Alcohol abuse in teenagers

94 views 10:00 am 0 Comments June 28, 2023

STUDENT MODEL ESSAY suffering from cancer, liver cirrhosis, lung and cardiovascular disease in the long view (Iluerta B 0 orgonovi, 201). These damagesd diseases may thus not appear and immediately but humans might suffer from them after several years for their whole lifetime. In many cases binge drinking on college campuses in s the trigger for heavy’ heav drinking, alcohol abuse and dependence in adulthood (B odenlos, Noonan & Wells, 2013). Alcohol abuse in teenagers therefore has a massive impact on the health of organs and body and should not be underestimated.
There are number of possible factors causing alcohol abuse in teenagers. This essay has focused on expectations and behaviour of peers and on family environment. Alcohol abuse has several effects on the social life such as aggression and violence against oneself and others as well as effects on health like brain and organ damages. Overall, however, teenagers should be aware about the long-term consequences of early alcohol abuse.

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