Assessment Data Analysis and Report

102 views 7:56 am 0 Comments July 3, 2023


For this assignment, you need to refer to “Fringe” dataset.

Fringe is concerned with the factors that contribute to the fringe benefits of employees. The dataset includes a range of different variables, which allows for a range of different tests to be performed. You should note that our research approach must always be hypothetico- deductive—that is, we draw hypotheses from theories and then collect data for the variables that reflect the constructs of focus. In this particular case and for the sake of procedural constraints, this is not the case. That is, you are provided with the variables in a dataset. You need to identify the constructs of focus and then establish conceptual associations between them (i.e., propose hypotheses) that you later test and report on. Hence, we should acknowledge that this is reverse-engineering and should not normally occur in your research journey but only in this particular learning experience.


You are required to create a logical research question(s) and develop hypotheses that address the research question(s). Please note that you are only required to list the hypotheses which are plausible based on face content. You are also required to report the results in an appropriate academic manner and draw a meaningful implication and conclusion based on your results (i.e., what we can learn from the results and to what extent the research question is answered).


  • You need to develop a minimum of FIVE “testable” hypotheses—that is, for your focal variables there need to be the corresponding variables in the dataset.
  • You need to have diversity in your analyses—that is, if you have two hypotheses for which you should use independent-samples t-tests, this is not good. In this example, it is good to have one hypothesis that requires an ANOVA and another that requires an independent-samples t-test.
  • To qualify for High Distinction, your assignment must have interaction term and logit or probit model as part of your analyses and conduct them correctly. Without these, your potential maximum grade would be Distinction.
  • Last but not least, do not just present the data analysis results. Although you do not need detailed development of the hypothesis, your hypotheses must make conceptual sense. Further, after you present your findings, you need to discuss the findings to reflect your conceptual understanding of relevant theories or literature. The conclusion needs to be made to address how your results conceptually matter and what we can learn from them.


You may consider, but are not restricted to, the following structure for your report

  1. Introduction (main points to include: the research questions to be examined; a brief description of the Hs, and the methods to be used for analysis)
  2. Hypotheses (Main points to include: a description of the dataset and variables; develop hypotheses with a brief discussion about theories and literature; present the testable hypotheses in sequence)
  3. Data analysis and Discussion (Main subsections to include: descriptive statistics of the data; hypothesis-testing with quantitative methods; discussion of the findings)
  4. Conclusion
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