Case Management and Understanding Community Services

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HCCSSD101_Assessment_2_ Due Week 7 Page 1 of 1

Subject Code and Title HCCSSD101 Case Management and Understanding Community
Assessment Essay – The four key principles of ethical practice
Individual/Group Individual
Length 1,500 words (+/- 10%)
Learning Outcomes The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful
completion of the task below include:
a) Reflect on appropriate ethical and professional standards in case
b) Describe the theory and practice of program planning,
development and evaluation.
Submission Due by 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday end of Module 7 (Week 7).
Weighting 35%
Total Marks 100 marks

Assessment Task
Reflect on and discuss the importance of the four key principles underlying the code of ethics of case
management (Case Management Society of Australia and New Zealand’s National Code of Ethics for
Case Management (2013) or ACWA Code of Ethics and Practice (2017) to the development and
delivery of community services. Under what circumstances may it be necessary to limit the
application of the principle of autonomy and how might you compensate for this? Use examples to
illustrate your analysis.
Please refer to the Instructions for details on how to complete this task.
In the first weeks of this subject, you have explored the social and economic circumstances many
people in Australia experience as well as the community service responses to their needs. You have
explored the underlying values of different community service organisations as well as current and
emerging models of service delivery.
You have also examined the fundamental principles and values that inform a community service
professional’s practice and how they are expressed in the code of ethics for case management. You
were challenged to reflect on your own personal values and how they may align with the values of
professional practice.

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After becoming familiar with the steps involved in case management and the role of the case
manager, you then reviewed the application of case management in different settings and with
different population groups.
This assessment will provide you with the opportunity to apply your learnings and insights to date by
describing the importance of the values and ethics of case management and how they inform your
practice. It will provide you with a further opportunity to demonstrate a higher level of
understanding or the application of these values when they are applied in varied circumstances with
diverse populations. Your analysis will need to reflect on the degree to which the principle of
autonomy can be maintained in circumstances where a client may have reduced cognitive or
decision-making capacity.
1. To complete this assessment task, address the following questions in your 1,500-word
(+/- 10%) essay and provide examples as required:
• What are the four key principles underpinning professional community service
• How are these articulated in codes of ethics?
• Why are they important to informing practice?
2. Choose an example where, in working in the role of a case manager, you are attempting
to develop a case management plan with a person who has limited understanding of the
process (i.e., this may be due to reduced cognitive and decision-making capacity,
confusion brought about due to a mental illness or impairment, or due to language and
cultural issues which may result in the person finding the experience of this engagement
intimidating and alienating):
• Use your example to explore the challenges this situation contains.
• How may you continue to operate in ways which respect client autonomy.
What strategies or adjustments to your practice will you need to engage in to
achieve this?
• One way of reflecting on their importance may be to reflect on and analyse
the implications of their absence in the relationship between a client and a
The structure of your essay should include:
A separate cover page with the subject name and code, your name, the assessment number
and title, and your Learning Facilitator’s name.
Introduction (approximately 250 words) which contains a clear statement of the purpose of
the essay and what you will cover, together with any relevant background information.
The Main Body (approximately 1,000 words) which should contain identification of issues
and their disassembly into parts and critical perspective to be applied in analysing the
constituent parts.
Conclusion (approximately 250 words) which summarises the key points of your essay.
HCCSSD101_Assessment_2_ Due Week 7 Page 1 of 1
Remember to use references and other material and resources provided in Weeks 1 to 7. In
Case Management: Inclusive Community Practice (Moore, 2016).
Please refer to the Assessment Rubric for the assessment criteria.
APA Reference:
Moore, E. (Ed.). (2016). Case management: Inclusive community practice (2nd ed.). Oxford University
It is essential that you use appropriate APA style (7th edition) for citing and referencing research.
Please see more information on referencing in the
Academic Skills webpage.
Submission Instructions
Submit this task via the Assessment link in the main navigation menu in HCCSSD101 Case
Management and Understanding Community Services
. Your Learning Facilitator will provide
feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
Academic Integrity
All students are responsible for ensuring that all work submitted is their own and is appropriately
referenced and academically written according to the
Academic Writing Guide. Students also need
to have read and be aware of the Torrens University Australia Academic Integrity Policy and
Procedure and subsequent penalties for academic misconduct. These are
viewable online.
Students also must keep a copy of all submitted material and any assessment drafts.
Special Consideration
To apply for special consideration for a modification to an assessment or exam due to unexpected or
extenuating circumstances, please consult the
Assessment Policy for Higher Education Coursework
and, if applicable to your circumstance, submit a completed Application for Assessment
Special Consideration Form
to your Learning Facilitator.
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Assessment Rubric

(Yet to achieve
minimum standard)
High Distinction
Knowledge and
understanding of case
Total percentage for
this Assessment
Attribute = 30%
Demonstrates a partially
developed understanding
of case management:
● Incomplete
description of the
four principles
professional practice.
● Limited application of
values and ethics to
● Poor appreciation of
how values may be
applied in a range of
situations with
diverse client groups.
● Limited awareness of
strategies to employ
to ensure respect for
client autonomy in
Demonstrates functional
knowledge of case
Adequate description of
the four principles
underlying professional
practice (beneficence,
non-malfeasance, justice,
● Basic application of
values and ethics to
● Basic appreciation of
how values may be
applied in a range of
situations with diverse
client groups.
● An awareness of
strategies to employ to
ensure respect for client
autonomy in challenging
circumstances, but with
limited application.
Demonstrates proficient
knowledge of case
Good description of the
four principles
underlying professional
practice (beneficence,
justice, autonomy).
● Proficient application
of values and ethics to
● Good appreciation of
how values may be
applied in a range of
situations with diverse
client groups.
● An awareness of
strategies to employ to
ensure respect for
client autonomy in
circumstances and
demonstrates how
they may be applied.
Demonstrates advanced
knowledge of case
description of the four
principles underlying
professional practice
(beneficence, non
malfeasance, justice,
autonomy) and a clear
rationale of their
significance to practice.
● Advanced application
of values and ethics to
● Well-developed
appreciation of how
values may be applied
in a range of situations
with diverse client
● A comprehensive
awareness of strategies
to employ to ensure
respect for client
Demonstrates exceptional
knowledge of case
description and
analysis of the four
principles underlying
professional practice
(beneficence, non
malfeasance, justice,
autonomy) and a clear
rationale of their
significance to practice.
● Comprehensive
application of values
and ethics to practice
● Advanced appreciation
of how values may be
applied in a range of
situations with diverse
client groups.
● A comprehensive
awareness of
strategies to employ to
ensure respect for

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autonomy in
circumstances and
demonstrates how they
may be effectively
adapted and applied.
Demonstrates use of
practice in evaluating
and determining these
client autonomy in
circumstances and
demonstrates how
they may be effectively
adapted and applied.
● Demonstrates a
comprehensive use of
practice in evaluating
and determining these
Analysis and application
with synthesis of new
Able to identify key
values which
generally underpin
community services
and, in particular,
the ethics of case
Analysis of the
implications for
practice of these
values including
their utility
Critical review of
the application of
Limited synthesis and
Limited application and/or
recommendations based
upon analysis.
Demonstrates analysis and
synthesis of new knowledge
with application.
Shows the ability to interpret
relevant information and
Well-developed analysis
and synthesis with
application of
recommendations linked to
analysis and synthesis.
Thoroughly developed and
creative analysis and
synthesis with application
of pretested models and/or
independently developed
models and justified
recommendations linked to
analysis and synthesis.
Highly sophisticated and
creative analysis and
synthesis of new
knowledge with existing
Strong application by way
of pretested models and/or
independently developed
models. Recommendations
are clearly justified based
on the analysis and
synthesis. Applying
knowledge to new
situations and other cases.

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these values in
Total percentage for
this Assessment
Attribute = 25%
Evaluation of
information selected to
support the case study
Understanding of
the need to adjust
practice to the
challenges of
particular client or
service system
Application of
evaluation of
strategies to be
employed to adjust
practice to ensure
congruence with
values and ethics
Percentage for this
criterion = 25%
Limited understanding of
key concepts required to
support the case study.
Confuses logic and
emotion. Information
taken from reliable
sources but without a
coherent analysis or
Viewpoints of experts are
taken as fact with little
Resembles a recall or
summary of key ideas.
Often conflates and/or
confuses assertion of
personal opinion with
information substantiated by
evidence from the research
or subject materials.
Analysis and evaluation do
not reflect expert judgement,
intellectual independence,
rigour and adaptability.
Supports personal opinion
and information
substantiated by evidence
from the research and
subject materials.
Demonstrates a capacity to
explain and apply relevant
Identifies logical flaws.
Questions viewpoints of
Discriminates between
assertion of personal
opinion and information
substantiated by robust
evidence from the research,
subject materials and
extended reading.
capacity to explain and
apply relevant concepts.
Viewpoint of experts are
subject to questioning.
Analysis and evaluation
reflect growing judgement,
intellectual independence,
rigour and adaptability.
Systematically and critically
discriminates between
assertion of personal
opinion and information
substantiated by robust
evidence from the
research, subject materials
and extended reading.
Information is taken from
sources with a high level of
interpretation and
evaluation to develop a
comprehensive critical
analysis or synthesis.
Identifies gaps in
Exhibits intellectual
independence, rigour, good
judgement and
Presents information.

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Total percentage for
this Assessment
Attribute = 10%
Specialised language and
terminology are rarely or
inaccurately employed.
Meaning is repeatedly
obscured by errors in the
communication of ideas,
including errors in
structure, sequence,
spelling, grammar,
punctuation and/or the
acknowledgment of
Communicates in a readable
manner that largely adheres
to the given format.
Employs some specialised
language and terminology
with accuracy.
Meaning is sometimes
difficult to follow.
Information, arguments and
evidence are structured and
sequenced in a way that is
not always clear and logical.
Some errors are evident in
spelling, grammar and/or
Communicates in a
coherent and readable
manner that adheres to the
given format.
Accurately employs
specialised language and
Meaning is easy to follow.
Information, arguments and
evidence are structured and
sequenced in a way that is
clear and logical.
Occasional minor errors
present in spelling,
grammar and/or
Communicates coherently
and concisely in a manner
that adheres to the given
Accurately employs a wide
range of specialised
language and terminology.
Engages audience interest.
Information, arguments and
evidence are structured and
sequenced in a way that is
clear and persuasive.
Spelling, grammar and
punctuation are free from
Communicates eloquently.
Expresses meaning
coherently, concisely and
creatively within the given
Discerningly selects and
precisely employs a wide
range of specialised
language and terminology.
Engages and sustains
audience’s interest.
Information, arguments
and evidence are insightful,
persuasive and expertly
Spelling, grammar and
punctuation are free from

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Correct citation and
referencing of key
resources and evidence
Total percentage for
this Assessment
Attribute = 10%
inconsistent use of good
quality, credible and
relevant resources to
support and develop
APA citation and
referencing are omitted or
Demonstrates use of credible
and relevant resources to
support and develop ideas,
but these are not always
explicit or well-developed.
APA citations and referencing
are basic, with frequent or
repeated errors.
Demonstrates use of
credible resources to
support and develop ideas.
APA citation and
referencing are adequate
with some errors.
Demonstrates use of good
quality, credible and
relevant resources to
support and develop
arguments and statements.
Show evidence of wide
scope within the
organisation for sourcing
Applies APA citation and
referencing techniques with
minor errors.
Demonstrates use of high
quality, credible and
relevant resources to
support and develop
arguments and position
Show evidence of wide
scope within and without
the organisation for
sourcing evidence.
Applies APA citation and
referencing techniques
with minor errors.


The following Subject Learning Outcomes are addressed in this assessment
SLO a) Reflect on appropriate ethical and professional standards in case management.
SLO b) Describe the theory and practice of program planning, development and evaluation.


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