Choosing your target cohort or group

102 views 9:15 am 0 Comments June 30, 2023

Supporting resources
Choosing your target cohort or group
In order to choose your target group or cohort content and readings from weeks 3-6 will help you. You can choose a more specific target group. For example you may want to focus on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples but you may want to specifically focus on young people. You may focus on CALD but more specifically refugees or newly arrived migrants. You may want to focus on sexual orientation and more specifically gay young people. You can also choose a target group that we have not covered in class for example you may want to focus on single parents. If you decide to focus on a target group that we have not covered in class check in with your facilitator.
It is important when considering your target group that you are able to create the link back to community services.
Choosing a historical structural factor/approach
We cover historical factors in weeks 3 to 6 under struggles and inequality. However use google scholar to research historical events, policies or legislation that has impacted your group. When choosing your historical factor remember that is has be a structural historical factor.
Remember structural oppression is when dominant groups in society gain access to institutions in society therefore have MOf power in making decisions that shape the society we are living in. We are therefore looking at legislation, policies and socio cultural issues. For example the White Australia policy or Assimilation policies.
If you choose Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples this resource may be useful in exploring history: Our Shared History -:;- mplications for community services

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