Assignment Description: Reflective Piece

118 views 7:18 am 0 Comments September 10, 2023

Assignment Type: Assignment
Assignment Description: Reflective Piece
Team or Individual: Individual
Weighting: 30%
Word count: 1000 words (plus or minus 10%)
Format: Ensure appropriate use of Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander terminology as per SNM
Your reference list must contain a minimum 7
references, 10 years old or less, from a mixture of
unit lectures/content, journal articles, books and
credible websites (e.g. Australian Indigenous health
info net). Remember to reference individual chapters
of edited books e.g. Biles and Biles.
Format as per the SMN Assessment Guidelines
(found on the undergraduate community site) and
ECU Referencing Guide.
Unit Learning Outcomes:
e LO1,2,5
e via Canvas
e All unit assessments are subject to a robust
moderation process. Note that results are not
e All unit assessments are subject to a robust
moderation process. Note that results are not
final until they are released at the end of
Assessment Instructions
If you have any questions relating to this assessment
task, please go to the discussions and post your
questions there.
Part 1: Australians are being asked to vote in a
referendum calling of an Aboriginal ‘Voice’ to
Parliament. Reflect on both sides of the debate
(reference) and the impact of a yes or no vote result
for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and
for you personally (if you wish). You should explain
what the voice is about, where it has come from and
how it relates to the content taught in this unit
(reference unit content). You do not have to give
your personal opinion of which way you intend to
vote in the referendum.
Part 2: Reflect on an element of your own culture –
think deeply about the origins of that tradition or
belief or activity (reference) and what it means to
you as well as what it may mean to others. Think of
how you might feel if your health (or the health
system) prevented you from participating or
honoring that belief. Link this reflection to unit
You must refer to the unit texts, videos or resources
as background to your learning and be specific about
which module, chapter or resource influenced your
You also need to support your reflection using
journal articles, books or audio-visual and media
sources (think about the credibility of the source and
make sure you acknowledge when bias may be
present) that are not in the unit content but they
must be able to be located via an active weblink and
properly referenced. You do not need to use Gibbs
reflective cycle or other frameworks for your
Write approximately 500 words for each part.
Do not include an Introduction or Conclusion.
Referencing learning materials:
1) if possible, refer to the main source e.g. if the
lecturer or tutor refers to a book, video or article
2) be specific – don’t say “I liked lecture 2 it was
interesting”, rather say: The concept of enculturation
was discussed in lecture materials for module 2
Referencing learning materials:
1) if possible, refer to the main source e.g. if the
lecturer or tutor refers to a book, video or article
2) be specific – don’t say “I liked lecture 2 it was
interesting”, rather say: The concept of enculturation
was discussed in lecture materials for module 2
(Garvey, 2023)
3) For the end text reference for a lecture – use the
following format
e The author of the lecture either Garvey, D,
Schultz, B or McCullough, K
e date (2023 for all materials because that was
when you accessed the content and it makes it
easier :)),
e then the title of the lecture e.g. “Culture” or
“Tutorial Activities module 2″
e For the publisher write ” NUM2308, Edith
Cowan University”
It might not be perfect APA style but is ok for the
purposes of this reflection.
4) You MUST reference the specific chapter you are
referring to in the Biles and Biles Text book. You will
see that each chapter has different authors so they
are a separate end-text and intext reference. Look
up “how to reference a chapter in an edited book in
APA 7*”” for guidance.

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