Advanced Financial Accounting

111 views 8:27 am 0 Comments July 6, 2023

Assessment 3 InformationHuman Computer Interaction

Subject Code: ACCM4200
Subject Name: Advanced Financial Accounting
Assessment Title: Assessment 3
Assessment Type: Statement of Advice
Word Limit: 2,000 words (+/- 10%)
Weighting: 40%
Total Marks: 40
Submission: Individual via Turnitin on MyKBS.
Due Date: Tuesday of Week 13 at 19.55 AEST

Your Task

You must prepare a Statement of Advice (SoA) that addresses accounting issues raised in a letter that will be made available to you at the start of week 11.

Assessment Description

Assume that you are a manager in a consulting and accounting firm, Key Business Services (KBS), located at 1 Main Street, Business District, 1000, Melbourne. Among other things, your firm provides its clients with advice regarding accounting issues, including the application of the Australian Accounting Standards in the preparation of Financial Reports. You have been asked to prepare a Statement of Advice (SoA) for Flummoxed Limited to address several accounting issues raised by Ms. Purp Lex, on behalf of the directors of the company. Ms. Lex has raised these issues in a letter that will be made available to you at 8 a.m. (AEST) on the Monday of week 11.

The maximum length for the SoA is 2,000 words. You should address all the technical issues in your advice, followed by a Reference List. Marks will be awarded based on 2 components:

Technical component 30% – This mark covers the technical content of your advice and the explanation of each of the issues and the sources used. You will be required to analyse information provided and recommend the correct accounting treatment. Your recommendations must be justified by reference to specific paragraphs of relevant accounting standards. Where necessary you will need to explain the rationale behind certain accounting standard requirements.

Communication Skills (Writing Skills) component 10% – marks will be awarded based on your ability to gather information and effectively communicate strategies to the client as part of the SoA. It will also cover the generic skill of writing, clear meaning, structure and organisation, appropriate tone and grammar, spelling, and punctuation, etc., throughout the whole assignment.

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