Case Analysis

124 views 9:03 am 0 Comments July 14, 2023

Marketing Research and Data AnalysisI have a requirement for a 6-8 page (double spaced) ethics paper on the movie “Thank you for smoking”. The paper requires: Case Analysis (25%)
In order to make this course relevant to the world in which we live and, in particular, to current events, I am requiring you to write a short case analysis. This 6-8 page (double spaced, excluding bibliography) paper will express your carefully thought out and well-argued perspective on a movie (e.g. Inside Job, Social Network, Wall Street, A Christmas Carol) or news issue (oil sands, SNC-Lavalin bribery, executive pay, insider trading). You must find a specific case and philosophically analyze its pros and cons. You may select your own topics but please get my approval in advance.
In writing your case analysis you must construct a thesis statement (a summary statement of 25 words or less that encapsulates your position on the issue), provide a brief overview of the case, and then give arguments to support your opinions. As you develop your argument rely on facts, provide evidence, and include a conclusion summarizing your points. In short, you are required to write a paper outlining your position on some aspect(s) of business ethics. This is worth 25% of your grade and due on February 14th.

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