Business Ethics and Sustainability II

95 views 7:16 am 0 Comments July 25, 2023

Select one of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) that is relevant for Marks & Spencer. It is likely that many goals will be relevant, so students should be selective. Students should write a report directed to the CEO/Senior Management of Marks & Spencer addressing two issues.

  • Discuss the selected SDG and the issue that this goal addresses. Examine and discuss the role of business organizations in achieving this goal.
  • Critically analyze the company’s current environmental, social, and economic performance in relation to the selected goal. Students should show how the goal is relevant for Marks & Spencer and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the company’s existing sustainability and corporate social responsibility strategies and actions in relation to the SDG they have chosen. Academic references should be included. Please reference your work consistently.
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