Advanced Strategic Tourism Management

133 views 7:18 am 0 Comments July 5, 2023

Assessment purposeSample Page

The purpose of this assessment is to introduce students to research and academic writing on a topic relevant to chapter 2. These skills are required for the successful completion of the module.

Assessment detail Type: Analytical essay Marks: 45

Weighting: 10%

Due date: 29 May 2023 at 23:00 (GMT+2) Submission document type: Pdf

Submission     document     name:     Student                      number_TRT4861_04_2023        (e.g. 12345678_TRT4861_04_2023)

Assessment structure

Cover page

Declaration (see Appendix) Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Literature review
  3. Conclusion
  4. Reference list (refer to the referencing Lib-guide)

Assessment instructions

Chapter 2 provides an overview of mass and alternative (i.e., new) tourism (see pages 65-66). One of the signs of emerging alternative tourism is that tourists’ travel behaviour and motivations are changing. Tourism businesses catering for these types of tourists, need to stay abreast of their motivations and strategically manage their businesses to appeal to these tourists.

Based on research, compile an analytical essay on scuba diving tourists’ travel motivations (i.e., push factors).

What is an analytical essay?

Make use of the following documents for this assessment: academic writing, technical editing, and referencing lib-guide.

You will be assessed on

  • the relevance of the content to scuba-diving tourism (i.e., introduction, literature review and conclusion)
  • the use of at least ten resources (i.e., more can be used) other than the prescribed textbook and prescribed e-reserves
  • the relevance of the resources (i.e., related to scuba-diving tourism)
  • the recentness of resources (i.e., not older than 10 years; i.e. 2014 to 2023)
  • academic writing
  • referencing
  • technical editing

Refer to the marking rubric to see what is expected from you.


  • Generic textbook information regarding what travel motivations is, and theories related to motivations, should be kept to a minimum. This information can help to provide context or lead the reader. Note that marks are awarded to whether you have complied with the scope of the assessment (i.e., motivations of scuba diving tourists).
  • Note that there is a difference between push and pull factors of motivations. Your focus for this assessment is on the push factors only.
  • The premise of this assessment is to test your research skills by obtaining relevant information (i.e., not only if the content is related to scuba-diving tourism but if the content addresses motivations of the selected market) and how well you can synthesise different sources on the topic.
  • If you can make a list of scuba-diving tourists’ motivations from the literature section in your assessment, you have accomplished the outcome. (Making a list in the assessment is not part of the analytical essay, but rather a side test to see if you have accomplished what you should.)
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