Assessment Task 2

93 views 8:41 am 0 Comments September 27, 2023

GDECE 108 Assessment Task 2 Professional Portfolio Week 12 30%
5 art-related lesson plans/learning experiences, focusing on dance, music,
drama, visual arts, and media arts (appendix).
1 report reflects on 5 learning experiences you have implemented (1500
words equivalent).
5 Lesson plan must include:
Date of the plan
Children age groups: 0-2, 2-3 or 3-5 (Age group during placement block)
Number of children
Title of the learning activity
Rationale of the learning activity
Learning objectives (SMART)
Link it to Learning outcomes from EYLF
Grouping and physical learning environment
materials and equipment
indicators to assess the learning plan.
photos if applicable
Learning process: Introduction
Personal Evaluation
1 critical reflection on 5 lesson plans:
You may refer to ‘Questions to prompt deeper critical reflection’ and ‘What
is critical reflection?’ on Moodle to better understand the critical reflection.
Access and watch the video on

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