Assignment 1: Project Management Report

141 views 9:57 am 0 Comments September 23, 2023


Assignment 1: Project Management Report

 Assignment Brief

Word Count



During the course of this module, we developed and discussed the Skyscraper project case study, having studied and analysed the following documents:

  • Overview
  • Façade installation
  • Steel frame installation
  • Staircases, design and installation
  • Fit-out lean room
  • Design management
  • Steel frame organisation
  • Project organisation

What You Need to Do

Under the theme of ‘how to achieve 3 to Zero’, produce a 3000-word Project Management Report that includes the following:

  1. Evaluate and discuss, providing examples from the Skyscraper case study, the role of the specialist trade contractors in delivering quality workmanship, solving the interface issues and achieving smooth site production activities.
  1. Evaluate and discuss the management role in the case study. Provide two examples of the contribution of the project managers to the process and discuss how effective they were.
  1. Select two points from the suggested management framework based on Deming philosophy, and evaluate whether or not the project managers addressed them.
  1. Evaluate the management structure of the project and critically discuss whether or not the organisational structure provided the necessary environment to achieve the following:

·       Briefing process that balances time, quality and cost.

·       Full integration of the design and construction processes.

·       The elimination of duplication and rework to make the team as effective as possible.

·       Establishing trust within the team and avoiding potential disputes.

·       Genuine collaborative working of the project team to produce innovative, realistic solutions.

·       Implementing the principles of Work Area Control.

  1. Provide an evaluation of the case study design and construction procurement strategy and the implications this had on the design and construction process.

Support your arguments with citations from a variety of sources as required, using the APA format 7th edition (2020) referencing convention.


Before you submit please ensure you have the correct assessment file. Your submission will only be assessed if it has been submitted to the correct submission box before the deadline stated.

  • Upload your final submission as a PDF (maximum file size is 250MB).
  • Upload your PDF file with this file naming convention:
  • Student ID-Project-Management-Report(student ID: only the number without the UP prefix). For example, 633457-Project-Management-Report.

Please make sure you adhere to the file naming convention and format. Non-compliance might affect your mark.

  • You can upload your file / submission more than once, however, only the final submission before the deadline will be assessed / marked. If you retract your submission, please remember to upload your new file / submission to be assessed / marked.
  • Your submission is checked by Turnitin and an originality report generated. Please note, it may take 24 hours or more for the originality report to be generated after you submit.
  • Moodle submission to correct submission box ONLY – you are NOT ALLOWED to submit by other means, eg email.
  • Late submissions are not permitted via this submission box. If you are attempting to submit after the deadline specified below, you must use the late submission box.
  • Unless you have a valid ECF (extenuating circumstances form), your mark for your submitted work to the late submission box will be capped at 40%.

You can find more information on uploading your assignment and the Turnitin originality report here.

 Technical Issues

If you experience technical issues with your assignment submission, please contact the Online Course Development (OCD) team at [email protected].

Addressing Module Learning Outcomes & Grading Criteria

This assignment tests whether you have achieved the learning outcomes of the module:

LO1: Critically appraise the use of a wide range of project management processes

LO2: Justify appropriate project management processes for different scenarios

LO3: Evaluate the effectiveness of different project management processes

Indicative Grading Criteria

A* As below plus:

  • An exceptional report which is concise, clearly shows the issues presented by the case study and applies knowledge to offer appropriate solutions to the tasks.
  • Extensive references and/or bibliography using APA format 7 th edition (2020) referencing convention.
  • Presented in a highly professional format with excellent structure and no errors in grammar, spelling or punctuation.


As below plus:

  • Thorough completion of tasks and showing evidence of considerable research beyond recommended textbooks and the internet.
  • An excellent report, written and presented in a professional manner with work showing insight into the issues presented by the case study and potential ways forward.
  • References and/or bibliography presented according to APA format 7 th edition (2020) referencing convention.
  • Well presented, well structured – good organisation with few or no errors in grammar, spelling or punctuation. Presentation of diagrams and/or tables follows required format.


As below plus:

  • Adequate completion of the tasks and showing evidence of research beyond recommended textbooks and the internet, with a good understanding of the case study.
  • A report that answers the tasks in a thorough, thoughtful and competent manner, with few errors or gaps in content, explanation or accuracy.
  • References and/or bibliography presented according to APA format 7 th edition (2020) referencing convention.
  • Well presented, clearly written, few errors in structure, organisation, expression, grammar, spelling, punctuation and presentation / use of diagrams and/or tables.


As below plus:

  • A report which strives to answer the tasks, but the logical links between the tasks are vague or have omissions in content.
  • Attempts made at research beyond recommended texts, and to present / use references and bibliography according to APA format 7 th edition (2020) referencing convention.
  • Generally follows instructions regarding organisation, expression, grammar, spelling, punctuation and presentation / use of diagrams and/or tables.


  • Adequate descriptive work that attempts to focus on and show basic grasp of the topic
  • Limited research using mainly provided material. Attempts to use and/or present references / bibliography according to APA format 7 th edition (2020) referencing convention.
  • Limited prose style, which attempts to follow instructions regarding organisation, expression, grammar, spelling, punctuation and presentation / use of diagrams and/or tables.
Fail / E Inadequate in most or all of the following: length, content, structure, organisation, expression, discussion, explanation, accuracy and relevance. Work that attempts to address the question / problem but is substantially incomplete and deficient. Serious problems with a number of aspects of language use are often found in work in this range and it also may be severely under or over the required word count.
Fail / F No serious attempt to address the question or problem, and/or manifests a serious misunderstanding of the requirements of the assignment. Acutely deficient in all aspects.


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