Assessment Brief

175 views 10:21 am 0 Comments July 20, 2023

PPLD Module (BUSI49681)Marketing Research and Data Analysis

Assessment Brief – Element 2

Element 2: (Summative) A 15 minute presentation of your personal and professional leadership development with a five minute Q&A. This is worth 40% of your overall grade.

This will take place virtually on Teams with the Module Leader . Exact date and time to be arranged.

The learning outcomes for the module.

Identify and justify appropriate theories, frameworks and concepts to underpin your personal, professional and leadership development.

Critically evaluate your increased levels of self-awareness through conducting a personal audit of your strengths and weaknesses using diagnostics and self-evaluation tools.

Critically evaluate your personal audit and link to your continual professional development through the creation of a personal and professional development plan (PDP) focusing on the development of leadership competencies which support your future career planning.

Critically reflect and extract meaning from critical incidents as evidence of your practice as a responsible leader who leads with purpose, leads by example and leads in a context of uncertainty, complexity and constant change.

Critically assess and evaluate and provide evidence of how your increased levels of awareness of the impact on others and leading with and through others have been used for organisational impact.

Present a critically reflective review of your personal, professional and leadership development to evidence the senior leader narrative of your overall leadership development.

Present and respond to questions at an appropriate senior leader level using personal presence and storytelling to evidence an understanding of leading responsibly through interpersonal excellence related to your practice as a senior leader with a sense of purpose and strategic intent.

Element 2 assesses learning outcomes A, F and G

Element 2: (Summative) A 15 minute presentation of your personal and professional leadership development with a five minute Q&A. This is worth 40% of your overall grade.

Element 2 requires you to deliver a presentation evidencing your personal and professional leadership development.

Your presentation should provide a ‘Reflective Review’ of your professional leadership development and you should be prepared to talk in more depth about how you were able to use insights from the MBA to add value in your role in your organisation.

The presentation is a critically reflective review of your personal and professional leadership development through the programme and should include:

Critical reflection on your personal audit

Critical reflection on your development on the programme with reference to learnings from critical incidents and experiences with reference to the leadership skills and behaviours demonstrated

A consideration of your leadership impact on others

Engagement with theories and concepts from the module to provide an academic underpinning

Personal presence and storytelling to evidence your understanding of leading responsibly through interpersonal excellence related to your practice as a senior leader.

Your presentation will focus on how you can evidence changes to your mind-set, your actions, how you approach decision making, your impact within the wider team (face to face and virtual), your developing leadership practice and how have you used/will use this for organisational impact.

Your individual presentation should be approximately 15 minutes long with an additional 5 minutes afterwards for questions.


Your assignments need to be strengthened by the appropriate use of academic material. However, this material must be properly attributed or referenced. In addition to providing a comprehensive bibliography of all sources used, you must reference your material throughout your assignments. Standard Nottingham Business School practice is to use the Harvard Referencing Method. Details of this approach can be obtained in a leaflet entitled “Citing References”, which was provided at your Induction.

The NTU Library and Learning Resources department has a guide on how to use Harvard referencing via their website. Go to, click help and support in the menu to the left of the screen, then choose referencing and plagiarism. Scroll down to the third paragraph and click on citing references a guide for users.

Assignment submissions

You must submit assignments on or before the due date indicated. Please ensure that your assignments are clearly marked with your name, the module and programme details and the word count for your assignment. All assignments should be submitted electronically to the relevant module learning room in NOW via the Dropbox. In the event of any problems with this please contact your course administrator who will log your assignments and forward them to the module leader at NBS for marking. Please also note that the Dropbox will only accept one submitted document, therefore please ensure any appendices you include are contained within the body of your assignment. Please put your name, N number and Professional Leadership Development as the header/ footer.

We aim to return marked assignments within three weeks of submission. However, this may not always be possible if, for example, staff are teaching at remote sites or are unavailable on other university business. In such instances, the programme team will advise course members of when to expect returned work.

Marking Grid.

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