layout is loaded from disk. There are several
pre-generated map files in the
layouts folder. Alternatively, the value RANDOM can
be given, which will generate a new random maze. We can also start from a
particular random seed using the format RANDOM<seed>; e.g., RANDOM23.
● -q
Display minimal output and no graphics
● -Q
Same as -q but agent output is also suppressed
● -i [MAX_MOVES: Default 1200]
Specify a limit to the game by giving a maximum for the total number of moves. The
game will end after this many moves have been executed, across all agents.
● -n [NUMGAMES: Default 1]
Number of games to play.

FIT5222 Assignment 2 Coding Documentation
1.2 Run the game
The following command runs the a game between implementation and implementation:
python -r -b
The simulator will start and load implementations from red and blue teams and each team
has two agents. It also calls some preparation functions for each agent (we will detail these
below). Remember to try different map layouts during training and testing.
Once the game starts, agents take actions one by one, turn by turn (the order is agent id;
agents with id 0, 2 are one team and agents with id 1,4 are another team). The simulator will
call the
chooseAction function from the given implementation at each turn of an agent. The
function must return one of the cardinal directions, “North”, “South”, “East”, “West”, or it can
return “Stop” as the action (the agent waits at current location). The simulator immediately
executes the action and then it moves to the next agent and calls its
chooseAction function.
Time advances by one timestep after every agent has moved.
2. Implement Your Agent
You can find three examples in the Pacman Capture the Flag project.
The most important is, which contains the decision-making code for your agent
and which you will modify. We include a simple baseline implementation as a concrete
reference. The baseline relies on
myTeam.pddl, which is a simple example of how we can
PDDL to guide the high-level actions of the agent (defend home, attack for food, escape
from enemies etc). The low level actions of the agent (what exact action to do to complete a
high level action) is guided by a (partially implemented) Q-learning model, in which the
decision is based on a set of weights and features.
Two other agent controllers of which you should be aware:
This is a copy of, so that you can compare your improvements with the
existing baseline. is a default controller included as part of the Pacman Capture the
Flag game environment (and implemented by the developers, at UC Berkely).
You are free to create your implementation from scratch without relying on the staff baseline
This is where you should start your implementation. Most of the implementation for the
baseline controller can be found in the
MixedAgent class (which we discuss below). In
addition, contains some important initialisation code, createTeam, and various
constants, of which you should be aware.

FIT5222 Assignment 2 Coding Documentation
The environment uses createTeam function to create two agents from your implementation.
You can specify the name of the class of your implementation in the first and second
argument to specify exactly which class for which agent.
Usually you don’t need to modify the
createTeam function. But if you want two agents with
two different implementations, you can modify the function. Or if you want to pass some
options to your agent implementation from CLI, read the function documentation of how to
do that.
The default team instantiates both agents from the class ‘MixedAgent’, which is a baseline
implementation you can modify (see below for more details). Alternatively you can create
your own agent implementation from scratch. All agent implementations need to inherit from
the class
CaptureAgent provided by the game environment (see
BASE_FOLDER stores the absolute path for the folder of If you need to
specify paths anywhere in the code (e.g., read a text file) always give it paths relative
high-level planning with PDDL (they help the planner reason about distances
between things). These constants are discussed in section 2.4 and 2.5. You can
modify them to a number you think is reasonable.
The MixedAgent Class
This provided staff baseline agent class is called MixedAgent. This class uses PDDL for
high-level planning and Q learning for low-level planning (features for both attacking and
defending). You should read and understand this code if you intend to extend it. Alternatively
you can also begin from scratch, by overwriting with the content of
2.2 Preparation
When the game start, the simulator will initiate each agent and do some preparation work:
● registerInitialState is called only at the start of each game. If you need to prepare
some data before the start of the game, do that here.
● self.pddl_solver is where the PDDL solver initiates, make sure the path for PDDL
domain file correctly points to the one you want to use!
● final
function is called at the end of the game. If you need to do something at the end
of a game, do them here.
● Note that class variables, like
QLWeights (in the baseline agent), are shared and
accessible by all agents created from the same class.

FIT5222 Assignment 2 Coding Documentation
2.3 Decision Making Process
Each agent must implement a chooseAction function. This function is responsible for the
decision-making process and on completion it must return a concrete move action to the
This is the most important function in your entire implementation. You should read
the code line by line, understand what each function does, and what other functions
called by these functions do
As described in the workflow diagram in Assignment 2 Specification,
1. computes a high-level plan if does not exist or next high-level action not applicable,
2. select the next high-level action from the high-level plan,
3. computes a low-level plan that targeting the high-level action if does not exist or
action cannot be executed,
4. select the next low-level action and return to environment for execution.
2.4 Implementing High-Level Planning
In MixedAgent, the high-level planner generates high-level PDDL problems
programmatically (instead of always loading a PDDL problem from a text file), and solves the
problem based on a simple domain model. We briefly describe the main parts of this
baseline implementation.
● myTeam.pddl
This file contains a list of potentially useful PDDL predicates that can be used for
high-level planning. Also concrete specifications of a few simple high-level actions.
This function is where we convert game state data into PDDL data. The function
collects :init state expressions and object expressions for PDDL problems.
state expression here is a TUPLE, for example tuple (“food_avaliable”,) means in
a PDDL problem you write “(food_avaliable)” in :init.
Pay attention to the “comma”
in the tuple, without the comma python thinks it is just brackets. A tuple (“is_pacman”,
“a1”) means you write “(is_pacman a1)” in :init.
object expression here is also a TUPLE. A tuple (“a1”, “current_agent”) is the
same as you write “a1 – current_agent” in PDDL :objects.
When collecting states, constants introduced in section 2.1 will be used to define
what is close, medium or long. e.g. If
LONG_DISTANCE = 25, the expression
(“enemy_long_distance”, “e1”) indicating the noisy distance to “e1” returns a number
larger or equal than 25.
This function selects the applicable goal function with highest priority and returns the
corresponding state expressions for :goal of PDDL problem.
Here a state is still a tuple. But all states with “not” in PDDL problem goes to
negtiveGoal, e.g., “(not (food_avaliable))” in the :goal of PDDL problem is a tuple
FIT5222 Assignment 2 Coding Documentation
(“food_avaliable”,) in negtiveGoal. All expressions without “not ” go to positiveGoal.
This function checks if there exists a plan, can we continue to execute current
high-level action in the plan or can we move to the next high-level action in the plan.
This function solves the PDDL problem and return a high-level plan.
A high-level plan is a list of Action, pddl_state tuple. See definition of Action in
lib_piglet.utils.pddl_parser and definition of pddl_state in
Tips for improving the high-level baseline
The existing domain model (myTeam.pddl) provides only a few simple actions that rely on a
small set of “basic” predicates. Other “advanced” predicates are also available. You can use
these to extend the existing actions or to create new high-level actions that allow for more
sophisticated high-level plans.
The model currently distinguishes between two predicate types:
team type predicates, which are used to reason about the current agent and its ally.
Also to track the progress being made by the team in the game (e.g., by tracking the
score of the game)
enemy type predicates, which are used to reason about the enemy team.
Although the baseline makes available a variety of convenient game information you may
notice the available data is still only a small subset of the information available in the game
state. You may find it useful therefore to introduce your own new predicates and to track and
reason about other game-related information which is not tracked by the model. In this case
you will also need to modify
get_pddl_state to collect this additional information.
2.5 Low-level Planning
For low-level planning, students can choose either Q learning or Heuristic search to plan low
level actions. The important functions to be aware of here are the following:
● posSatisfyLowLevelPlan
This function checks if there exists a low-level plan and does agent’s current location
still sticks to the plan.
● getLowLevelPlanQL
This function computes a single action low level plan (a list with only one element)
using reinforcement learning. An element in a low-level plan is a tuple of action, and
target location coordinates.
● getLowLevelPlanHS
This function computes a low level plan (a list of tuples of action and target location)
using heuristic search. An element in a low-level plan is a tuple of action, and target
location coordinates. You can call this function in the low level plan section of

FIT5222 Assignment 2 Coding Documentation
chooseAction instead of getLowLevelPlanQL to compute a low-level plan using
heuristic search.
Each high-level action should have its own low level planning strategy to successfully
achieve its target.
2.6 Implementing Heuristic Search Low Level Planning
The MixedAgent baseline uses Q-learning. But you may decide the best approach for your
low-level planning is heuristic search. In this case refer to the function
which is not implemented yet. You should finish the implementation based on your
knowledge from week 1 to week 6.
To implement a heuristic-search-based planner you will need to think about:
● Given high level action, how to select/compute a location or target for the agent.
● How to compute a plan to reach that location/target
● How to return the plan in the form of a list of tuples of action and location, which the
simulator can execute.
Remember that actions are “North”, “South”, “East”, “West”, or “Stop”. Location is a
coordinate of the targeting location of the action..e.g. [(“North”,(1,1)), (“East”,(2,1))]
For information about maps, obstacles, and food locations, refer to section 3.
2.7 Implementing Q-Learning Low Level planning
The default low-level planner getLowLevelPlanQL uses approximate Q learning (refer to
the lecture material) to compute next movements. It classifies existing high-level actions to
three categories with three low-level planning strategies (
Note, you should improve the
low level planning by having each high level action mapped to their own low level
planning strategy
). You could implement your own learning model for low level planning,
not limited to approximate Q learning.
The current low-level strategies have many drawbacks, you should run the game and
observe these drawbacks by watching what happens in the visualiser.
For each strategy, the
getLowLevelPlanQL prepare the
● get reward function
● get feature function
● weights
for approximate Q learning update and evaluation.
The current offensive strategy has reward function, feature function, weights all prepared
(but very naive, with many improvement spaces). The reward function for defensive and
escape strategies are not implemented and their corresponding learn rates are set to 0 to
prevent any weight update.

FIT5222 Assignment 2 Coding Documentation
The weights of a strategy is stored in the class variable QLWeights. QLWeights comes with
default values in class variable definition, and will be loaded(if file exist)/stored to disk at the
beginning/ending of each game run. See registerInitialState and final function for related
You should improve the existing strategy by:
● Improve the feature function to give more/better (but useful and helpful) information
of the agent for q learning.
● New features should have corresponding default weights in class variable
QLWeights and delete the QLWeightsFile on your disk, in case old weights override
the new one.
● Better reward function
When implementing a new strategy, you should:
● Implement a get feature function that collect features from the environment(from
gameState, CaptureAgent Convenience Methods, and AgentState)
● Add default weights for the new strategy in class variable
QLWeights, delete the
QLWeightsFile on your disk, in case old weights override the new one.
● Design and implement the reward function.
Designing Feature Function
The approximate Q learning uses extract features from successor state, then sum and
multiply each feature value with its corresponding weight to be Q Value, which reflects how
good the successor state is. Then choose the action that leads to the best successor
state(largest Q Value). Thus designing good feature functions to collect information from the
environment is important.
Try normalising the value of different features into the same range on maps with different
Avoid features whose evaluation changes rapidly for small changes on the gameboard. For
example, suppose we have a feature called chance_of_losing_food whose domain is in
range [0,100]. The evaluation of this feature is zero until the agent is carrying food and then
can suddenly change close to 100 if there’s a nearby ghost.
A good general principle is that changes in feature values should be smooth between states.
Otherwise the training will be difficult.
Refer to
getOffensiveFeatures to see how staff implement feature function
Designing Reward Function
The reward function usually returns different negative values for the current state of the
agent. You may only return positive values after many non-rewarding steps when something
good/encouraged happens to the agent, e.g. agent returns food to home.

FIT5222 Assignment 2 Coding Documentation
Refer to getOffensiveReward to see how staff implement reward function
Keep in mind that:
● There needs to be a correlation between the state information and the reward: the
simpler the relationship, the easier/faster the model will find it.
● Sparse and binary rewards make the training problem long and arduous. Giving more
information through the reward can tremendously increase the speed/accuracy of the
learned Q-estimator.
● The longer the chain of actions, the more complex the Q-value will be to estimate.
● Avoid giving large penalties based on binary outcomes or contradictory outcomes.
For example, you might decide to give a large penalty every time the agent is eaten
by a ghost. But being eaten when carrying lots of food is better than being eaten
when carrying little or no food. Applying a large penalty does not distinguish between
these situations.
Another bad example is, if you design a feature that gives large rewards when the
agent is carrying lots of food and similarly large penalties when the agent is eaten by
a ghost, the overall information learned by the agent is zero.
Training the model:
There’s a attribute in the registerInitialState, if this is set to True the
updateWeights will update weights before calculating Q value with getQValue function. If
this is set to
False, weights will not be updated, and random exploration will not happen.
There are some parameters regarding the training you should pay attention to:
● self.epsilon = 0.1 Default exploration prob, which is also the chance to take a
random low level action
● self.alpha = 0.1 Default learning rate
● self.discountRate = 0.9 Default discount rate.
If the training makes weights go in the wrong direction, you can delete the text file (specified
in QLWeightsFile) stores QL weights, and restart the training. In this case, the QLWeightsFile
does not exist and the program uses default weights stored in
QLWeights as a starting
You should expect numbers in weights to change slightly in each update and become
more and more stable during the training process.
Small learning rate helps to stabilise the weights but slows down the training speed.
You repeat the cycle of:
● adjust features
● adjust reward
● training
● see if weights get stable and the agent behaves as expected.

FIT5222 Assignment 2 Coding Documentation
● During training record the “correction” value after each weight update. Check if the
value has sudden huge changes and why these huge changes happen. Try
eliminating these abnormalities by adjusting feature and reward implementation.
● You may want to train your low-level planner independent from high level decisions to
focus on the training of a specific low-level planner. For example, when training a
low-level planner for “attack” high-level action, you could disable the high level
planner and alway use “attack” as high-level action. The opposite team in the training
game can focus on defence only.
Turn off the when you submit the code to the contest server.
You can run pacman in silence mode with “-Q” argument and you can specify number of
games with “-n NUMGAME”. This will allow you to simulate many games; e.g., with “-n 100”
argument, it runs 100 games. You can replace 100 with another number you want. You also
need to use “-l ./layouts/bloxCapture.lay” (replace the bloxCapture.lay to other maps) to train
your agent on other maps in the “layouts” folder, or train on a random map by reading how to
generate a random map with “python –help”.
3. Working with the Game Environment
In this section we outline some important details for how to obtain observations and other
useful information from the game environment. Reading and comprehending the
implementation of the game environment can be immensely beneficial to your
3.1 GameState
Any gameState variable you see in the implementation is an object of GameState class in It provides all the information of the environment for your current agent. It also
provide a bunch of convenience methods to return information from the current game
Read the methods of this class to know what it provides. Using the
convenience methods described in next section make it easier to retrieve information from
Refer to get_pddl_state method and those get features functions on how we use these
3.2 Convenience Methods
There are a bunch of convenience methods in the implementation of CaptureAgent in You can call these methods in your implementation at any time to
acquire information conveniently.
Read the codes in “Convenience Methods” section to know what kind of convenience
methods the template agent class provide.

FIT5222 Assignment 2 Coding Documentation
For example, if you find there’s a function called getFoodYouAreDefending in
CaptureAgent class, then you can call this function in your implementation by
this.getFoodYouAreDefending(gameState) to get the foods that have an enemy next to
them. So that, you know the location of the enemy although they are beyond your
observation range.
Refer to
get_pddl_state method and those get features functions on how we use these
3.3 Grid/Map
Functions like getFood of CaptureAgent, getWalls, getBlueFood, and getRedFood of
GameState returns a Grid indicating on each location if there’s a food or obstacle.
Grid is a 2-dimensional array of objects backed by a list of lists. Data is accessed
via grid[x][y] where (x,y) are positioned on a Pacman map with x horizontal, y vertical and
the origin (0,0) in the bottom left corner.
For a
Grid returned by getWalls, grid[x][y] == True indicates location x,y has a fixed
For a
Grid returned by get food related function, grid[x][y] == True indicates location x,y
has a food.
asList() method of a grid will return a list of location coordinates that are True in the grid.
3.4 AgentState
Functions like getAgentState of GameState returns an object of AgentState class defined in This class contains the state of an agent, which includes Pacman, sacred timer,
and food carrying.
Read the definition of this class.
FIT5222 Assignment 2 Coding Documentation
Learn PDDL
● PDDL wiki:
This website contains a detailed guide to PDDL and references to PDDL related
Text Editor: Visual Studio Code with PDDL extension
1. Install PDDL extension by searching “PDDL” in the extension marketplace of Visual
Studio Code.
2. The extension gives grammar highlights if you open a PDDL file.
Piglet PDDL Solver In Pacman
In pacman, we use an interface implemented in lib_piglet.utils.pddl_solver to solve problems
generated programmatically in the agent implementation. See the corresponding
implementation in
getHighLevelPlan of
You can read its implementation and also the implementation of lib_piglet.utils.pddl_parser to
know how it works.
Piglet PDDL Solver Supported Requirements
The piglet PDDL solver support:
● :typing
● :strips
● :negative-preconditions

FIT5222 Assignment 2 Coding Documentation
animal – object
cat mouse – animal
In PDDL, every object belongs to a certain type. You can declare any type with :types. You
can write PDDL without any types, but types make your model more clear. In this example,
type animal is a subtype of the object. Type cat and type mouse have supertype animal and
also inherit type object from type animal.
Constants and Variables
Variables can refer to any applicable object of some types. Variables are always written with
a “?” as a prefix. For example: (?c – cat ?m – mouse) means a variable ?c with type cat and a
variable ?m with type mouse.
In contrast, you can declare constant with (:constants Tom – cat). Tom is a constant object of
type cat.
A predicate is an atomic statement that is used to express certain conditions in the logic of a
planning problem. For example:
?x – animal)
?x – animal ?l – location)
All the above are binary predicates, they are either true for false. They can have or not have
variables. If p is a predicate, (not (p)) refers to its negation.
(:action catch
:parameters (?c – cat ?m – mouse)
:precondition (and (at_home ?m) (at_home ?c))
:effect (and
(not (at_home
An action normally contains a name, 0 or several parameters, 0 or several preconditions and
several effects.
The example here is an action named “catch”. ?c and ?m are parameters for this action. The
precondition says a cat ?c must at_home and a mouse ?m must at_home. When an object
of cat and an object of mouse satisfy preconditions, the effect is that mouse ?m no longer

FIT5222 Assignment 2 Coding Documentation
Disjunctive conditions
The conditions can be generalised to any logical expression. Supported expressions include:
(not Condition)
(and Condition_1 … Condition_N)

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