Business Consulting Project

104 views 9:34 am 0 Comments August 10, 2023

BIZ304_Assessment 2_ Recommendation Report_M5

Subject Code and Title BIZ304 Business Consulting Project
Assessment 2 Project Phase II is in 2 parts
Part A: Discussion Forum
Part B: Research Report
Individual/Group Part A: Individual
Part B: Group (3-4 students maximum)
Length Part A: 400 words minimum
Part B: 2,000 words each +/- 10%
Learning Outcomes a) Identify the most important parts of a business
problem/opportunity and apply a range of problem
solving skills
b) Collaborate with multiple stakeholders on a
significant project managing it to completion
c) Develop high levels of Client orientation and
d) Formulate and communicate effective and
innovative solutions and recommendations to
business problems/opportunities
Submission Part A: By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday of Module 4
(week 8)
Part B: By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday of Module 6
(week 11)
Weighting Part A: 15%
Part B: 30%
Total Marks 100 Marks

This Recommendation Report builds on your earlier work for the Consulting Project
(Assessment 1 Phase I: Research Report) where you clearly established the
problem/opportunity and researched the Client’s organisation and industry. Having
undertaken that research, you are now required to develop your recommendations for the

BIZ304_Assessment 2_ Recommendation Report_M5
Industry pays significant amounts of money for high quality consultant recommendations.
This project provides a simulated, real-life case to test your ability to deliver sound
recommendations that add value to an organisation.
Assessment 3 for this subject requires you to make a presentation of this report. There is a
separate Assessment Brief for that undertaking.
In order to develop valuable recommendations for the Client, you will need to properly
analyse the data that emerged in Phase I and develop ways to solve the Client’s
problem/opportunity. As you are working in a team you will need to collaborate and at
different times all members of the group will need to demonstrate leadership. By drawing
on the insights and skills of the entire team, you maximise the chances of the end product
being effective and innovative.
In formulating your recommendations, you will need to interact with multiple stakeholders
including the Client in particular, but also with your learning facilitator, potentially with third
party providers of information and with each other. As in industry, in all instances,
maintaining professionalism is paramount.
Any contact with the Client (including emails) must first be approved by the Learning
As Appendices to the report (not included in the word count) the group will be required to
provide for each team member one page of feedback (for example, on their leadership,
collaboration, professionalism, communication skills etc. during the project). Each page of
feedback will be agreed and co-written by all the other team members and cannot be edited
by the receiver of the feedback.
The feedback should be constructive, and must include both positive as well as
developmental suggestions, with specific examples to support behavioural observations
wherever possible. You are encouraged to take notes throughout the term that you can
refer to, to facilitate this. Feedback can draw on your experiences in both Assessments 1
and 2.
You are required for Part A to:

Regularly post your comments (identifying your specific contributions/roles to the
project) to the group discussion forum as activities evolve
Be clear about your personal involvement
You are required for Part B to:
I. Clearly introduce the report and its purpose, as well as the key findings from Phase I

BIZ304_Assessment 2_ Recommendation Report_M5

II. Acknowledge all stakeholders and data sources, as well as any other important
background information or context
Utilise relevant theory and tools to develop justifiable, effective and innovative
solutions to the Client brief
Refer to specific sections of Phase I of the project where appropriate to validate
assertions and generate confidence
Effectively communicate why each recommendation is sound and how it will
contribute to solving the problem/opportunity
Include relevant and defensible project management timelines, scope, resource
requirements and budget for implementing the recommendations (1 page)
Include a short recommended project management task sheet table indicating who
from the Client would be responsible for delivering all elements of the plan (1 page)
Include a summary of key project risks, sensitivities and limitations (1 page)
Include a short outline of a project communications plan as appropriate – including
tactics, tools, media and budget (1 page)


X. Provide a high-level plan for measurement and evaluation of the recommendations
if implemented (1 page)
Provide a high-level plan for any recommended follow up or further action required
(1 page)
Include for each team member a 1-page Appendix of feedback

Submission Instructions:
Submit the group assessment via the Assessment link in the main navigation menu in BIZ304
by the end of week 10 (
one submission per group). The facilitator will provide feedback via
the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades. All members of
one group will be awarded the same mark.
You will be assessed on your ability to:

analyse and problem-solve issues and to develop effective and creative
demonstrate Client orientation and a professional approach while addressing the
issues/opportunities identified in the Diagnosis Report
engage and participate collaboratively, consultatively and collegially in the team

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Learning Rubric: Assessment 2 Part A

Fail (Unacceptable) (Functional) Pass (Proficient) Credit (Advanced) Distinction High (Exceptional) Distinction
(Grading Scheme)
Fail grade will be
awarded if a student is
unable to demonstrate
satisfactory academic
performance in the
subject or has failed to
complete required
assessment points in
accordance with the
subject’s required
assessment points.
Pass is awarded for work
showing a satisfactory
achievement of all
learning outcomes and an
adequate understanding
of theory and application
of skills. A consistent
academic referencing
system is used and
sources are appropriately
Credit is awarded for work
showing a more than
satisfactory achievement of
all learning outcomes and a
more than adequate
understanding of theory
and application of skills. A
consistent academic
referencing system is used
and sources are
Distinction is awarded for
work of superior quality
in achieving all learning
outcomes and a superior
integration and
understanding of theory
and application of skills.
Evidence of in-depth
research, reading,
analysis and evaluation is
demonstrated. A
consistent academic
referencing system is
used and sources are
High Distinction is
awarded for work of
outstanding quality in
achieving all learning
outcomes together with
outstanding integration
and understanding of
theory and application of
skills. Evidence of
in‐depth research,
reading, analysis, original
and creative thought is
demonstrated. A
consistent academic
referencing system is
used and sources are
Group Discussion
Little information about
your specific, individual
involvement in the
project team
Some acceptable
information about your
specific, individual
involvement in the
project team
Information, evidence and
explanations are included
showing good specific,
individual involvement in
the project team
Information, evidence
and explanations are
included showing very
good, specific individual
involvement in the
project team
Information, evidence
and explanations are
included showing
proactive and supportive
collaboration with very
good, specific individual
involvement in the
project team

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Learning Rubric: Assessment 2 Part B

Fail (Unacceptable)
75 -84%
High Distinction
(Grading Scheme)
Fail grade will be
awarded if a student is
unable to demonstrate
satisfactory academic
performance in the
subject or has failed to
complete required
assessment points in
accordance with the
subject’s required
assessment points.
Pass is awarded for work
showing a satisfactory
achievement of all
learning outcomes and an
adequate understanding
of theory and application
of skills. A consistent
academic referencing
system is used and
sources are appropriately
Credit is awarded for work
showing a more than
satisfactory achievement of
all learning outcomes and a
more than adequate
understanding of theory
and application of skills. A
consistent academic
referencing system is used
and sources are
Distinction is awarded for
work of superior quality
in achieving all learning
outcomes and a superior
integration and
understanding of theory
and application of skills.
Evidence of in-depth
research, reading,
analysis and evaluation is
demonstrated. A
consistent academic
referencing system is
used and sources are
High Distinction is
awarded for work of
outstanding quality in
achieving all learning
outcomes together with
outstanding integration
and understanding of
theory and application of
skills. Evidence of
in‐depth research,
reading, analysis, original
and creative thought is
demonstrated. A
consistent academic
referencing system is
used and sources are
Integrates and applies
frameworks and
models to address
problems and/or
opportunities from
the Research Report
Limited use and
understanding of
required concepts and
knowledge. Key
components of the
assignment are not
Adequate use and
knowledge or
understanding of the field
or discipline
Thorough knowledge or
understanding of the field
or discipline/s.
Supports personal opinion
and information
substantiated by evidence
Highly developed
understanding of the field
or discipline/s
Well demonstrated
capacity to explain and
apply relevant concepts
A sophisticated
understanding of the
field or discipline/s
Mastery of concepts and
application to new

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20 % from the research/course
Demonstrates a capacity to
explain and apply relevant
Formulates effective
and innovative
that are justifiable
40 %
Demonstrates limited
awareness of context
and/or purpose of the
assignment and/or the
specific Client brief
Fails to provide
recommendations that
are reasonable and/or
applicable to the
Demonstrates adequate
awareness of context
and/or purpose of the
assignment and/or the
specific Client brief
Provides standard,
straightforward or
recommendations only
Demonstrates consistent
awareness of context
and/or purpose of the
assignment and/or the
specific Client brief
Provides good
recommendations that
reflect skilful analysis and
some original thinking
Demonstrates an
advanced and integrated
understanding of context
and/or purpose of the
assignment and/or the
specific Client brief
Provides advanced
recommendations that
reflect well developed
analysis and original
demonstrates a
systematic and critical
understanding of context
and purpose of the
assignment and/or the
specific Client brief
Provides expert
recommendations that
reflect sophisticated
analysis, original thinking
and creativity
Project management
components (such as
timelines, scope,
budget, estimated
communication plan,
task sheet, risk
evaluation and follow
up plans etc.) are
thorough, clear and
contain appropriate
Limited response to the
project management
elements listed in the
Assessment Brief
Adequate response to the
project management
elements listed in the
Assessment Brief
Well developed response
to the project management
elements listed in the
Assessment Brief
Advanced response to the
project management
elements listed in the
Assessment Brief
Sophisticated response to
the project management
elements listed in the
Assessment Brief

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20 %
Includes robust,
useful, well supported
feedback on each
team members’
professionalism and
skills during the
10 %
Does not provide useful
feedback which is both
positive and
Does not provide useful,
specific examples of
behaviours to assist in
understanding of the
Is superficial and
unhelpful to the person
receiving the feedback
Provides adequate
feedback which is both
positive and
Provides some useful,
specific examples of
behaviours to assist in
developing understanding
of the feedback
Provide comments that
will have some limited
usefulness to the person
receiving it
Provides good feedback
which is both positive and
Provides useful, specific
examples of behaviours to
assist in developing
understanding of the
feedback, that have good
detail and are well linked
to message being made
Provide some helpful
insights that will be useful
to the person receiving it
Provides advanced
feedback which is both
positive and
Provides insightful,
specific examples of
behaviours to assist in
developing understanding
of the feedback, that are
highly detailed and clearly
linked to message being
Provide multiple helpful
insights that will be very
useful to the person
receiving it
Provides expert feedback
which is both positive
and developmental
Provides sophisticated,
specific examples of
behaviours to assist in
understanding of the
feedback, that are highly
detailed and expertly
linked to message being
Provide multiple valuable
insights that will be
extremely useful to the
person receiving it
presentation, well
written and meeting
APA guidelines for
10 %
presentation, poorly
written and/or not
meeting the APA
guidelines for
Adequate presentation,
writing and/or
Good presentation, writing
and/or referencing
Advanced presentation,
writing and/or
Expert presentation,
writing and/or


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