Assessment Instructions

128 views 10:41 am 0 Comments September 28, 2023

Master of Engineering

Unit code MME502
Unit name Heat Transfer
Assessment # 3
Paper # B
Version # 1.1
Created by Vinnu Madhav Date 18 July 2020
Reviewed by Milind Siddhpura Date 20 July 2020
Reviewed by Vinnu Madhav Date 26 June 2022

Master of Engineering (Mechanical) 2
Assessment Instructions:
1. Please familiarise yourself with the EIT Academic Honesty and Misconduct Policy, in order to
understand your requirements and responsibilities as a student of EIT.
2. Please refer to our Assessment, Moderation and Student Progress Procedure for
information relating to extensions. Extension requests should be submitted to your LSO at
least 3 days prior to the due date.
3. Assessments submitted via email will not be accepted.
4. Assessments must be submitted through Turn-it-in (unless otherwise stated).
Your submission must:
a. Be a single document (Word or PDF only)
b. Include at least 20 words of machine-readable text, and
c. Not exceed 10MB.
5. You must use the provided assessment cover page available on your Moodle student
homepage. Submissions without a cover page will not be accepted.
6. You must correctly title your document/s. For example:
E.g. ME501_Assessment2_SteveMackay_01Aug2019
7. You must reference all content used from other sources including course materials, slides,
diagrams, etc. Do not directly copy and paste from course materials or any other resources.
Refer to the referencing section of the EIT eLibrary on Moodle for referencing guides.
8. It is your responsibility to check that you have submitted the correct file, as revised
submissions are not permitted after the due date and time.
Important note: Failure to adhere to the above may result in academic penalties. Please refer to
the unit outline or
EIT Policies and Procedures for further information.
Master of Engineering (Mechanical) 3

Unit code and name: MME502: Heat Transfer
Assessment #: 3B
Assessment type: Practical (Report) and Presentation
Weighting: 20%
Total marks: 100 marks

Please complete your answers on the assessment cover page document available on Moodle.
Clearly label your question numbers (there is no need to copy the full question over). Include all working
Question 1: (20 marks)
Water at 25oC with a mass flow rate of 6 kg/s is available to cool hot oil from 80oC to 20oC. The oil
mass flow rate is 2 kg/s. A shell-and-tube heat exchanger with one-shell pass and four tube-passes
is proposed for this process.
Using uniform cp values of 2.5 kJ/(kg
oC) and 4.2 kJ/(kgoC) for oil and water, respectively, and
assuming an overall heat transfer coefficient of 260 W/(m
2oC) for the heat exchanger:
a) determine the surface area of the heat exchanger
b) plot the heat exchanger surface area as a function of water mass flow rate, when the mass
flow rates vary between 5 and 30 kg/s.
[Use MS-Excel to solve the problem and plot.]
Question 2: (25 marks)
A triangular straight fin of 0.1 m in length, 0.02 m thick at the base, and 0.2 m in depth is used to
extend the surface of a wall at 200
oC. The wall and the fin are made of mild steel (k = 54 W/moC).
Air at 10
oC (h = 200 W/m2oC) flows over the surface of the fin.
Evaluate the temperature at 0.05 m from the base and at the tip of the fin.
Determine the rate of heat removal from the fin and the fin efficiency.
[Use MS-Excel to solve the problem and plot temperature profile].
Master of Engineering (Mechanical) 4
Question 3: (25 marks)
The temperature distribution across a large concrete slab 50 cm thick, heated from one side, as
measured by thermocouples approximates to the relation: T(x) = 60 – 50x + 12x
2 + 20x3 – 15x4,
where T is in deg.C and x is in metres. Considering an area of 5 m
2, compute:
a) heat entering and leaving the slab in unit time
b) heat stored in unit time
For concrete take k = 1.2 W/mK
First solve this problem analytically, then use MS Excel to solve and plot temperature distribution.
Compare both analytical and computational methods and report any differences in results.
Question 4: (20 marks)
A process fluid having a specific heat of 3500 J/kgK and flowing at 2 kg/s is to be cooled from 80°C
to 50°C with chilled water, which is supplied at a temperature of 15°C and a flow rate of 2.5 kg/s.
Assuming an overall heat transfer coefficient of 2000 W/m
2 K, calculate the required heat transfer
areas for the parallel flow heat exchanger configuration.
(Hint: Use IHT software & Bergman Book)
Take screenshots of your results in IHT software and paste it.

Question 5:
Deliver a 5-minute presentation
The requirements are as follows:
(10 marks)
Select any one of the above questions in this assessment and prepare PowerPoint slides.


Maximum 8 slides:
Slide 1: Add Title/Question + Unit Number & Name + Your Name and ID + Your
Lecturer/Supervisor Name.
Slide 2: Objectives/Contents
Slides 3-7: Insert your answers.
Slide 8: References here

Master of Engineering (Mechanical) 5
Record your 5-minutes presentation using Loom Video Recorder (Or similar another
recorder like
Screencastify is fine as well)
Introduce yourself and explain the Title/Question and Objectives briefly (1 minute)
Start explaining your Answer/Solutions (4 minutes)
Paste the link of your recording within your assessment report.
Presentation Grading Rubric

Presenter name:
Assessment Criteria Out of: Score:
Contents (Topic/Question, Student name, Objectives) 1
Bullet points – not sentences 1
Diagrams and tables (Visible size, Labelling) 1
Slide Quality (slide numbering, visible font size) 1
No spelling/grammar mistakes 1
Clear information and explanation 2
Voice modulation – not monotone 2
Time management – completes within given timeframe 1
Total: 10


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