Assessment 2 – Project Portfolio

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Assessment 2 – Project Portfolio

Information for students

In this task, you are required to demonstrate your skills and knowledge by working through a number of activities and completing and submitting a project portfolio.

You will need access to:

  • a suitable place to complete activities that replicates a business environment including a meeting space and computer and internet access
  • your learning resources and other information for reference
  • Project Portfolio template
  • Simulation Pack (if using the case study)
  • if using your own business:

o the broader organisational strategies and goals
o organisational requirements for project management and communication (e.g. Project Management

Policy and Procedures).
o internal and external stakeholders
o resources to implement one activity from the WBS for each project o budget, time and scope information
o one conflict to resolve that may impact the project’s objectives
o at least one request for a project change.

Ensure that you:

  • comply with the due date for assessment which your assessor will provide
  • adhere with Abbey College’s submission guidelines
  • answer all questions completely and correctly
  • submit work which is original and, where necessary, properly referenced
  • submit a completed cover sheet with your workBSBPMG540 Manage project integration
    Abbey College Australia
    National Provider No. 91136| CRICOS Registration No. 02658G Version V1.0 Jan 2021

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• avoid sharing your answers with other students.

BSBPMG540 Manage project integration 2 | P a g e Abbey College Australia
National Provider No. 91136| CRICOS Registration No. 02658G
Version V1.0 Jan 2021


Complete the following activities:

1. Carefully read the following:

This project requires you to integrate and balance the management of three separate projects so that the project objectives are met and organisational goals, strategies and objectives are supported.

You can do this for three real projects at your workplace, for three projects associated with a start-up business you are working on yourself or you can use the Simulation Pack provided.

If you use your own business or workplace, make sure it has sufficient information to successfully complete the assessment. Read through the steps below – guidance is provided about the information you need. Speak to your assessor to get approval if you want to base this on your own business.

If you are basing this assessment on the case study business, read through the Simulation Pack in preparation for this assessment. All the information needed to complete this assessment is contained in the Simulation pack.

You will be collecting evidence for this unit in a Project Portfolio. The steps you need to take are outlined below. Before you begin, complete page 4 of your Project Portfolio. You must describe the organisation you are basing this assessment on and provide a short description of three projects you’ll manage.

Vocational education and training is all about gaining and developing practical skills that are industry relevant and that can help you to succeed in your chosen career. For this reason, basing your project on real relationships with classmates or work colleagues will mean that you are applying your knowledge and skills in a relevant, practical and meaningful way!

Section 1.
If you are basing this assessment on Native Bush Spices Australia, further

information to complete the next steps is available in the Simulation Pack.

If you are basing this assessment on your own business, you need access to:

  • the broader organisational strategies and goals
  • organisational requirements for project management and communication (e.g. Project Management Policy and Procedures).

Start working on Section 1 of your project portfolio. Steps 2 to 5 form part of


BSBPMG540 Manage project integration
Abbey College Australia
National Provider No. 91136| CRICOS Registration No. 02658G Version V1.0 Jan 2021

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  1. For each project, prepare a Draft Project Charter.Before you begin, make sure you are familiar with the organisation’s strategies and objectives as well as any policies, procedures, protocols and templates that address project management and communication.

    Also do general research on the project. You will use the knowledge you gain from your research to help you manage the project and comprehensively prepare project documentation. Step 5 provides specific guidance on the knowledge required for each project.

    You are required to prepare a Draft Project Charter. Your charter should include:

    • an explanation why the project is being undertaken (describe the opportunity or problem that the project is to address)
    • an explanation of the relationship between the project and broader organisational strategies and goals
    • specific and measurable objectives for the project
    • a description of the desired end-result (i.e. the outcomes) and workplaceimpacts
    • the benefits and workplace impacts the project is expected to have for the organisation
    • key stakeholders and the proposed project governance structure
    • main project expenses, timelines and constraints
    • project assumptions and dependencies
    • a preliminary risk assessment.Separate Project Charter documents are required for each project.

      If your business has its own Project Charter template, use it (make sure you include all the requirements listed above). Otherwise, use the template provided in the Simulation Pack.

      The text of the Project Charter request should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style. Use the correct accounting language when describing budget requirements or objectives (e.g. use correct terminology such as profit margin etc.).

  2. For each project, meet with a key decision-maker to determine, clarify and negotiate the Project Charter.

BSBPMG540 Manage project integration 4 | P a g e Abbey College Australia
National Provider No. 91136| CRICOS Registration No. 02658G
Version V1.0 Jan 2021




Have your Draft Project Charter ready to use in the discussion (e.g. printed or on a device).

Prepare for the meeting by reading through step 3 and making notes to guide your discussion.

You are required to meet with at least one key-decision-maker (already identified in your Project Charter under project governance). At the meeting:

  • clarify that the Project Charter is an acceptable project initiation document
  • explain all of the information in the Project Charter (provide a clear rationale for each aspect of the Project Charter and use correct accounting and mathematical terminology when you explain the budget requirements and objectives)
  • negotiate at least one project objective or outcome.
  • seek stakeholder input and agree on the project governance structure andproposed project authority arrangements.

    During the meeting, you will need to demonstrate effective communication and negotiation skills including:

  • speaking clearly and concisely
  • asking questions to identify required information
  • responding to questions as required
  • facilitating discussion to achieve mutually agreeable outcomes.Each meeting should take 20 minutes. This will either be attended in person by your assessor or they will attend online. If your assessor cannot view the meeting in person, video record the session for your assessor to watch later (attach proof to Section 1 of your Project Portfolio). Your assessor can provide you with more details at this step. Make sure you follow the instructions above and meet the timeframes allocated.

    If you are using the case study, assume you are meeting with the CEO of Native Bush Spices Australia. Your assessor (or another student) will play the role of the stakeholder and provide further guidance on what should be negotiated.


4. Seek approval for the negotiated Project Charter.
Revise your Project Charter to reflect the meeting outcomes.

BSBPMG540 Manage project integration
Abbey College Australia
National Provider No. 91136| CRICOS Registration No. 02658G Version V1.0 Jan 2021

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Draft an email to a relevant decision-maker (e.g. CEO) to request approval (assume that your Project Charter is attached to the email).

Your email should introduce and summarise the contents of the Project Charter and seek their approval to move forward with the project.

Separate emails are required for each project.

The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.

5. For each project, develop a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS).

Develop a WBS that will enable effective planning and control of the project. Make sure it:

  • includes project stages and the requirements for the stage to be completed
  • enables the project objectives and outcomes (as per the Project Charter) to beachieved.

    The WBS may be in the form of a diagram or a list of activities, but it must contain sufficient detail to enable a Project Schedule to be developed from it.

    If you are using the case study (Native Bush Spices Australia):

    For the web-design project: to develop the work breakdown structure, you must research the typical steps involved with developing a web site, assuming this work will be contracted out to web site designers and content writers.

    For the product range expansion project: to develop the work breakdown structure, you must research the typical steps involved with market research and establishing collaborative relationships, assuming that the Marketing Coordinator of Native Bush Spices Australia will meet with potential organisations and choose the best partnership.

    For project 3: to develop the work breakdown structure, you must research the typical steps involved with developing an advert campaign, assuming this will be contracted to an advertising specialist.

    Make sure you have answered all questions in Section 1.
    You are required to attach certain documents as part of your evidence – review the

    documents you need to attach as outlined in Section 1 of the Project Portfolio. Submit Section 1 to your assessor.

    BSBPMG540 Manage project integration 6 | P a g e Abbey College Australia
    National Provider No. 91136| CRICOS Registration No. 02658G
    Version V1.0 Jan 2021



Start working on Section 2 of your project portfolio. Steps 6 to 9 form part of Section 2.

If you are basing this assessment on Native Bush Spices Australia, further information to complete the next steps is available in the Simulation Pack.

If you are basing this assessment on your own business, be prepared to meet with internal and external stakeholders (step 7) and implement one activity from the WBS for each project (see step 9).


  1. For each project, develop a Draft Project Management Plan.Before you develop the plan, do an analysis of each of the project management functions (cost, time, quality, human resources, communication and information and risk) to identify the links between each function (interdependencies), as well as the constraints associated with each function.

    Next, develop a Draft project Management Plan.

    The plan should be comprehensive and fully address and integrate all aspects of project management. It should include:

    • general project details based on the Project Charter information (e.g. title, background, objectives, target outcomes)
    • success criteria
    • specific project details such as the project activities and milestones (as per the WBS), tools to monitor and control the activities, project budget and communication plan.
    • a risk management strategy.
      Separate plans are required for each project.

      If your business has its own Project Management Plan template, use it (make sure you include all the requirements listed above). Otherwise, use the template provided in the Simulation Pack.

      The text of the Project Management Plan should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style. Use the correct accounting language when describing budget requirements or objectives (e.g. use correct terminology such as cashflow, profit margin etc.).

  2. For each project, meet with stakeholders to approve and finalise the Project management Plan.

BSBPMG540 Manage project integration 7 | P a g e Abbey College Australia
National Provider No. 91136| CRICOS Registration No. 02658G
Version V1.0 Jan 2021



Have your Draft Project Management Plan ready to use in the discussion (e.g. printed or on a device).

Prepare for the meeting by reading through step 7 and making notes to guide your discussion.

You are required to meet with at two project stakeholders (at least one of the stakeholders must have authority to make decisions such as the CEO and at least one stakeholder should be an external stakeholder such as a vendor).

At the meeting:

  • present the Draft Project Management Plan.
  • negotiate at least one aspect of the plan.During the meeting, you will need to demonstrate effective communication and negotiation skills including:
  • speaking clearly and concisely
  • facilitating discussion to achieve mutually agreeable outcomes.Each meeting should take 30 minutes. This will either be attended in person by your assessor or they will attend online. If your assessor cannot view the meeting in person, video record the session for your assessor to watch later (attach proof to Section 2 of your Project Portfolio). Your assessor can provide you with more details at this step. Make sure you follow the instructions above and meet the timeframes allocated.

    If you are using the case study, assume you are meeting with the CEO of Native Bush Spices Australia and one external vendor (the website developer, cooperative partner or the digital marketing specialist). You will conduct this meeting in a round table discussion format. You will be placed into groups with fellow students. Each student will have 5 minutes to lead the meeting and present their Draft Project Management Plan. The remainder of the time will be spent negotiating one aspect of each person’s plan (each student will be required to negotiate a different aspect of their plan with the other two students taking on the role of decision-maker and external stakeholder). Your assessor will prompt each student which aspect to negotiate (e.g. risk management, communication, monitoring activities).


8. Confirm approval for the negotiated Project Management Plan.
Revise your Project Management Plan to reflect the meeting outcomes.

BSBPMG540 Manage project integration
Abbey College Australia
National Provider No. 91136| CRICOS Registration No. 02658G Version V1.0 Jan 2021

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Draft an email to both stakeholders who attended the meeting to confirm their approval of the plan (assume that your Project Management Plan is attached to the email).

Separate emails are required for each project.

The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.

9. For each project, commence project activity.
Select one activity on the WBS and complete it.

If you are using the case study (Native Bush Spices Australia):

For the web-design project: Develop a web design brief that shows a clear alignment to organisational objectives. Use the Website Design Brief Template to guide your work.

For the product range expansion project: Conduct a SWOT analysis of the partnership.

For project 3: Review the advert idea and provide feedback via email.

Make sure you have answered all questions in Section 2.
You are required to attach certain documents as part of your evidence – review the

documents you need to attach as outlined in Section 2 of the Project Portfolio. Submit Section 2 to your assessor.



Section 3.

Assume that a period of time has passed, but the project is not yet complete.

If you are basing this assessment on Native Bush Spices Australia, further information to complete the next steps is available in the Simulation Pack.

If you are basing this assessment on your own business or workplace, your projects should:

  • have sufficient budget, time and scope information to report on the project status (e.g. invoices, project schedule information etc.)
  • have at least one conflict to resolve that may impact the project’s objectives
  • include at least one request for a project change.

Start working on Section 3 of your Project Portfolio. Steps 10 to 13 form part of

BSBPMG540 Manage project integration 9 | P a g e Abbey College Australia
National Provider No. 91136| CRICOS Registration No. 02658G
Version V1.0 Jan 2021

  1. For each project, resolve a conflict.Resolve a conflict that has the potential to impact the project’s objectives with other stakeholders.

    If you are using the case study (Native Bush Spices Australia):

    For the web-design project: Review the Native Bush Spices Code of Conduct and consider how you would address the conflict of interest (as per the email in the Simulation Pack) in accordance with the Code of Conduct. Draft an email to the Project Team Member (your assessor) giving them your response. Ensure that your email is written in a positive manner so as to resolve any potential further conflicts.

    For the product range expansion project: Search the internet for articles supporting the use of contracts or formal agreements with cooperative partnerships. Draft an email to the cooperative partnership representative to explain the importance of creating a formal agreement. Add a few website links on cooperative partnerships that support the argument for contractual agreement to your email.

    For project 3: Draft an email to the customer service officer to explain the concept of intellectual property (define the concept in your explanation) and suggest that they use paid images from an alternative image depository (provide suggestions).

  2. For each project, manage project changes.
    First, develop a Project Status Report. Your report should:

    • provide project specific budget, timeline or scope information regarding the project’s progress.
    • identify any project information or communication issues (including required changes)
    • analyse the impact on the project and organisational objectives of the required changes.Next, complete the Project Register and Log with details about issues experienced. Finally, update your Project Management Plan to incorporate the changes.

      Separate Project Status Reports and Project Register and Logs are required for each project.

      If your business has its own Project Status template or Project Register and Logs template, use it. Otherwise, use the templates provided in the Simulation Pack.

      BSBPMG540 Manage project integration 10 | P a g e Abbey College Australia
      National Provider No. 91136| CRICOS Registration No. 02658G
      Version V1.0 Jan 2021



The text of your documents should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style. Use the correct formal (e.g. profit margin) and some informal (e.g. lower price) accounting language when describing budget requirements.

If you are basing this assessment on Native Bush Spices Australia, further information to complete the next steps is available in the Simulation Pack.

If you are basing this assessment on your own business or workplace, you need information about the final outcomes (deliverables, timelines, budget) for each project. You will also need feedback from relevant stakeholders regarding the project’s implementation, management and integration. You may ask your assessor for feedback if necessary.

Assume that the projects have been completed.

12. For each project, manage the project finalisation.

First, draft an email to a relevant team member to finalise the legal, contractual and financial obligations. In your email:

  • confirm that the project deliverables and related documents are ready to be handed to the client within the agreed timeframe
  • request that a financial obligation be finalised (e.g. send or pay an invoice)
  • approve the delivery of the final deliverable.Separate emails are required for each project.

    The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.

    Conduct finalisation requirements, including:

  • update the Project Register and Logs to show completed activity.
  • identify the activities required by your organisation to finalise the project and allocate the activities to relevant staff.


BSBPMG540 Manage project integration 11 | P a g e Abbey College Australia
National Provider No. 91136| CRICOS Registration No. 02658G
Version V1.0 Jan 2021

  1. For each project seek and document feedback.Draft an email to seek feedback from at least two stakeholders (e.g. a decision- maker, team member and external stakeholder) on how they experienced the project implementation, management and integration.

    Once feedback has been received, document the feedback on the Project management Plan using review comment functionality.

  2. Submit your completed Project Portfolio.Make sure you have completed all sections of your Project Portfolio, answered all questions, provided enough detail as indicated and proofread for spelling and grammar as necessary.

Submit to your assessor for marking.

BSBPMG540 Manage project integration
Abbey College Australia
National Provider No. 91136| CRICOS Registration No. 02658G Version V1.0 Jan 2021

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BSBPMG540 Manage project integration 13 | P a g e Abbey College Australia
National Provider No. 91136| CRICOS Registration No. 02658G
Version V1.0 Jan 2021

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