Apply critical thinking for complex problem solving

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Young Rabbit Pty Ltd (ABN 28 003 381 182) trading as Australian Pacifc College RTO Code: 90396 | CRICOS Provider Code: 01331F | © 2022
BSBCRT611 Apply critical thinking for complex problem solving

A30076 Complex Problem Solving | BSB60520 Advanced Diploma of Marketing and Communication | Assessments v1.0
Young Rabbit Pty Ltd (ABN 28 003 381 182) trading as Australian Pacifc College RTO Code: 90396 | CRICOS Provider Code: 01331F | © 2022
Introduction����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3
Assessment 1��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 4
Assessment 2��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 9

A30076 Complex Problem Solving | BSB60520 Advanced Diploma of Marketing and Communication | Assessments v1.0
Young Rabbit Pty Ltd (ABN 28 003 381 182) trading as Australian Pacifc College RTO Code: 90396 | CRICOS Provider Code: 01331F | © 2022
This subject A30076 Complex Problem Solving, in the BSB60520 Advanced Diploma
of Marketing and Communication
, comprises two Assessments� The following table
summarises the information about each assessment�

Assessment 1 Assessment 2
Due Date Session 5
(Week 5)
Session 8
(Week 8)
Weighting 50% 50%
Grading Method Rubric Rubric
Submission Method Students are required to submit their assessments to myAPC�hub�
Feedback The results will be available within 7 days after the due date of the

APC is using Rubric for assessment marking� A rubric is a tool used to interpret and grade
students’ work against a set of criteria�
1� Assessments should be completed as per your trainer’s instructions�
2� Assessments must be submitted by the due date to avoid a late submission penalty�
3� Plagiarism is copying someone else’s work and submitting it as your own� You must
write your answers in your own words and include a reference list� You are required to
run the plagiarism report on your assessments prior to the submission, and ensure that
the plagiarism score is below 30%� A mark of zero will be given for any assessment or
part of an assessment that has been plagiarised�
4� You may discuss your assessments with other students, but submitting identical answers
to other students will result in a zero mark� Your answers must be yours alone�
5� All the assessments must be submitted to myAPC�hub�
6� You must attempt all questions in the assessment�
7� You must get satisfactory results on both assessments to pass the subject�
8� All assessments are to be completed in accordance with WHS regulatory requirements�

A30076 Complex Problem Solving | BSB60520 Advanced Diploma of Marketing and Communication | Assessments v1.0
Young Rabbit Pty Ltd (ABN 28 003 381 182) trading as Australian Pacifc College RTO Code: 90396 | CRICOS Provider Code: 01331F | © 2022
Assessment 1

Qualifcation BSB60520 Advanced Diploma of Marketing and Communication
Subject A30076 Complex Problem Solving
Assessment method Case Study
Weighting 50%
Unit of Competency BSBCRT611 Apply critical thinking for complex problem solving

The following table summarises the relationship between the Assessment and Performance
Criteria (PC) and Knowledge Evidence (KE) outlined in the rubric�

Performance Criteria (PC) Questions in the
The student has demonstrated knowledge of:
1�1 Identify complex issue for resolution within scope of job role and in
consultation with relevant stakeholders
1�2 Document task objectives and risks involved in pursuing identifed issue Q2
1�3 Research legislative frameworks and organisational policy or procedures
applicable to identifed issue
1�4 Calculate required resources and present to relevant stakeholders Q4
2�1 Facilitate ideation session with relevant stakeholders Q5
2�2 Evaluate formulated solutions for advantages and limitations using
critical thinking techniques
2�3 Apply decision-making processes to select most viable solution Q7
PE 1 lead the process for addressing at least one complex workplace issue
up to the point of implementation�
Q1 to Q7
PE 2 identify task objectives and risks involved with pursuing identifed
PE 3 research legislative frameworks and applicable frameworks for
identifed problem
PE 4 calculate resources required for solution development process Q4
facilitate others in idea generation for possible solutions Q5
KE 1 legislative frameworks and organisational policy or procedures
applicable to identifed workplace problem
KE 2 critical and creative thinking techniques applicable to performance

A30076 Complex Problem Solving | BSB60520 Advanced Diploma of Marketing and Communication | Assessments v1.0
Young Rabbit Pty Ltd (ABN 28 003 381 182) trading as Australian Pacifc College RTO Code: 90396 | CRICOS Provider Code: 01331F | © 2022

Performance Criteria (PC) Questions in the
KE 3 advantages and risks in the development of solutions for identifed
workplace problems
KE 4 decision-making processes including barriers to effective decision
KE 5 sources of relevant information to identifed issue, including desk
research and stakeholder consultations
Q1 to Q7

Assessment 1 – Case Study
Read the following case study and answer the questions that follow:

You are the HR manager for Medibank, which began as a health insurer and has grown into
a broader healthcare company, committed to delivering affordable healthcare that gives
customers more choice� Medibank is delivering care in new ways by collaborating with
hospitals, doctors and governments and driving reform to help reshape Australia’s health
system� Medibank also offers travel, pet and life insurances to meet a wider range of the
customers’ needs�
Considered to be one of the best insurance companies in the Australian market, Medibank
had a proft of $458 million in the year 2019-20� However, the proft became almost half
in 2020-21� A few reasons for this huge drop in profts were attributed to increasing
competition in the market, poor management, the COVID crisis and a high turnover rate�
The drop in proft has subsequently led to investors retracting their investments which has
led to many of the employees thinking that the organisation may collapse� Due to this fear,
many employees have started looking for jobs elsewhere, some have already Because of
this organisational performance has dropped down� Due to the shortage in staff, customer
complaints have increased and the brand value has massively suffered�

Following are some statistics:

Total number of employees as
of 30th June 2020
2,234 Total number of employees as of 30th June 2021 1,625
Proft as of 30th June 2020 $458 million Proft as of 30th June 2021 $231 million
Customer complaints received
as of 30th June 2020
56 Customer complaints received as of 30th June 2021 269
Customer complaints resolved
as of 30th June 2020
53 Customer complaints resolved as of 30th June 2021 105
Turnover rate as of 30th June
5% Turnover rate as of 30th June 2021 25%

Employee Turnover
From 1st July 2020 to 30th June 2021 609 employees have left the organisation� Medibank
has a system of exit interviews, i�e� employees that leave the organisation have to go through
an interview process to explain to the company why they are leaving� The process helps the
organisation to improve employee retention� Here are some statistics from those exit interviews�

A30076 Complex Problem Solving | BSB60520 Advanced Diploma of Marketing and Communication | Assessments v1.0
Young Rabbit Pty Ltd (ABN 28 003 381 182) trading as Australian Pacifc College RTO Code: 90396 | CRICOS Provider Code: 01331F | © 2022

Reason to Leave % of employees
Entry-level employee got a better position elsewhere 19%
Was given minimum wage, joined the competitor for a higher wage 24%
Was a temporary visa holder, had to leave Australia due to a family
crisis back home
Manager/Management was not supportive 16%
Planning to start their own business 8%
Not enough appreciation/motivation 8%
No room to grow 9%
Retiring 2%

These issues are not new as these are the same for companies across the board�
Customer Complaints
The analytics team at Medibank did some research on the customer complaints and found
the following top 8 complaints�

Customer Complaints % of total complaints
Long Wait on Hold 46%
Lack of knowledge 17%
Having to give too many details 15%
Self-help apps and services don’t work 8%
Information is hard to fnd 7%
Support agent is unfriendly or rude 6%
Claim was not provided even though covered under the policy 1%

The situation presented above is quite complex; you and the other managers consulted
with the CEO on what needs to be done� Based on the consultation, the CEO has
assigned different tasks to each manager� You have been asked to focus on 2 areas of the
organisation, customer service and HR� As the customer service manager Elisha McCarthy
has put forward her resignation, there is a gap which has to be flled� However, in the
interim period, the CEO has asked you to act as the acting customer service manager
along with your HR manager role�
Question 1:
a� Based on the case study provided above, explain what complex issues you are dealing
b� With respect to the issues faced conduct a quick research to:
i� identify 2 common customer complaints
ii� identify 2 reasons why employees leave�
c� What is the impact on the organisation if customers have a poor experience and
continue to leave?
d� Ultimately, some of the internal processes and systems are creating a poor customer
experience� From a branding perspective, what can be done to influence customers not
to leave�

A30076 Complex Problem Solving | BSB60520 Advanced Diploma of Marketing and Communication | Assessments v1.0
Young Rabbit Pty Ltd (ABN 28 003 381 182) trading as Australian Pacifc College RTO Code: 90396 | CRICOS Provider Code: 01331F | © 2022
e� What teams of departments within the organisation would need to strategically work
together to build:
i� Employee satisfaction
ii� Better customer experiences�
Remember to provide a reference for this question.
Question 2:
a� Write down the task objectives involved in pursuing identifed issues�
b� Write down at least 2 risks in dealing with the problems existing in both the
Question 3:
Write down the legislations and organisational policy or procedures applicable to identifed
Question 4:
What resources will be required to solve the problems identifed? Email these to all the
relevant stakeholders�


Question 5:
You have made certain changes to the organisational structure� As you are now managing
two departments, you have created 2 new positions:
Customer Service Team Lead and
Human Resources Team Lead� These vacancies were flled internally� You have discussed
the complex issues that the 2 departments are facing with the respective personnel and are
planning to conduct an ideation session with each one of them�

Ideation session with Customer service team lead – Mark Thompson
You: Our customer complaints have quadrupled in just a year’s time, how can we
reduce these?
Mark: We do have more data on it; we can see that 46% of the customers had to wait
for long times, 17% felt our staff lacked knowledge, 15% felt that they were asked for
too many details�
You: Hmmm, what do you suggest should be done?
Mark: In my opinion, we should focus more on training the staff regularly�
You: Given the circumstances where we don’t have enough staff to cope with the
current customers, additional training during work hours would rather increase
customer complaints as there would be less or no staff to answer calls�
Mark: Yes�

To facilitate the ideation session you feel that it is better to address each of the top 8
complaints individually rather than just having ‘training’ as a solution to all 8 of them�

A30076 Complex Problem Solving | BSB60520 Advanced Diploma of Marketing and Communication | Assessments v1.0
Young Rabbit Pty Ltd (ABN 28 003 381 182) trading as Australian Pacifc College RTO Code: 90396 | CRICOS Provider Code: 01331F | © 2022
a� Name at least 3 creative and critical thinking techniques that you would suggest Mark
to use so that he could come up with more effective solutions�
b� Mark suggested that he could look at providing solutions to 4 of them and the other 4
can be done by you� The following are the suggestions provided by Mark�

Customer Complaints Suggestion
Long Wait on Hold
Lack of knowledge Having regular product knowledge interactive quizzes so as to
ensure that employees are up-to-date with information�
Having to give too many
Self help apps and services
don’t work
Understanding what errors exist and correcting them�
Information is hard to fnd Analysing online customer searches and updating the
Support agent is unfriendly
or rude
Claim was no provided even
though covered under the
We will have to look at each case and see if what the customer
is saying is true� A possible solution would be to have another
team review the claim for a second opinion in such cases�

Fill in the table with your suggestions as well, feel free to add to Mark’s suggestions�
Question 6:
a� You couldn’t complete an ideation session with Jack Jameson (HR team lead) because
of some personal reasons� He had to take the week off� You are required to provide 3
suggestions or ideas to reduce the high turnover�
b� Evaluate each of those solutions and write down at least one advantage and limitation
for each of the solutions provided in Q6�1� You can use the table below�

Solution 1 Advantage Limitation

Question 7:
Based on the solutions provided in Q6�1, use any decision-making tool of your choice to
select the 2 most viable solutions of those three� Explain which decision making tool you
used and how you made the decision�
– END –

A30076 Complex Problem Solving | BSB60520 Advanced Diploma of Marketing and Communication | Assessments v1.0
Young Rabbit Pty Ltd (ABN 28 003 381 182) trading as Australian Pacifc College RTO Code: 90396 | CRICOS Provider Code: 01331F | © 2022
Assessment 2

Qualifcation BSB60520 Advanced Diploma of Marketing and Communication
Subject A30076 Complex Problem Solving
Assessment method Case Study
Weighting 50%
Unit of Competency BSBCRT611 Apply critical thinking for complex problem solving

The following table summarises the relationship between the Assessment and Performance
Criteria (PC) and Knowledge Evidence (KE) outlined in the rubric�

Performance Criteria (PC) & Performance Evidence (PE) Questions in the
The student has demonstrated knowledge of:
PC 2�4 Prepare a brief on proposed solution according to organisational
policy and present to key stakeholders
PC 3�1 Develop a feedback register to systematically record feedback
according to organisational requirements
PC 3�2 Refne proposal based on analysis of feedback Q3a
PC 3�3 Seek necessary approvals to implement solution Q3c
PE 1 lead the process for addressing at least one complex workplace
issue up to the point of implementation�
Q1 to Q7
PE 6 present proposed solution to key stakeholders Q1
PE 7 use feedback to revise solution to achieve stakeholder approval Q2
PE 8 seek necessary approvals for the implementation of the solution� Q3c
KE 3 advantages and risks in the development of solutions for identifed
workplace problems
KE 5 sources of relevant information to identifed issue, including desk
research and stakeholder consultations
Q1 to Q4
KE 6 organisational requirements for development and presentation of a
brief and feedback register
Q1, Q2
KE 7 approval process for workplace solution� Q3c

A30076 Complex Problem Solving | BSB60520 Advanced Diploma of Marketing and Communication | Assessments v1.0
Young Rabbit Pty Ltd (ABN 28 003 381 182) trading as Australian Pacifc College RTO Code: 90396 | CRICOS Provider Code: 01331F | © 2022
Assessment 2 – Case Study
Question 1:
a� Prepare a brief on the proposed solutions that you and your team have come up
with� Please ensure you write the report as per organisational requirements�
Remember the report will be sent to all the stakeholders involved in this project�
Hint: Organisational requirements for writing a report.
The report must have the following:
– Introduction section
– Purpose statement
– Problems profle
– Impact on the organisation
– Objectives
– Solutions proposed
– Resources required
– Challenges in implementing the solutions
– Conclusion�
b� Develop a 3-5 mins video presentation to present this brief to all the stakeholders�
Question 2:
The CEO is very happy to have you manage both the departments, namely customer
service and human resources� However, to ensure a consistent strategic approach inline
with the organisational goals, you will also be expected to work with other departments as
required� In return you get a pay raise and the experience of managing 2 departments� You
are happy with this decision and have accepted this offer� The following are the targets that
the CEO looks at achieving by the end of next year�

Total number of employees as
of 30th June 2021
1,625 Total number of employees as of 30th June 2022 1,900
Proft as of 30th June 2021 $231 million Proft as of 30th June 2022 $340 million
Customer complaints received
as of 30th June 2021
269 Customer complaints received as of 30th June 2022 120
Customer complaints resolved
as of 30th June 2021
105 Customer complaints resolved as of 30th June 2022 83
Turnover rate as of 30th June
25% Turnover rate as of 30th June 2022 13%

a� Based on the solutions proposed the CEO wants you to develop a feedback
register which will record feedback from both internal and external stakeholders�
(Organisational requirement: Feedback registers must be developed on MsExcel or
Google Sheets).
b� Which other departments would you be expected to work with and explain why�
Question 3:
Based on the analysis of the feedback, it has been found that the solutions provided for the
following problems won’t suffce:
– Long Wait on Hold
– Support agent is unfriendly or rude�

A30076 Complex Problem Solving | BSB60520 Advanced Diploma of Marketing and Communication | Assessments v1.0
Young Rabbit Pty Ltd (ABN 28 003 381 182) trading as Australian Pacifc College RTO Code: 90396 | CRICOS Provider Code: 01331F | © 2022
a� What else could be done to ensure that these problems are eradicated? Write an email
to all the stakeholders explaining a few other options to solve the above two problems�
b� Explain to them the risks associated with implementing the new solutions�
c� Also in the email seek the necessary approvals to implement all solutions proposed in
Q1 and Q3 of this assessment�


– END –

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