CISC181(S21) Lab 3

87 views 6:23 am 0 Comments August 25, 2023

CISC181(S21) Lab 3 This lab requires that you download the file from onQ. Don’t be dismayed by the length of the lab: The text ismostly explanatory. You will have to pay attention to what you’re doing, however. Submission guidelines The problems on this lab require a mix of solution types. Part 1 requires you to type a solution into text boxes on this document and to edit an HTML file. Part 2 requires you to copy and edit another HTML file. Place the following into a zip file called • Your completed Lab03.docx file • Your completed beancounter.html file • Your completed binary_search.html file Upload that .zip file to onQ by the lab’s due date and time. Part 1 (10 marks) Programming requires that you type everything to an exact specification, and this is not as easy as it may seem. Professional programmers frequently work in pairs, partly so that one programmer can spot typographical errors or omissions made by the other programmer. Unfortunately, working on this lab by yourself, you do not have the luxury of the extra pair of eyes, but you do have the advantage of being able to copy and paste some code from this document. As with Lab 2, for this lab you will need a plain text editor; ideally one that knows just a little about the web markup language, HTML (which we will look at in more detail later in the course) and JavaScript program code. My preference, again, is for Visual Studio Code. You will not lose points on this lab for using a different editor, but you should not try using Microsoft Word or any program like it that inserts formatting codes into its documents. JavaScript is a programming language that all modern web browsersunderstand. As a programming language, it has its strengths and weaknesses, but one of its strengths is its ubiquity; it is everywhere! All but the very simplest websites use it extensively, so it is worth your while to understand a bit about it. I have written a JavaScript program for this lab and built it into the webpage beancounter.html which you can extract to a folder on your computer from (available from onQ). Have a look at it by dragging it from a file listing on your computer onto an open web browser. The program will run automatically, waiting for you to place a fake coffee shop order. It should look very much like this: Okay, start your text editor and then open beancounter.html in it. It’s quite a long file. On my Windows machine, the top part of the file looks like this in Visual Studio Code:

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