Assessment form 

167 views 10:28 am 0 Comments July 15, 2023

Assessment form 

Aspect 1

Aspect 1

Interest generated by the research questionSample Page


Level 1 – Fails completely =  1/5

The presenter seemed uninterested in their topic, nor demonstrated its importance and consequently I equally had no interest.

Level 2 – Unsatisfactory = 2/5

The presenter seemed to try to generate interest in the topic, but it was hard to tell relevance, interest or importance of the topic.

Level 3 – Needs Improvement = 3/5

The topic seemed interesting/ important but I was not convinced it was because of my own interest or the presenters ability to generate interest.

Level 4 – Competent = 4/5

I was sort of interested in the topic and it was probably due to the presenter making it sound interesting or important.

Level 5 – Exemplary = 5/5

The presenter made me interested in hearing about their research question.

Grade for Aspect 1

3 / 5

Comment for Aspect 1


Aspect 2

Aspect 2

Articulation of ideas and concepts


Level 1 – Fails completely  = 1/5

I didn’t understand what the presenter was trying to communicate.

Level 2 – Unsatisfactory = 2/5

I didn’t understand the concepts being communicated, there seemed to be either information missing or information not explained. 

Level 3 – Needs Improvement = 3/5

I understood the concepts being communicated, but I felt more information should have been provided or better explained by the presenter.

Level 4 – Competent = 4/5

I understood the concepts and I mostly understood the aims of the ideas of the presentation.

Level 5 – Exemplary = 5/5

I understood all the ideas and concepts articulated in the presentation (and not because I am familiar with the topic). The presenter did a good job.

Grade for Aspect 2

5 / 5

Comment for Aspect 2


Aspect 3

Aspect 3

Content presented supports the theme of the research question.


Level 1 – Fails completely  = 1/5

The presentation provided does not appear to match or link well to the theme of research question.

Level 2 – Unsatisfactory = 2/5

The presentation provided sometimes didn’t match the theme of the title/research question with information added that did not appear relevant.

Level 3 – Needs Improvement = 3/5

The presentation seems to support the research question but at times it felt unfocused or unclear in its aims.

Level 4 – Competent = 4/5

The presentation mostly supports the theme of the research question

Level 5 – Exemplary = 5/5

The presentation completely supports the theme of the research question. There wasn’t anything provided that needed to be removed.

Grade for Aspect 3

4 / 5

Comment for Aspect 3


Aspect 4

Aspect 4

Logical order and structure  – presentation of ideas


Level 1 – Fails completely  = 1/5

It felt like the presenter didn’t spend much time working out what order the information should go in besides the normal presentation style. 

Level 2 – Unsatisfactory = 2/5

Presentation order  needed work, haphazard order, and I thought it needed a lot more work to fix the issues.

Level 3 – Needs Improvement = 3/5

Presentation order of ideas seemed haphazard and could do with the presenter moving some slides around to make their presentation better.

Level 4 – Competent = 4/5

Presentation order was good and I could only see a couple of things that maybe I would have changed if it was my presentation.

Level 5 – Exemplary = 5/5

Logical and structure really well done. Great transition between points made.

Grade for Aspect 4

5 / 5

Comment for Aspect 4


Aspect 5

Aspect 5

Definition of terms and concepts – level of jargon


Level 1 – Fails completely  = 1/5

No definition of technical terms. I didn’t understand what most of the terms meant  – too much jargon. It seemed I was expected to know the entire discipline. 

Level 2 – Unsatisfactory = 2/5

Lots of technical terms or jargon not defined. I got confused due to lack of definitions. 

Level 3 – Needs Improvement = 3/5

There were terms that were defined that I would not have known, but also terms not defined, which meant I didn’t always understand what the presenter said. 

Level 4 – Competent = 4/5

Nearly all the terms were defined. Just a few were not, but I am not sure if that’s because I have never heard of them or they are jargon from that particular research area.

Level 5 – Exemplary = 5/5

Every term that I didn’t recognise was defined and defined in a way that made the presentation more interesting.

Grade for Aspect 5

3 / 5

Comment for Aspect 5


Aspect 6

Aspect 6

Citations & References


Level 1 – Fails completely  = 1/5

Citations/ References not included, or references included that I am not sure are relevant.

Level 2 – Unsatisfactory = 2/5

Citations/ References missing, or not enough included, not sure of their relevance.

Level 3 – Needs Improvement = 3/5

Citations/ References appear mostly correct, and mostly appropriate. Some errors that need to be corrected or papers reconsidered for inclusion.

Level 4 – Competent = 4/5

References appear appropriate and correct with just some minor errors.

Level 5 – Exemplary = 5/5

References are correctly provided and appropriate for this presentation.

Grade for Aspect 6

3 / 5

Comment for Aspect 6


Aspect 7

Aspect 7

Other issues: spelling, grammar, mistakes, Turnitin report, Quality of the recording.


Level 1 – Fails completely  = 1/5

I saw a lot of spelling/grammatical errors and mistakes. Also, their Turnitin report shows a lot of matches to references, which suggests the presenter didn’t use their own words. Some issues with the recording.

Level 2 – Unsatisfactory = 2/5

I saw mistakes and spelling and grammar errors, and there were some matches in the Turnitin report that looked dubious, but could be honest mistakes also. Some issues with the recording.

Level 3 – Needs Improvement = 3/5

There were mistakes, errors, that were obvious and could have been corrected before the presentation. No issues with the recording

Level 4 – Competent = 4/5

Few mistakes, but not so many that I always noticed them as I watched the presentation. They were little mistakes that anyone might miss. No issues with the recording

Level 5 – Exemplary = 5/5

I could not see any mistakes or errors that I would recognise or made obvious by the presenter. No issues with the recording.

Grade for Aspect 7

4 / 5

Comment for Aspect 7


Aspect 8

Aspect 8

Did you enjoy watching the presentation?

Did you learn something new from the presentation?


Level 1 – Fails completely  = 1/5

No, I didn’t learn or enjoy watching this presentation because it made no sense and was very confusing.

Level 2 – Unsatisfactory = 2/5

Not really, there were parts that were okay and I learned or enjoyed the occasional concept.

Level 3 – Needs Improvement = 3/5

It was okay, I think more work could be done to make it more enjoyable/ educational.

Level 4 – Competent = 4/5

Yes, I did find this mostly enjoyable and educational. Some improvements would definitely make it more enjoyable etc.

Level 5 – Exemplary = 5/5

Yes, I found this both educational and enjoyable.

Grade for Aspect 8

3 / 5

Comment for Aspect 8


Aspect 9

Aspect 9

How well do you think the presenter met the criteria required for the presentation?

Refer to Seminar criteria as provided in the Assessment document.


Level 1 – Fails completely  = 1/5

Criteria did not seem to be met at all, or if some were, not very well.

Level 2 – Unsatisfactory = 2/5

Criteria was sort of met, but sometimes only in a superficial way.

Level 3 – Needs Improvement = 3/5

Criteria was mostly met but there were definitely improvements that were required.

Level 4 – Competent = 4/5

Criteria appeared to be met except for minor issues that could be improved.

Level 5 – Exemplary = 5/5

Criteria appeared to me to be very well met.

Grade for Aspect 9

4 / 5

Comment for Aspect 9


Overall feedback 

Overall, she delivered presentation in almost in professional way, a Bit of pause were needed while explaining the topic so that the viewers would understand bit more of it. she would have captured more attention if she would have added some animations so that the presentation would look more better. Even the prsentation template used was different from one which was provided.


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