Analysis of the communication problem

160 views 11:12 am 0 Comments June 6, 2023

• SSESSMENT TWO ORAL PRESENTATION MARKING CRITERIA Marking Criteria High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail Introduction Excellent introduction: articulates the five pads of the introduction in a superior manner Exceed expectations: clearly articulates the five parts of the introduction: one or two of the components could have been more specifically stated. M I°/eels expectations: fair introduction: articulates four of the five pads of the introduction: one or two of the articulated four parts could have been more specifically stated Poor introduction: articulates less than three parts of the introduction Very poor or non-existent introduction. Analysis of the communication problem Demonstrates a balanced and very high level of detailed knowledge of core concepts by providing a very high level of analysis. Utilises current. appropriate. and credible sources. Demonstrates a balanced and high level of knowledge of core concepts by providing a high level of analysis. Utilises mostly current. appropriate and credible sources. Demonstrates a good level of knowledge of some of the core concepts by providing some level of analysis. Utilises some current. appropriate and credible sources. Demonstrates limited knowledge of core concepts by providing a limited level of analysis. Utilises few current. appropriate. and credible sources. Demonstrates little. if any. knowledge of the core concepts with extremely limited. if any. analysis. Utilises little. if any. current. appropriate and credible sources. Recommendations to solve the identified communication problem Exceeds expectations: Issues are addressed at a high level of detail based upon communication theories and models and/or evidence of successes in other organisations. Exceeds expectations: Issues are addressed at a good level of detail based upon communication theories and models and/or evidence of successes in other organisations; more specific detail needed to be provided. Meets expectations: Issues s are addressed at a fair level of detail based upon communication theories and models and/or evidence of successes in other organisations: more specific detail needed to be provided for the identified challenges. Meets expectations: Issues are addressed at a poor level of detail based upon communication theories and models and/or evidence of successes in other organisations: more specific detail needed to be provided for the identified challenges. No relevant recommendations are addressed. Conclusion Excellent conclusion: articulates all three pads of the conclusion in a sophisticated manner. Exceeds expectations: clearly articulates the three parts of the conclusion: one of the components could have been more specifically stated. Meets expectations: fair articular of the conclusion: two of the articulated three pads could have been more specifically stated. Poor conclusion; articulates one of the three parts of the introduction No conclusion provided References All references are included in the slides and in the reference list Not all references are included in the slides and in the reference list References are included in the slides. but are included in the reference list. The references are only presented in the reference list. No references are identified.

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