88 views 6:29 am 0 Comments September 14, 2023

Respond to problems and
complaints about the service
Please note: This document is not designed for double sided printing. Prior to attempting this assessment, please ensure you have read the Learning Guide for this unit and/or have completed training with an ACCCO Trainer/Assessor.
© ACCCO 2016
This publication is copyright to ACCCO, Brisbane Queensland, Australia. With the exception of fair dealing for the purpose of private study, research, criticism or review as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced without written permission.
About this assessment
This Unit of Competency forms a part of the CHC Community Services Training Package. All components of this document meet the defined requirements by both the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) and the CHC Training Package. If you would like additional information about this unit…

  • To access the Unit of Competency details, type the unit code in…
  • For ACCCO’s mapping documents against the Unit of Competency criteria, contact ACCCO Head Office.

ACCCO’s approach to assessment
General information about assessment is found in the Student Handbook. This includes details about:

  • Types of assessment
  • Copyright and plagiarism, including action taken if this is breached
  • Access and equity, including adjusting assessment for students with disabilities
  • Appealing results, including the process to be taken

Please ensure you have a ful understanding of the information in the Student Handbook before commencing this assessment. If there is additional information specific to this assessment, it will appear in this document under the specific assessment item. Resources needed for this assessment
Access to documentation or resources may be required for assessment of this Unit of Competency. This list is outlined in the beginning of the Learning Guide or provided in class for this unit. All documents selected are available for free download from various recognised authorities.
To complete the on the job requirements, students will need to be working in or completing vocational placement in an approved workplace with an appropriate supervisor. Please consult the ‘Instructions for on the job assessment” page in this document for specific information.
Obtaining additional assistance
If you need help at any time, please contact your ACCCO Trainer/Assessor. Where this person isn’t available, please contact head office on phone 1300 139 406 or email [email protected]
Additional information about obtaining help is outlined in the Learning Guide for this unit. © ACCCO 2016 CHCECE029 Assessment Guide v1 p 2 Instructions for assessment tasks  general information This unit is assessed both in theory and practice. This means that you will need to complete both the theoretical assessment (assessment of your knowledge) as well as a practical assessment in an approved workplace (assessment of the application of your knowledge and your skills) Please note: Every assessment task must be marked as satisfactory in order for overall competency to be achieved.
No formal recognition can be awarded for partial completion of the unit eg just completing theory.
 Assessment of theory
Assessment of theory is the first stage in the assessment phase. This is Part A and Part B of your assessment. You wil be required to complete this before attempting the practical assessment.
Details of your assessment items are included in the pages to follow. Please ensure you read these carefully, complete all sections as directed.
Once al parts of your theoretical assessment are complete, it is your responsibility to:

  1. Keep the copy of your assessment until you graduate from this qualification. ACCCO has strict measures to protect all assessment items, however acknowledges circumstances which cannot be controlled (such as postal loss, technical, fire or accidental damage) contribute to the loss of student work. Due to meeting legislative and/or contract requirements, ACCCO may ask for a copy of an assessment item at any time until graduation, and students will need to comply with that request. Students who did not keep a copy of assessment items for any reason will need to re-complete the assessment to meet their assessment obligations.
  2. Sign the “Declaration of Authenticity” found on the “Overall Assessment Report” (last page of this document) and ensure you include this when submitting your assessment. Your ACCCO Trainer/Assessor will not accept your assessment unless this has been provided. Signing this form indicates:
  1. The assessment is your own work (please read the policy on “Plagiarism” in our Student Handbook for details of what happens if it isn’t your own work)
  2. That a copy has been kept by you as per point 1 above.

Please also…

  • Maintain confidentiality at all times. Use first names of children only; refer to Educators by the role they hold rather by name; and say “at the workplace” rather than specifically naming the title of the workplace.
  • Appropriately acknowledge other people’s work by using a Harvard referencing style. For example when quoting work, say “Smith (2000:11) states….” and then place the full reference at the end of your assessment: Smith L., (2000) Children at Play, 4th edition, Lang Publishing Australia. Plagiarism is not acceptable in any form.
  • Abide by copyright legislation in reproducing work.

Assessment of practice
Once you have completed the theory assessment, you can commence on the assessment of practice. This is Part C and Part D of your assessment and is outlined on the ‘On the Job Assessment’ page. For many assessments, Part B of this unit will provide tasks to be completed on the job which will lead to the On the Job assessment.
Assessment of practice includes completion of various tasks outlined in:

  1. The Supervisor Report completed by your workplace supervisor
  2. The Observation Report completed by the ACCCO Trainer/Assessor during his/her visits with you at the service. Please ensure this is available to them on their visit

Depending on your training contract, a training plan report may need to be completed

Submitting this assessment:
Please ensure you have completed the box at the top of the “Overall Assessment Page” (the last page of this document) and sign the declaration, then submit this entire document to your ACCCO Trainer/Assessor for marking at the next training session or…
– post to: ACCCO, 161 Brunswick Street, Fortitude Valley, QLD 4006
– email to: [email protected]

© ACCCO 2016 CHCECE029 Assessment Guide v1 p 3 Part A of Assessment  Case Study Instructions to the student:
The following questions have been designed to obtain your knowledge in relation to the Assessment Requirements for this unit. Therefore, please read the question carefully, and answer it in full (unless otherwise instructed by your ACCCO Trainer/Assessor). Your responses should aim to demonstrate that you have acquired the knowledge and skills required to be deemed competent in this unit.
Please refer to the Learning Guide if you need to extend you knowledge and skills to successfully answer the question.
Alecia’s mum Nancy approaches you. “She’s always starving when she gets home from here” she said in an annoyed tone “I pay fees so she gets fed, and so she shouldn’t be that hungry when she gets home”.
1. How will you respond to Nancy? Include strategies you will use that support positive response to a complaint, and what

you’ll tell her about the complaint and/or resolution process.

2. What are the key issues in this situation? How will you identify and confirm what these are?

You tel Nancy that you wil investigate the situation and get back to her the folowing afternoon. 3. Who will you involve in gathering information about this complaint? And how?

4. What information will you seek to gather? Consider both information you can gather from staff and documentation.

© ACCCO 2016 CHCECE029 Assessment Guide v1 p 4

5. What policies and procedures of the service will you need to consult and/or follow? Include privacy and confidentiality

It’s now the folowing afternoon and you’re getting ready for Nancy to arrive. Consider you’ve gathered information seems to indicate that Alecia is being offered afternoon tea, but generaly refuses to eat it. You consider it may be the timing of the meal, but also that fruit is generaly on offer which Alecia doesn’t seem to want to eat. Staff have mentioned that Nancy has told them that they must force Alecia to eat even if she refuses saying “if I have to pay for it, she will eat it”.
You plan the meeting to discuss your observations, gather feedback from Nancy about her usual routines of eating at home and work to a solution.
6. Provide a description of what you will do in the meeting with Nancy. Other than the general information above, you are to make up fictional information about what happened to an effective resolution.

a) What will you do to make sure Nancy is comfortable to share information in the meeting? Consider set up in the environment and any strategies you plan on using.

b) What information will you prepare to take to the meeting? Consider any workplace documents, as well as any other information you may wish to share which may support the meeting

c) What are the ethical considerations?

© ACCCO 2016 CHCECE029 Assessment Guide v1 p 5

d) Outline the conversation you have with Nancy. Include how you will work to a solution.

© ACCCO 2016 CHCECE029 Assessment Guide v1 p 6 e) What will you do after the meeting to ensure the situation is resolved? Include how you will document outcomes and how feedback/lessons learnt may work to improve and/or change practice for the future.

f) According to your service policy, if the resolution process didn’t achieve the results you are after, then mediation should be used. Explain how mediation works and if you think it would be appropriate to use if Nancy doesn’t agree with the outcome of the resolution process used to date. © ACCCO 2016 CHCECE029 Assessment Guide v1 p 7 Part B of Assessment  Workplace project This assessment requires you to respond to three (3) different situations involving a problem or complaint in an Approved Workplace. The problem or complaint may be about any topic at all, and can come from any party (including from families and/or other staff). Your assessment will be about how you acknowledge, address the situation, and work to an effective resolution.
Situation 1:

What is the problem/complaint?
Provide a description about how you managed the problem/complaint from beginning to end. Include how you will review the outcomes.

© ACCCO 2016 CHCECE029 Assessment Guide v1 p 8 Situation 2:

What is the problem/complaint?
Provide a description about how you managed the problem/complaint from beginning to end. Include how you will review the outcomes.

© ACCCO 2016 CHCECE029 Assessment Guide v1 p 9 Situation 3:

What is the problem/complaint?
Provide a description about how you managed the problem/complaint from beginning to end. Include how you will review the outcomes.

© ACCCO 2016 CHCECE029 Assessment Guide v1 p 10

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