Assessment Guide

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Assessment Guide
HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing
Unit of competency:
BSBLDR403 – Lead team effectiveness

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Document: BSBLDR403 Candidate Assessment
Date created: 02/08/2019 Version: 3.0
Date implemented: 02/08/2019 Next review: 02/08/2022 Responsibility: Academic Manager (VET)

Version control and document history

Date Summary of modifications made Version no.
20 October 2017 Developed Student Assessment Guide for the unit
of competency BSBLDR403 Lead team
27 May 2018 Some changes to formatting 2.0
02 August 019 Updated the assessment tasks for the unit post

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Document: BSBLDR403 Candidate Assessment
Date created: 02/08/2019 Version: 3.0
Date implemented: 02/08/2019 Next review: 02/08/2022 Responsibility: Academic Manager (VET)

Version control and document history …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2
Purpose of this Candidate Assessment Guide……………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
Part A: General instructions to the candidate…………………………………………………………………………………………. 4
Purpose of assessment…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4
Application of the unit ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4
Summary of assessment tasks and outline of evidence to be gathered…………………………………………………. 5
Assessment outcomes ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 7
For unit of competency: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 7
For assessment task:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7
Re-assessment: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7
Evidence criteria used to judge the quality of performance
………………………………………………………………. 7
Administration, recording and reporting requirements
…………………………………………………………………….. 8
Assessor feedback …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8
Candidate access to records……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8
Support…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8
Reasonable adjustments…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 9
Complaints and appeals………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9
Assessor intervention ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9
Plagiarism, cheating, collusion and assessment dishonesty ……………………………………………………………….10
Part B: Assessment tasks…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..11
Competency based assessments………………………………………………………………………………………………………..11
Assessment task 1 – Knowledge questions………………………………………………………………………………………11
Assessment task 2 – Project…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..18
Assessment task 3 – Simulation Based Assessments ……………………………………………………………………….37

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Document: BSBLDR403 Candidate Assessment
Date created: 02/08/2019 Version: 3.0
Date implemented: 02/08/2019 Next review: 02/08/2022 Responsibility: Academic Manager (VET)

Purpose of this Candidate Assessment Guide
This Candidate Assessment Guide provides information and instructions regarding the assessment
requirements for the unit of competency
BSBLDR403 – Lead team effectiveness.
This Candidate Assessment Guide includes information and instructions which ensure assessment is
conducted in a manner that is fair, flexible, valid and reliable and evidence collected meets the rules of
evidence which includes authenticity, validity, sufficiency and currency.
This Candidate Assessment Guide includes two (2) parts:
General instructions to you
Assessment tasks
Part A: General instructions to the Candidate
Purpose of assessment
The assessments for this unit have been designed to ensure you are able to competently demonstrate your
knowledge and skills for each of the elements, performance criteria, performance evidence, knowledge
evidence, foundation skills and assessment conditions of the unit.
Application of the unit
Once competency has been achieved for this unit, you will be able to competently demonstrate skills,
knowledge and outcomes required to plan and supervise the performance of the team and develop team
It applies team leaders, supervisors and new emerging managers who have an important leadership role in
the development of efficient and effective work teams.
Leaders at this level also provide leadership for the team and bridge the gap between the management of the
organisation and the team members. As such they must ‘manage up’ as well as manage their team/s.
No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.

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Document: BSBLDR403 Candidate Assessment
Date created: 02/08/2019 Version: 3.0
Date implemented: 02/08/2019 Next review: 02/08/2022 Responsibility: Academic Manager (VET)

Summary of assessment tasks and outline of evidence to be gathered
The following three (3) assessment activities will be used to determine competency for this unit of competency.

Assessment method and
due date
Description Outline of evidence to be gathered
Competency based assessments
This is a written assessment
that needs to be completed
as part of your self-paced
You are required to respond in their own words to
14 descriptive and two (2) case studies requiring a
written response to a range of questions related to,
but not limited to, principles and techniques
associated with:
Delegation and work allocation
Goal setting
Group dynamics and processes
Individual behaviour and difference
Leadership styles
Problem solving
Workplace innovation, and
Workplace productivity.
Answers to all knowledge questions.
You are not required to submit an
Assessment Cover Sheet for the Knowledge
Questions as you will log on to Moodle to
complete this assessment.

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Document: BSBLDR403 Candidate Assessment
Date created: 02/08/2019 Version: 3.0
Date implemented: 02/08/2019 Next review: 02/08/2022 Responsibility: Academic Manager (VET)


Assessment method and
due date
Description Outline of evidence to be gathered
Project You are required to complete
a project assessment
working in a team. This
assessment needs to be
completed in a safe
environment (i.e. simulated
nursing environment at
classroom, own workplace
This project assessment requires you to work in a
small team, plan and supervise the performance of
your team and develop team cohesion. You must
develop a workplan and complete a project report.
Assessment cover sheet for the assessment
task with all areas duly completed by you
and the assessor.
The project report and workplan need to be
submitted in Moodle.
The project checklist provided for the
assessment will be completed by the
assessor in the Candidate Assessment Tool.
This assessment task/s
involves the demonstration
of various skills in the
simulated nursing
environment at the EQUALS
You are required to demonstrate appropriate skills
in a simulated environment related to planning and
supervising the performance of the team and
developing team cohesion.
Demonstration of various skills as per the
tasks outlined in the Simulation Based
Assessment Tool.
The observation checklist provided for the
tasks will be completed by the assessor in
the Candidate Assessment Tool.
Assessment cover sheet for the assessment
task with all areas duly completed by the
Candidate and the assessor.

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Document: BSBLDR403 Candidate Assessment
Date created: 02/08/2019 Version: 3.0
Date implemented: 02/08/2019 Next review: 02/08/2022 Responsibility: Academic Manager (VET)

Assessment outcomes
For unit of competency:
Assessments carry two potential outcomes for each unit of competency level, i.e. C (Competent) and NYC
(Not Yet Competent). The latter outcome requires you to undergo more training and experience or provide
further evidence.
On completion of the unit, if the assessor is satisfied that you have provided appropriate evidence and
satisfied all requirements necessary to meet criteria in line with the Rules of Evidence, you will be awarded C
(Competent). If it is considered that you failed to meet the necessary requirements, you will be awarded
NYC (Not Yet Competent) and may be reassessed in accordance with the policies and procedures of
To be assessed as competent for this unit, you must demonstrate a satisfactory result in all assessment
activities. Final assessment results are to be recorded on the Summary of Assessment form.
For assessment task:
Tasks carry two assessment outcomes, i.e. S (Satisfactory) and NYS (Not Yet Satisfactory). On the
individual cover sheet for assessment tasks, the assessor must mark S (Satisfactory) if you have
satisfactorily completed the task, submitted all necessary evidence and met the assessment criteria. If you
have not satisfactorily completed the task, the evidence is insufficient and all requirements have not been
met you will be marked NYS (Not Yet Satisfactory).
If, after the first attempt, you have proved to be unsuccessful at achieving competency you will be given two
further opportunities for reassessment at a mutually agreed time and date. For further details, refer to
EQUALS’ Re-Assessment Policy and Course Progress Policy.
Evidence criteria used to judge the quality of performance
The evidence criteria ensure the intent of the assessment tool is met and that you are able to demonstrate
you have valid, sufficient, authentic and current skills and knowledge relevant to the unit. The criteria confirm
the evidence provided by you:

Directly relates to the competency being assessed
Is enough to allow the assessor to make a valid judgement
Is your own work
Shows currency of the skills and knowledge required.
Evidence criteria are used by an assessor to ensure consistent outcomes when:
Checking evidence quality (i.e. the rules of evidence)
Judging how well you performed according to the standard expected, and
Collating evidence from multiple sources to make an overall judgement.
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Document: BSBLDR403 Candidate Assessment
Date created: 02/08/2019 Version: 3.0
Date implemented: 02/08/2019 Next review: 02/08/2022 Responsibility: Academic Manager (VET)

Administration, recording and reporting requirements
The assessor will securely retain, and produce in full if required at audit, all completed candidate assessment
items for each candidate for a period of six months from the date on which the judgement of competence for
each candidate was made. EQUALS will also retain sufficient data to be able to reissue AQF certification
documentation for a period of 30 years.
Where possible assessors will retain the actual piece(s) of work completed by you. The completed evidence
criteria may be sufficient where it is not possible to retain your actual work. However, EQUALS will ensure
that the retained evidence has enough detail to demonstrate the judgement made of your performance
against the standard required.
Assessor feedback
Each assessment tool requires an assessor to provide feedback to you, both where competency has been
demonstrated and where further evidence is required. Providing feedback shows fairness in the assessment
process and allows you to understand why a result was awarded.
The assessor will provide feedback to you on any assessment that you have submitted. You are responsible
for retaining a copy of the feedback provided, together with your submission, throughout the course.
Candidate access to records
You have the right to access your records at any time. These will be kept current and accurate and include
details of participation, attendance and results. You can access your records by logging on to Moodle or can
request a copy by contacting student administration or the assessor.
You can contact your assessor at mutually agreed times to seek clarification on assessment information,
instructions and tasks.

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Document: BSBLDR403 Candidate Assessment
Date created: 02/08/2019 Version: 3.0
Date implemented: 02/08/2019 Next review: 02/08/2022 Responsibility: Academic Manager (VET)

Reasonable adjustments
Where appropriate, reasonable adjustments will be applied by EQUALS to take into account the individual
candidate’s needs. The assessor will consider your needs in the assessment process and make reasonable
adjustments to accommodate you (such as providing oral rather than written assessment). However, the
assessor will ensure that this doesn’t compromise the rigour of the assessment process (e.g. if there is a
requirement to complete documentation in a unit of competency, oral assessment would not be appropriate).
Examples of reasonable adjustments EQUALS might make include providing:
Accessible class rooms
Course material in alternate formats – electronic or large print.
Use of laptop for assessments
Extra time or extensions for assessments
Alternate assessment tasks
Ergonomic chair/desk
Use of assistive technology
Presenting questions orally for candidates with literacy issues
Any forms of reasonable adjustment that are utilised will be documented and retained in your file.
Complaints and appeals
Any candidate who is dissatisfied with an assessment outcome may lodge a complaint. You are encouraged
to firstly approach your assessor informally and discuss the issue with them. If the matter cannot be
resolved, you can make a formal complaint in writing, requesting your result be reviewed. For more
information, refer to EQUALS’ Assessment Policy and the Complaints and Appeals Policy and Procedures.
Assessor intervention
The assessor will:
Ensure you are ready for assessment and defer the assessment if this is not the case.
Provide feedback to you at the completion of the assessment.
Participate in role play, when required, but not interfere in any way with the assessment.
Ensure assessment activities are not harmful to you in any way. If they might impact on your safety or
that of others, the assessment will be immediately stopped.

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Document: BSBLDR403 Candidate Assessment
Date created: 02/08/2019 Version: 3.0
Date implemented: 02/08/2019 Next review: 02/08/2022 Responsibility: Academic Manager (VET)

Plagiarism, cheating, collusion and assessment dishonesty
Plagiarism, cheating and collusion are considered as serious matters. Any evidence that you have
participated in plagiarism, cheating and collusion will be treated on a case by case basis. Consequences for
candidates found to have engaged in these practices may include being deemed Not Yet Satisfactory for that
assessment or Not Yet Competent in the unit. You may also be excluded from the course. For more
information, refer to EQUALS’
Academic Misconduct Policy and Procedure, available to view here:
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Document: BSBLDR403 Candidate Assessment
Date created: 02/08/2019 Version: 3.0
Date implemented: 02/08/2019 Next review: 02/08/2022 Responsibility: Academic Manager (VET)

Part B: Assessment tasks
The following pages contain the assessment tasks that you have to complete.
Competency based assessments
Assessment task 1 – Knowledge questions
Context of assessment:
This assessment needs to be completed in your own time as part of your self-paced learning. You
need to undertake the knowledge questions at home (and/or during class time, if time permits).
You must submit the completed knowledge answers individually and plagiarism, collusion and
cheating will not be tolerated.
Planning the assessment:
Time allowed for this assessment is 2 – 2.5 hours. This is a guide only and you may take more or less
time to complete this assessment.
A mutually agreeable time will be set by the assessor to provide feedback to you.
You will be advised of this knowledge questions assessment during session 1. All questions are to be
answered by the designated due date.
Required resources
Computer with internet connection to access online resources.
Log in credentials to access the Moodle platform.
Website reference:

Creativity/ASIA. (2017). Seven principles for intelligent problem solving. Retrieved from


Johnson. A. (2014). Group Dynamics-principles, features, reasons. Retrieved from


Katulka. L. (2019). How to set smart goals for your nursing career? Retrieved from

INFORMIT database
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Document: BSBLDR403 Candidate Assessment
Date created: 02/08/2019 Version: 3.0
Date implemented: 02/08/2019 Next review: 02/08/2022 Responsibility: Academic Manager (VET)

Evidence submission:
The knowledge questions are required to be answered on Moodle.
Ensure you log in to the Moodle platform using the user credential provided to you.
Answers must be entered in the space provided for each question.
Competency assessment:
To be deemed Satisfactory for this assessment, you must provide satisfactory answers to all
knowledge questions. To authenticate the veracity of your work, the assessor will query you on the
answers provided.
You must refer to various online and on-campus resources and provide an appropriate description for
each question in a well-structured paragraph and in your own words, incorporating at least three
specific points for each question (or each part of the question, if there are different aspects asked in
the same question) if a specific number of points is not specified. Definitions of any terminology can be
provided in a sentence.
You must analyse information on each question appropriately referring to various resources and
synthesise an appropriate response. You must ensure your answer addresses all aspects of the
question asked and must demonstrate an in-depth understanding of theoretical knowledge and
Any candidate not achieving a Satisfactory outcome for any question, will be allowed to repeat the
question and resubmit the assessment tool through Moodle (second attempt).
If the assessment outcome is Not Yet Satisfactory after the second attempt, any further intervention
strategies will be planned in accordance with EQUALS’ Assessment Policy.
You must use Harvard referencing style where required, e.g. when using direct quotes, although you
are encouraged to keep these to a minimum. For more information, refer to EQUALS’ Style Guide
available from the Student Centre in Moodle.
Reasonable adjustment provided, if applicable (to be completed by the assessor):
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Document: BSBLDR403 Candidate Assessment
Date created: 02/08/2019 Version: 3.0
Date implemented: 02/08/2019 Next review: 02/08/2022 Responsibility: Academic Manager (VET)

Knowledge questions
Part A – Descriptive questions:
1. Discuss any four (4) principles of delegation and appropriate techniques of delegation using an example
in a nursing management/leadership context.
Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory
2. How is work allocation different from delegation? Discuss any four (4) principles of work allocation using
appropriate examples in a nursing management/leadership context.
Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory
3. How is goal setting with your team beneficial in achieving a set target? Briefly describe the key principles
and techniques of goal setting.
Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory
4. What does SMART goal stand for? Provide two (2) examples of SMART goals in a nursing
management/leadership context.
Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory

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Document: BSBLDR403 Candidate Assessment
Date created: 02/08/2019 Version: 3.0
Date implemented: 02/08/2019 Next review: 02/08/2022 Responsibility: Academic Manager (VET)

5. Define group dynamics and discuss principles of group dynamics. How could a nurse manager/leader
apply appropriate techniques to improve group dynamics (promote positive group dynamics) while
working in a team and complying with these principles?
Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory
6. Discuss key principles underpinning individual behaviour and difference. What is the application of these
principles in a nursing management/leadership context? Include in your answer techniques that can be
used to promote individual behaviour and difference.
Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory
7. Explore and discuss the key differences in the following leadership styles.
Facilitative leadership
Laissez-faire leadership
Coaching leadership
Include in your response how each of these leadership styles could be used in a nursing context.
Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory
8. Discuss the application of key principles underpinning the selection of an appropriate leadership style in a
nursing context.
Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory
9. Discuss key principles underpinning motivation. What is the application of these principles in a nursing
management/leadership context? Include in your answer techniques you may be able to use to motivate
the work team.
Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory

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Document: BSBLDR403 Candidate Assessment
Date created: 02/08/2019 Version: 3.0
Date implemented: 02/08/2019 Next review: 02/08/2022 Responsibility: Academic Manager (VET)

10. Discuss different stages/techniques of negotiation. Identify key principles underpinning individual
negotiation and briefly describe the application of these principles in a nursing management/leadership
Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory
11. Discuss key principles underpinning problem solving. What is the application of these principles in a
nursing management/leadership context? Include in your answer techniques you can use to effectively
solve problems.
Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory
12. Explain principles of planning. Discuss the role of planning in nursing and how a nurse manager/leader
should apply principles of planning using appropriate examples.
Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory
13. Discuss key principles underpinning workplace innovation. What is the application of these principles in a
nursing management/leadership context?
Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory
14. Discuss key principles underpinning workplace productivity. What is the application of these principles in
a nursing management/leadership context?
Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory

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Document: BSBLDR403 Candidate Assessment
Date created: 02/08/2019 Version: 3.0
Date implemented: 02/08/2019 Next review: 02/08/2022 Responsibility: Academic Manager (VET)

Case Study A
Assume that you are leading a team conducting an infection prevention and control audit in your workplace. A
team member delegated to gather some clinical information from other team members approached you advising
that she is not able to gather relevant information from two other colleagues as they always advise her to come
later for discussions and interviews as they think she is wasting their time.
These two colleagues are senior to you and you also failed to receive any cooperation from them when you tried
to resolve the issue.
Answer the following questions.
1. As the leader of a team, it is important to refer the identified problems to your supervisor (e.g. Registered
Nurse) at this stage. Why?
Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory
2. Why is it important to always keep lines of communication open with your manager, e.g. Registered
Nurse, Nurse Unit Manager etcetera, when working with a team in similar situations?
Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory

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Document: BSBLDR403 Candidate Assessment
Date created: 02/08/2019 Version: 3.0
Date implemented: 02/08/2019 Next review: 02/08/2022 Responsibility: Academic Manager (VET)

Case Study B
You are leading a novice team. Each team member looks up to you for guidance and support. You are expected
to model acceptable behaviours and approaches.
3. Briefly describe any four (4) ways through which you could role model a positive contribution to your work
Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory
4. Explain how this type of behaviour can enhance the way your clients think about your organisation.
Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory

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Document: BSBLDR403 Candidate Assessment
Date created: 02/08/2019 Version: 3.0
Date implemented: 02/08/2019 Next review: 02/08/2022 Responsibility: Academic Manager (VET)

Assessment task 2 – Project

Assessment cover sheet
Candidate’s name
Candidate’s ID number
Assessor’s name
Unit/s of competency code
and title
BSBLDR403 – Lead team effectiveness
Course code and title HLT54115 – Diploma of Nursing
Candidate’s declaration (tick
all criteria confirming that
you have read, understood
and completed this
assessment cover sheet
prior to demonstrating
appropriate skills and
submitting any supporting
I confirm that I have read and understood EQUALS International’s
assessment policy, academic progression policy and complaints and appeal
I understand that I will have the opportunity to challenge the result of the
assessment and be reassessed, if necessary.
I have been informed of the assessment processes and performance
expectations in relation to this unit of competency and related course.
I confirm that the supporting evidence presented for this assessment is my
own work and there is no cheating, collusion or plagiarism involved.
I am aware that I must retain a copy of all assessments for future reference.
I understand that EQUALS International may retain a copy of my
assessments for quality assurance, audit and validation purposes and I give
consent to EQUALS International to do so.
Candidate’s signature
Assessment submission
date (if different from the
above date)

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Document: BSBLDR403 Candidate Assessment
Date created: 02/08/2019 Version: 3.0
Date implemented: 02/08/2019 Next review: 02/08/2022 Responsibility: Academic Manager (VET)


Assessment outcome Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory
Assessor feedback
(provide constructive
feedback including
information on
questions/tasks to be re
Assessor’s signature
Re-assessment date (if
Reassessment outcome (if
Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory
Ensure that any evidence of re-assessment is kept together with this assessment
Candidate’s name
Candidate’s signature

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Document: BSBLDR403 Candidate Assessment
Date created: 02/08/2019 Version: 3.0
Date implemented: 02/08/2019 Next review: 02/08/2022 Responsibility: Academic Manager (VET)

Context of assessment:
This project assessment requires you to work in a small team, plan and supervise the performance of
your team and develop team cohesion.
This assessment needs to be completed in a safe environment (i.e. simulated nursing environment at
EQUALS’ campus, EQUALS classroom, own workplace etcetera) with access to:
Two – three (2 – 3) team members
Workplace equipment and resources
Organisational structure, goals, objectives and plans
Workplace Manager (or EQUALS assessor who will assume the role of the Manager if
the project is undertaken at EQUALS’ campus)
While you are expected to work in a team to complete relevant project activities, you must submit the
completed project report individually and plagiarism, collusion and cheating will not be tolerated.
If the team includes classmates, the members of the same team may swap their roles and adopt the
role of the team leader in completing their own chosen project topic. Each candidate must take turns
to demonstrate competence in leadership and management skills. Different project topics can be
chosen by each team leader.
You must ensure ongoing communication with the assessor when undertaking the project. The project
topic must be discussed and chosen in consultation with the assessor; and must be practical.
Planning the assessment:
Time required to complete this assessment may vary depending on the project. It must cover a period
of at least one week.
A mutually agreeable time will be set by the assessor to provide feedback to you.
You will be advised of this project assessment during session 1. All aspects of this project assessment
are to be undertaken and a project report submitted by the designated due date.
Required resources
Computer with internet connection to access online resources
Log in credentials to access the Moodle platform
Project report and workplan templates
Two – three (2 – 3) team members (or classmates)
Workplace equipment and resources
Organisational structure, goals, objectives and plans
Workplace supervisor or Manager or assessor
Other resources required for the project candidates choose to complete.
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Document: BSBLDR403 Candidate Assessment
Date created: 02/08/2019 Version: 3.0
Date implemented: 02/08/2019 Next review: 02/08/2022 Responsibility: Academic Manager (VET)

Evidence submission:
Prior to undertaking the assessment, you must complete all sections of the assessment cover sheet.
The project report and workplan need to be submitted in Moodle by the candidate.
Answers must be entered in the space provided for each aspect of the project report.
Competency assessment:
To be deemed Satisfactory for this assessment, you must complete the project and provide
satisfactory responses to all aspects of the project report. To authenticate the veracity of your work,
the assessor will query you on the report provided. The assessor may also ask you to re-enact or role
play your leadership and management skills.
You must provide an appropriate description for each aspect of the project report template in a wellstructured paragraph and in your own words reflecting on the project activities.
Any candidate not achieving a Satisfactory outcome for any aspect of this project assessment, will be
allowed to repeat the activity and resubmit the relevant section of the project report through Moodle
(second attempt).
If the assessment outcome is Not satisfactory after the second attempt, any further intervention
strategies will be planned in accordance with EQUALS’ Assessment Policy.
You must use Harvard referencing style, where required, e.g. when using direct quotes, although you
should keep these to a minimum. For more information, refer to EQUALS’ Style Guide available from
the Student Centre in Moodle.
Reasonable adjustment provided, if applicable (to be completed by the assessor):
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Document: BSBLDR403 Candidate Assessment
Date created: 02/08/2019 Version: 3.0
Date implemented: 02/08/2019 Next review: 02/08/2022 Responsibility: Academic Manager (VET)

Project topic
As part of this project activity, you must select a team, plan and supervise the performance of the team and
develop team cohesion. Leaders at this level must provide leadership for the team and bridge the gap
between the management of the organisation and the team members. As such they must ‘manage up’ as well
as manage their team/s.
Project topics may include any activity related to your clinical setting in consultation with the team members,
but are not limited to the following:
Providing comprehensive care to patients for at least a week
Implementing a workplace policy
Implementing or improving falls prevention strategies
Undertaking a basic clinical research activity
Conducting a clinical audit and analysis of report
Workplace inspection and risk analysis
Organising the nurses station infrastructure and resources over a period of a week
Maintaining the simulated nursing lab inventory over a period of a week etcetera.
Complete the following activities when undertaking the project:
Plan to achieve team outcomes:
Identify, establish and document team purpose, roles, responsibilities, goals, plans and
objectives. A team workplan template is provided for this purpose.
Consult with team members when developing a team workplan.
incorporate innovation and productivity measures in work plans.
Lead and support the team in achieving workplan outcomes.
Lead team to develop cohesion
Encourage team input
Encourage them to take responsibility for own work
Encourage, value and reward individual and team efforts and contributions
Address issues, concerns and problems
Model expected behaviours and approaches of a team leader
Participate in and facilitate work team
Facilitate effective team work and active communication among team members
Identify and address factors that may impede the team’s work
Ensure own contribution to work team serves as a role model for others
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Document: BSBLDR403 Candidate Assessment
Date created: 02/08/2019 Version: 3.0
Date implemented: 02/08/2019 Next review: 02/08/2022 Responsibility: Academic Manager (VET)

Liaise with management
Maintain open communication with the management
Raise unresolved issues with the management
Communicate information from line manager/management to the team
Complete the project report template provided.
Further details are provided in the project checklist, workplan and report templates. Familiarise yourself with
the checklist and clarify your concerns prior to undertaking the project.
EQUALS’ organisational structure, goals, objectives and plans can be used if you chose EQUALS as your
workplace for this project. Alternately, your own workplace organisational structure, goals, objectives and
plans can be used for the project activity liaising with your manager.
A sample organisational structure, goals, objectives and plans for a healthcare organisation is provided below
(customised information from EQUALS’ website and Barwon Health).

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Document: BSBLDR403 Candidate Assessment
Date created: 02/08/2019 Version: 3.0
Date implemented: 02/08/2019 Next review: 02/08/2022 Responsibility: Academic Manager (VET)

Sample organisational structure, goals, objectives and plans
EQUALS Healthcare Facility (EHF) was founded over 25 years ago, with the dream of promoting and
developing human potential and delivering quality care services to clients. Throughout our history, we have
been involved in safe and quality health care, philanthropic projects and activities and the promotion of human
rights within the local and wider community.
EHF has a vision of a new world based on universal spiritual principles, cultural safety and caring nature. A
prerequisite to this is the equality of women and men and maintaining professionalism.
Organisational structure:
EHF has a Board of Directors, Chief Executive Officer and a productive range of teams under various Clinical
Directorate Directors.

Board of Directors

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Document: BSBLDR403 Candidate Assessment
Date created: 02/08/2019 Version: 3.0
Date implemented: 02/08/2019 Next review: 02/08/2022 Responsibility: Academic Manager (VET)

Objectives and plans:
Provide culturally safe and high-quality healthcare services.
Ensure client safety and wellbeing.
Contribute to ensuring a clean and therapeutic environment.
Empower individuals and organisations to realise their potential and maximise their capacity.
Recognise, value and promote gender equality and cultural diversity.
Promote education as a means to achieve universal peace and unity.
Minimise hospital acquired infections and injuries.
Increase overall satisfaction rates of patients, employees and other stakeholders.
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Document: BSBLDR403 Candidate Assessment
Date created: 02/08/2019 Version: 3.0
Date implemented: 02/08/2019 Next review: 02/08/2022 Responsibility: Academic Manager (VET)

Prepare a team workplan:
Produce a team work plan for the identified project using the provided template. Your workplan must cover a
period of at least one week. In preparing the plan, you must take the leadership role and work in collaboration
with team members. If you do not currently work in a team, you may work with another team in your
workplace or with your classmates.
Workplan template
Your name:
Your team’s purpose:
Your team members and their roles:

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Document: BSBLDR403 Candidate Assessment
Date created: 02/08/2019 Version: 3.0
Date implemented: 02/08/2019 Next review: 02/08/2022 Responsibility: Academic Manager (VET)


Goal (identify one
goal for your
Key objectives, plans and
actions required to achieve
the goal (list at least three
objectives, actions and
Resources required Who is
measures and
Proposed review
(list progress,

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Document: BSBLDR403 Candidate Assessment
Date created: 02/08/2019 Version: 3.0
Date implemented: 02/08/2019 Next review: 02/08/2022 Responsibility: Academic Manager (VET)


Goal (identify one
goal for your
Key objectives, plans and
actions required to achieve
the goal (list at least three
objectives, actions and
Resources required Who is
measures and
Proposed review
(list progress,

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Document: BSBLDR403 Candidate Assessment
Date created: 02/08/2019 Version: 3.0
Date implemented: 02/08/2019 Next review: 02/08/2022 Responsibility: Academic Manager (VET)


Goal (identify one
goal for your
Key objectives, plans and
actions required to achieve
the goal (list at least three
objectives, actions and
Resources required Who is
measures and
Proposed review
(list progress,
Plan prepared by:
Plan approved by:
Workplace Supervisor’s/Manager’s/EQUALS’ Assessor’s signature:

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Document: BSBLDR403 Candidate Assessment
Date created: 02/08/2019 Version: 3.0
Date implemented: 02/08/2019 Next review: 02/08/2022 Responsibility: Academic Manager (VET)

Project report template

Report criteria Report
How did your work plan
comply with
organisational goals,
objectives and plans?
How did you involve your
team in the planning
How did you encourage
team cohesion and
How did you encourage
innovation and how is
that reflected in the plan?

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Document: BSBLDR403 Candidate Assessment
Date created: 02/08/2019 Version: 3.0
Date implemented: 02/08/2019 Next review: 02/08/2022 Responsibility: Academic Manager (VET)


Report criteria Report
How were team
members involved in
decision making and how
were the various
How did you and the
team deal with any
issues or problems that
arose during the planning
Discuss management’s
involvement in the
planning process,
including sign-off.
How did you manage
communication up and
down the management

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Document: BSBLDR403 Candidate Assessment
Date created: 02/08/2019 Version: 3.0
Date implemented: 02/08/2019 Next review: 02/08/2022 Responsibility: Academic Manager (VET)


Report criteria Report
How did you contribute to
the process yourself and
role model the approach
that was required for this
How has the team
progressed the plan? Is
there any need to revise
the plan, if so how?
How did you ensure your
team members took
responsibility for team
Did your group stick to
the plan? If yes, explain
how this was done. If no,
explain why the team
deviated from the plan
and whether it helped or

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Document: BSBLDR403 Candidate Assessment
Date created: 02/08/2019 Version: 3.0
Date implemented: 02/08/2019 Next review: 02/08/2022 Responsibility: Academic Manager (VET)


Report criteria Report
How was feedback
provided between team
How did the team work
How were issues or
concerns dealt with by
your team?
Identify two things that
your team could do
better in the future. Try to
be specific in your
answer and provide

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Document: BSBLDR403 Candidate Assessment
Date created: 02/08/2019 Version: 3.0
Date implemented: 02/08/2019 Next review: 02/08/2022 Responsibility: Academic Manager (VET)


Report criteria Report
What did you do to
ensure that you acted as
a role model for others?
What feedback have you
received from
management on your
team’s progress with the
plan? How have you
passed this feedback on
to team members? Why
is this important?
What responsibility did
you have to keep
management informed of
any issues or concerns
you were unable to
resolve within your
Did you provide sufficient
support to your team
mates? If not, how could
you do better next time?

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Document: BSBLDR403 Candidate Assessment
Date created: 02/08/2019 Version: 3.0
Date implemented: 02/08/2019 Next review: 02/08/2022 Responsibility: Academic Manager (VET)

Project checklist and outcome – to be completed by the EQUALS’ Assessor
The EQUALS’ Assessor must query the candidate on the report they provided. The assessor may also ask the
candidate to re-enact or role play their leadership and management skills in relation to the project they have
undertaken. Prompt candidates or ask them to redemonstrate each activity if these criteria are not

Project checklist
The candidate:
Yes or No
Defined the purpose of the team and discussed the roles and responsibilities of each team
Yes No
Set a goal and outlined objectives, plans and actions required to achieve the goal. Yes No
Set timelines, resources required, responsibilities, monitoring arrangements and review
date in consultation with team members.
Yes No
Liaised well with each team member and considered their innovative ideas when setting
objectives and productivity measures in work plans.
Yes No
Worked well with the team members and monitored their progress towards set objectives,
i.e. regular follow up meetings and formal/informal discussions.
Yes No
Discussed how they were progressing and whether they needed any support to achieve
delegated tasks.
Yes No
Encouraged them to take ownership of their actions and assist other team members in
achieving delegated tasks.
Yes No
Provided ongoing feedback, i.e. what was going well, what strategies needed to be
changed etcetera.
Yes No
Encouraged team members to share their concerns and took necessary steps to resolve
them (by themselves or in consultation with the Manager).
Yes No
Showed a positive attitude. Yes No
Did not blame the organization or team members at any point. Yes No
Demonstrated a supportive and caring approach towards team members, colleagues and
Yes No
Demonstrated listening skills. Yes No
Collaborated effectively with the Manager, e.g. discussing the plan, asking for
contributions to improve the plan, updating the progress of the plan, seeking help to
resolve issues etcetera.
Yes No
Ensured to inform the team members of the feedback they received from the Manager. Yes No
Completed all sections of the workplan, reports and review sheet. Yes No
Ensured the workplan reflected the goals, objectives and plans of the workplace, e.g.
customer oriented, according to NSQHS standards etcetera.
Yes No
Defined meeting objectives and supported the team to meet these objectives Yes No
Actively encouraged all team members to participate in the discussion Yes No
Recognised and addressed any issues raised at discussions. Yes No
Modelled professional behaviour appropriate to the meeting setting and organisational
requirements, e.g. listening skills, non-judgmental approach, supportive etcetera.
Yes No
Supported team members to come to a decision. Yes No
Explained any involvement that the candidate would need to discuss with line
management (e.g. management final decision) and how they would cross-communicate
feedback from the management to the team.
Yes No
Used appropriate communication and interpersonal style. Yes No
Used language, conventions and protocol appropriate to the meeting and the participants. Yes No

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Document: BSBLDR403 Candidate Assessment
Date created: 02/08/2019 Version: 3.0
Date implemented: 02/08/2019 Next review: 02/08/2022 Responsibility: Academic Manager (VET)


Project checklist
The candidate:
Yes or No
Demonstrated respect for the opinions and values of all team members. Yes No
Engaged and motivated participants to participate in team discussions. Yes No
Used and encouraged analytical thinking techniques to consider issues and options. Yes No


Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory
General comments/feedback:
Signature: Date:

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Document: BSBLDR403 Candidate Assessment
Date created: 02/08/2019 Version: 3.0
Date implemented: 02/08/2019 Next review: 02/08/2022 Responsibility: Academic Manager (VET)

Assessment task 3 – Simulation Based Assessments

Assessment cover sheet
Candidate’s name
Candidate’s ID number
Assessor’s name
Unit/s of competency code
and title
BSBLDR403 – Lead team effectiveness
Course code and title HLT54115 – Diploma of Nursing
Candidate’s declaration (tick
all criteria confirming that
you have read, understood
and completed this
assessment cover sheet
prior to demonstrating
appropriate skills and
submitting any supporting
I confirm that I have read and understood EQUALS International’s
assessment policy, academic progression policy and complaints and appeal
I understand that I will have the opportunity to challenge the result of the
assessment and be reassessed, if necessary.
I have been informed of the assessment processes and performance
expectations in relation to this unit of competency and related course.
I confirm that the supporting evidence presented for this assessment is my
own work and there is no cheating, collusion or plagiarism involved.
I am aware that I must retain a copy of all assessments for future reference.
I understand that EQUALS International may retain a copy of my
assessments for quality assurance, audit and validation purposes and I give
consent to EQUALS International to do so.
Candidate’s signature
Assessment submission
date (if different from the
above date)

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Document: BSBLDR403 Candidate Assessment
Date created: 02/08/2019 Version: 3.0
Date implemented: 02/08/2019 Next review: 02/08/2022 Responsibility: Academic Manager (VET)


Assessment outcome Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory
Assessor feedback
(provide constructive
feedback including
information on
questions/tasks to be re
Assessor’s signature
Re-assessment date (if
Reassessment outcome (if
Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory
Ensure that any evidence of re-assessment is kept together with this assessment
Candidate’s name
Candidate’s signature

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Document: BSBLDR403 Candidate Assessment
Date created: 02/08/2019 Version: 3.0
Date implemented: 02/08/2019 Next review: 02/08/2022 Responsibility: Academic Manager (VET)

Context of assessment:
This assessment will be undertaken in EQUALS’ simulated nursing environment.
EQUALS’ assessor will observe your performance in the simulated nursing environment for the
identified assessments.
You must demonstrate appropriate skills for each task identified in this simulation assessment.
Planning the assessment:
Time allowed for assessment is approximately 30 minutes /candidate. This is a guide only and you
may be allowed more or less time to complete assessment tasks.
A mutually agreeable time will be set by the assessor to provide feedback to you.
You will be trained in appropriate skills prior to assessment.
You should practice these skills in the simulated nursing laboratory prior to the assessment.
Required resources
Simulation Based Assessment – Assessor and Facilitator Guide
The assessor and classmates playing various roles to facilitate the assessment task
Simulated workplace/meeting room
Evidence submission:
Prior to undertaking the assessment, you must complete all sections of the assessment cover sheet.
You are not required to complete any documentation as part of this task.
Your assessor will complete the observation checklists based on your performance for the outlined
Competency assessment:
You must achieve a Satisfactory outcome for all assessment tasks in this tool.
Any candidate not achieving a Satisfactory outcome for any assessment task will be allowed to repeat
the assessment task and resubmit the supporting evidence (second attempt).
If the assessment outcome is Not Yet Satisfactory after the second attempt, any further intervention
strategies will be planned in accordance with EQUALS’ Assessment Policy.

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Document: BSBLDR403 Candidate Assessment
Date created: 02/08/2019 Version: 3.0
Date implemented: 02/08/2019 Next review: 02/08/2022 Responsibility: Academic Manager (VET)

Feedback on assessments:
The assessor will provide immediate feedback to you following each nursing procedure that is directly
You will be informed of the appeal process if you are unhappy with the assessment outcome, the
assessor or the assessment processes
Laboratory rules:
When undertaking assessment tasks, you must assume the role of an Enrolled Nurse and comply with
all standards, codes, guidelines, legislation and regulations underpinning Enrolled Nursing practice.
You must confidently demonstrate professional nursing behaviour and treat the simulated nursing
laboratory as a possible work setting when demonstrating nursing skills relevant to each task.
Reasonable adjustment provided, if applicable (to be completed by the assessor):
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Document: BSBLDR403 Candidate Assessment
Date created: 02/08/2019 Version: 3.0
Date implemented: 02/08/2019 Next review: 02/08/2022 Responsibility: Academic Manager (VET)

Assume that you are leading a team in a nursing setting. As part of your role as a team leader, you must plan
and supervise the performance of the team and develop team cohesion.
You are asked to create a team and review the infection prevention and control policy and procedure at the
workplace and identify areas of improvement. You are further instructed to liaise with and coordinate the
review among the care assistant, kitchen and house-keeping staff members. Every department will undertake
a similar independent review of the policy and submit a report to the hospital management for discussion and
final review at a policy review meeting.
You develop a workplan in collaboration with your team (as provided below).
To review the infection prevention and control policy and procedure at the workplace and identify areas of
1. To create a team of seven people, including the team leader (two care assistants, two kitchen and two
house-keeping staff members) by xx/xx/xxxx (day 2 of the commencement of the project)
2. To read and review the infection prevention and control policy and procedure by xx/xx/xxxx (day 3 of the
commencement of the project)
3. Allow time for individual team members to liaise with their colleagues by xx/xx/xxxx and gather their
feedback (day 6 of the commencement of the project)
4. To review the NSQHS standards and gather updated infection prevention and control practices by
xx/xx/xxxx (day 7 of the commencement of the project)
5. To organise a team meeting to seek input from individual members of the team and discuss findings of the
literature review/current updates on infection prevention and control practices by xx/xx/xxxx (day 10 of the
commencement of the project)
You will be reporting to the Clinical Nurse (registered nurse).
Demonstrate appropriate skills relevant to the following tasks and appropriately address any new scenarios
introduced by the assessor.

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Document: BSBLDR403 Candidate Assessment
Date created: 02/08/2019 Version: 3.0
Date implemented: 02/08/2019 Next review: 02/08/2022 Responsibility: Academic Manager (VET)

Simulation based assessment task 1:
Blaney, a nursing care assistant, informs you that her colleague, Rose, another nursing care assistant in the
team, is not contributing to the team discussions. When Blaney tries to liaise with other care assistants in the
ward, Rose undermines her by secretly approaching the care assistants and telling them not to waste their
time reading the policy as they are not getting paid extra for this job. Rose also makes comments such as ‘our
feedback will not be valued by the upper management and this exercise is just for the sake of having our
names on their list’.
Blaney advises you that she is interested in this exercise as it makes her feel valued as she is contributing to
the continuous improvement of the organisation.
You call them both for a meeting.
Your assessor will play the role of Rose. You should play the role of the enrolled nurse (team leader) and
request another classmate to play the role of Blaney.
Demonstrate how you would address this issue.
How would you explore Rose’s concerns and other problems related to the allocated task?
How could you resolve the identified problem?
The time allocated for this activity is 5-8 minutes.
Simulation based assessment task 2:
The kitchen staff raised similar issues and you identified that there was a lack of cooperation between the staff
and their team with regard to reviewing the policy. You met with the kitchen staff to try to resolve their issues
but were unsuccessful as they did not raise any specific issues or concerns and the hostile approach
continued. Your team members (representatives from the kitchen staff) sought your support.
Whom should you approach for support in this scenario? Demonstrate appropriate interaction with your line
manager (your assessor will play this role).
Assume that the line manager also heard similar concerns (from anonymous internal sources). After your
discussion, communicate the line manager’s response to the team members and kitchen staff. Request your
classmates to play the role of the team members and kitchen staff.
The time allocated for this activity is 5-8 minutes.

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Document: BSBLDR403 Candidate Assessment
Date created: 02/08/2019 Version: 3.0
Date implemented: 02/08/2019 Next review: 02/08/2022 Responsibility: Academic Manager (VET)

Simulation based assessment task 3:
Two days after resolving the issue, you decided to follow up with the team members and line manager
(discussed in Task 2) and discuss progress of the work plan. Demonstrate appropriate communication skills.
Request your classmates to play the role of the team members. Communicate with your team members before
liaising with the line manager. Your assessor will play the role of your line manager.
The time allocated for this activity is 5-8 minutes.

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Document: BSBLDR403 Candidate Assessment
Date created: 02/08/2019 Version: 3.0
Date implemented: 02/08/2019 Next review: 02/08/2022 Responsibility: Academic Manager (VET)

Marking Guide – Observation of the following:

Observation Checklist
Simulation Based Assessment Task 1
During the demonstration of skills, did the candidate: Yes No N/A Comments
(Assessor to complete)
Called Blaney to the meeting room and listened to her concerns.
Advised Blaney that a similar discussion will occur with Rose and then they both will be called in
together for a meeting.
Called Rose to the meeting room and listened to her concerns.
Called both Blaney and Rose to the meeting room and engaged in active discussion.
Thanked Blaney and Rose for raising the issues and sharing their concerns.
Acknowledged Rose’s concern about the past and apologised on behalf of previous team leaders for
their actions.
Discussed how this review would help the organisation.
Assured them that their contribution would be valued by the management and their help would be
highly appreciated.
Thanked both Blaney and Rose for taking the initiative to represent their team.
Offered ongoing support and encouraged Blaney and Rose to approach the EN if any concerns arose.
Did not blame anyone.
Was non-judgmental, respectful and patient.

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Document: BSBLDR403 Candidate Assessment
Date created: 02/08/2019 Version: 3.0
Date implemented: 02/08/2019 Next review: 02/08/2022 Responsibility: Academic Manager (VET)


Observation Checklist
Simulation Based Assessment Task 1
During the demonstration of skills, did the candidate: Yes No N/A Comments
(Assessor to complete)
Maintained an assertive but pleasant tone and positive gestures (eye contact, smile and a welcoming
Advised Rose that she could step down if she still felt it was worthless to help the organisation.
Advised Rose and Blaney that they could take time off from their routine work at non-peak time to
undertake the delegated tasks.
Asked if they both were happy with the meeting outcome and thanked them again.

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Document: BSBLDR403 Candidate Assessment
Date created: 02/08/2019 Version: 3.0
Date implemented: 02/08/2019 Next review: 02/08/2022 Responsibility: Academic Manager (VET)


Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory
General comments/feedback:
Signature: Date:
*Any feedback to the candidate should be recorded on the appropriate assessment tool.

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Document: BSBLDR403 Candidate Assessment
Date created: 02/08/2019 Version: 3.0
Date implemented: 02/08/2019 Next review: 02/08/2022 Responsibility: Academic Manager (VET)


Observation Checklist
Simulation Based Assessment Task 2
During the demonstration of skills, did the candidate: Yes No N/A Comments
(Assessor to complete)
Approached the line manager.
Discussed the background and concerns with the manager.
Listened to the line manager’s response without interfering.
Organised a meeting with team members and kitchen staff.
Communicated the line manager’s response to the team members and kitchen staff.
Did not blame anyone.
Was non-judgmental, respectful and patient.
Maintained an assertive but pleasant tone and positive gestures (eye contact and a welcoming

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Document: BSBLDR403 Candidate Assessment
Date created: 02/08/2019 Version: 3.0
Date implemented: 02/08/2019 Next review: 02/08/2022 Responsibility: Academic Manager (VET)


Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory
General comments/feedback:
Signature: Date:
*Any feedback to the candidate should be recorded on the appropriate assessment tool.

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Document: BSBLDR403 Candidate Assessment
Date created: 02/08/2019 Version: 3.0
Date implemented: 02/08/2019 Next review: 02/08/2022 Responsibility: Academic Manager (VET)


Observation Checklist
Simulation Based Assessment Task 3
During the demonstration of skills, did the candidate: Yes No N/A Comments
(Assessor to complete)
Had a follow up meeting with team mates.
Asked appropriate questions seeking a status update on the current situation (issues with kitchen
Had a follow up meeting with the line manager based on the response from the team and discussed
the status of the issue and progress of the work plan.
Did not blame anyone.
Was non-judgmental, respectful and patient.
Maintained an assertive but pleasant tone and positive gestures (eye contact and a welcoming

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Document: BSBLDR403 Candidate Assessment
Date created: 02/08/2019 Version: 3.0
Date implemented: 02/08/2019 Next review: 02/08/2022 Responsibility: Academic Manager (VET)


Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory
General comments/feedback:
Signature: Date:
*Any feedback to the candidate should be recorded on the appropriate assessment tool.

End of document

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