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5/23/22, 5:47 PM Preview Rubric: Assessment 2 – Case Study – (BMO6622) Managing Innovation and Entrepreneurship – CT – Victoria University 1/6 Assessment 2 – Case Study Course: (BMO6622) Managing Innovation and Entrepreneurship – CT Criteria High Distinction (80-100%) Distinction (70-79%) Credit (60- 69%) Pass (50-59%) N-Not yet satisfactory (0-49%) Criterion Score Identificatio n and analysis of key issues in the case study (15%) / 15 Response to the case study questions (35%) / 35 15 points Deco nstru ct and accur ately identi fy all key issues . Clear and insigh tful analy sis of all releva nt issues in the case study (12-15) 11 points Accur ately identi fy all releva nt issues in the case study. Clear analy sis of all releva nt issues in the case study (10.5-11.5) 9.5 points Accur ately identi fy most releva nt issues in the case study. Clear analy sis of most releva nt issues in the case study (9-10) 8 points Identi fy some releva nt issues in the case study. Limit ed analy sis of some issues in the case study. (7.5-8.5) 6 points Inco mplet e and/o r inacc urate identi ficati on and descri ption of releva nt issues and/o r issues of low releva nce. (0-7) 35 points Resp ond accur ately to all 26 points Resp ond accur ately to all 22.5 points Resp ond accur ately to all 19 points Resp ond to most quest 13 points Resp ond to few quest 5/23/22, 5:47 PM Preview Rubric: Assessment 2 – Case Study – (BMO6622) Managing Innovation and Entrepreneurship – CT – Victoria University 2/6 Criteria High Distinction (80-100%) Distinction (70-79%) Credit (60- 69%) Pass (50-59%) N-Not yet satisfactory (0-49%) Criterion Score Critical reflection and discussion of proposed options and / 35 quest ions with releva nt answ ers Expla natio n and justifi catio n of respo nses based on valid interp retati ons of case study conte nt and subje ct knowl edge (28-35) quest ions with releva nt answ ers Expla natio n and justifi catio n of respo nses based on valid interp retati ons of case study conte nt (24.5-27.5) quest ions. Expla natio n and justifi catio n of respo nses mostl y based on interp retati ons of case study conte nt (21-24) ions with rudim entar y answ ers Expla natio n and justifi catio n of respo nses relate to case study conte nt (17.5-20.5) ions, some incom plete and/o r incorr ect answ ers. Reaso ning behin d respo nses unclear and/o r incom plete (0-17) 35 points Syste matic, accur ate and 26 points Syste matic and accur ate 22.5 points Accur ate critic al reflec 19 points Adeq uate critic al reflec 13 points Uncle ar or occas ionall y 5/23/22, 5:47 PM Preview Rubric: Assessment 2 – Case Study – (BMO6622) Managing Innovation and Entrepreneurship – CT – Victoria University 3/6 Criteria High Distinction (80-100%) Distinction (70-79%) Credit (60- 69%) Pass (50-59%) N-Not yet satisfactory (0-49%) Criterion Score responses to ethical dilemmas supported by academic literature (35%) insigh tful critic al reflec tion and discu ssion of the propo sed optio ns and respo nses to ethica l dilem mas Consi stentl y and accur ately uses releva nt and uptodate acade mic literat ure to supp ort critic al reflec tion and discu ssion of the propo sed optio ns and respo nses to ethica l dilem mas Accur ately uses releva nt and uptodate acade mic literat ure to supp ort propo sed optio ns and respo nses (24.5-27.5) tion and discu ssion of the propo sed optio ns and respo nses to ethica l dilem mas Mostl y accur ate use of releva nt acade mic literat ure to supp ort propo sed optio ns and/o r respo nses (21-24) tion and discu ssion of the propo sed optio ns and respo nses to ethica l dilem mas Adeq uate use of some releva nt acade mic sourc es to supp ort propo sed optio ns and/o r respo nses (17.5-20.5) inacc urate critic al reflec tion and discu ssion of some of the propo sed optio ns and/o r respo nses to ethica l dilem mas Limit ed use of acade mic sourc es to supp ort propo sed optio ns or respo nses (0-17) 5/23/22, 5:47 PM Preview Rubric: Assessment 2 – Case Study – (BMO6622) Managing Innovation and Entrepreneurship – CT – Victoria University 4/6 Criteria High Distinction (80-100%) Distinction (70-79%) Credit (60- 69%) Pass (50-59%) N-Not yet satisfactory (0-49%) Criterion Score Writing conventions (structure, style, clarity) and referencing (Harvard) (15%) / 15 propo sed optio ns and respo nses. (28-35) 15 points High level of writte n comm unica tion includ ing appro priate forma l acade mic langu age. Orga nisati on of infor matio n is logica lly struct ured, clear 11 points Solid level of writte n comm unica tion includ ing largel y appro priate forma l acade mic langu age. Orga nisati on of infor matio n is logica lly struct 9.5 points Good level of writte n comm unica tion includ ing mostl y appro priate forma l acade mic langu age. Orga nisati on of infor matio n is clear and appro 8 points Satisf actor y level of writte n comm unica tion includ ing some forma l acade mic langu age. Atte mpts to organ ise and struct ure infor matio 6 points Unsat isfact ory level of writte n comm unica tion includ ing mini mal forma l acade mic langu age. Limit ed attem pt at organ ising and struct uring 5/23/22, 5:47 PM Preview Rubric: Assessment 2 – Case Study – (BMO6622) Managing Innovation and Entrepreneurship – CT – Victoria University 5/6 Total / 100 Criteria High Distinction (80-100%) Distinction (70-79%) Credit (60- 69%) Pass (50-59%) N-Not yet satisfactory (0-49%) Criterion Score and consi stent No forma tting errors in Harva rd style for intext and refere nce list. Refer ences compl ete and accur ate (12-15) ured, consi stent and appro priate ly seque nced Minor forma tting errors in Harva rd style for intext and refere nce list. Refer ences mostl y compl ete and accur ate (10.5-11.5) priate ly seque nced Occas ional forma tting errors in Harva rd style for intext and refere nce list and most refere nces incom plete. (9-10) n is evide nt. Atte mpts to use Harva rd with some detail s consi stentl y missi ng and/o r inacc urate (7.5-8.5) infor matio n in a coher ent order. Limit ed evide nce of attem pts to use Harva rd or refere nces subst antiall y incom plete (0-7) 5/23/22, 5:47 PM Preview Rubric: Assessment 2 – Case Study – (BMO6622) Managing Innovation and Entrepreneurship – CT – Victoria University 6/6 Overall Score High Distinction (80-100%) 80 points minimum Distinction (70-79%) 70 points minimum Credit (60- 69%) 60 points minimum Pass (50- 59%) 50 points minimum N-Not yet satisfactory (0-49%) 0 points minimum


5/23/22, 2:38 PM Assessment Information file:///Users/toanpham/Dropbox/My Mac (MacBook Air của Phạm)/Desktop/Assessment 2 Title.html/Assessment 2 Title.html 1/3 case study investigation on an entrepreneurial venture Assessment # 2 Assessment Overview Overview Length or Duration Worth Due Investigation of an entrepreneurial venture – Case Study (Individual assessment) The unit deals with different types of entrepreneurial ventures dealing with economic, social, and sustainability issues. A venture dealing with sustainability issues is focused on minimising/reducing impact on the ecological environment normally in an innovative way and requiring change management skills. In many cases these ventures face many obstacles including regulations, resistance to change, short term financial priorities of many stakeholders, and perceptions of ‘radical’ environmentalists 2500 words 30% Session 7, 23:59 EST Key Assessment Information Purpose The purpose of this assessment task is to: 5/23/22, 2:38 PM Assessment Information file:///Users/toanpham/Dropbox/My Mac (MacBook Air của Phạm)/Desktop/Assessment 2 Title.html/Assessment 2 Title.html 2/3 Critically reflect on the challenges of ventures dealing with complex and challenging issues related to contributing to sustainability; Analyse, reflect on, discuss and suggest solutions to ethical issues and dilemmas within the context of an entrepreneurial venture.  The unit learning outcomes assessed are: LO#2: Critically interrogate and evaluate the literature on entrepreneurship and apply that understanding to interpret the steps in the successful trajectory of entrepreneurial ventures; LO#3: Integrate and deconstruct knowledge and learnings from a range of contexts and disciplines to conceptually map, apply and make recommendations for the management of innovation and entrepreneurship for a given organisational context; Assessment Structure This assessment task is based on activities and content and the learning from Weeks 2 and 3, particularly Sessions 3 and 5 on sustainable and social entrepreneurship, and trends and opportunity identification The assessment task incorporates a case study of a new entrepreneurial venture dealing with a vision of contributing to ecological sustainability and practices which raise ethical dilemmas. Instructions with sub-instructions To get started on your assessment task, please follow the below instructions. 1. Read the case study and identify its key issues including the one related to ethical dilemma which will be made available to you via VU Collaborate In Session 4 Case Study here. Respond to Question 3 by choosing and arguing in the affirmative for position a or b. You can use the case and Questions 1 and 2 as context if you wish, or you can draw on other ethical dilemmas in other industry contexts that entrepreneurs are facing to support your arguments. 3. Support your answers by relevant literature related to entrepreneurial ventures dealing with sustainability issues and facing ethical decision-making choices Develop options and response related to the ethical dilemma entrepreneurs are likely to face in circumstances such as that found in the case study. 5. Write your Assessment report and submit it in the allocated dropbox on VU Collaborate 6. Use the following file naming conventions for your submission: Family name, first name, Assessment 2.  Assessment Criteria The following levels of criteria will be used to grade this assessment task: Criterion 1: Identification and analysis of key issues in the case study (15%) Criterion 2: Response to the case study questions (35%) Criterion 3: Critical reflection and discussion of proposed options and responses to ethical dilemmas supported by academic literature (35%) Criterion 4: Writing conventions (structure, style and clarity) and referencing (Harvard) (15%) Access RUBRIC HERE: Assessment 2 – Case Study for the full marking criteria. 5/23/22, 2:38 PM Assessment Information file:///Users/toanpham/Dropbox/My Mac (MacBook Air của Phạm)/Desktop/Assessment 2 Title.html/Assessment 2 Title.html 3/3  Submission Instructions Please submit your completed assessment electronically via the Dropbox: Assessment 2: Case Study – Investigation of an entrepreneurial venture Please note: Ensure all details (Full Name and Student ID) are presented clearly on the assessment. logo

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