Advanced Econometrics

111 views 8:32 am 0 Comments August 4, 2023

Goldsmiths College, University of London
Advanced Econometrics
Lecturer: Tomás Rotta
The purpose of the project is for you to demonstrate that you can code everything correctly in R and that
you can
correctly interpret the results from the estimations of the different approaches and models. It is
not enough to run the code correctly. You also need to give your interpretation of the results. For example:
if you find that two series are cointegrated, what does that mean? Should we expect these series to be
cointegrated in the first place? Why? Should we expect A to cause B, or for B to cause A? Why? When you
run your ARDL model, what interpretation do you offer for the coefficient estimates? Why would you
prefer a VEC model over any other model? When you run your panel data model with fixed effects, how
do you interpret the regression estimates?
Complete part 1 of this project. Part 2 is optional but I encourage you to complete it to train your panel
data and coding skills, which are valuable skills in the job market and they look good on your CV. There is
no grade penalty if you only complete part 1.
Write the
R code for all steps. Submit your project together with your R code as a single PDF file on the
Moodle VLE
. The R code embedded within the project file does not count toward the 2,000-word limit. A
template in Word format is available on the Moodle page.
The easiest way to format your project is to write it in MS Word, combining the R code and the R output
step-by-step for each task, pasting both the output text and the plots. Then save the Word file as a PDF
and submit it on the Moodle VLE. The submission is anonymous but please include your student ID# on
the cover page.
If you are the type of student who loves a new challenge, you can write your entire project in R using
Rmarkdown, which is a free open source package for R. Rmarkdown is fully integrated into Rstudio, even
though you can run Rmarkdown without Rstudio. More information on Rmarkdown is available on our
Moodle page.
Rmarkdown allows you to automate many features in your own project. On our Moodle
page you will also find a
template Rmd file which contains the R code to render your project in PDF, HTML,
and Word formats using Rmarkdown. I suggest you render your project in PDF format as in my template.

Part 1: Time Series
Use the following two time series with monthly frequency:
Capacity utilisation rate:
CPI inflation rate: (*)
(*) You need to use the monthly percentage change (i.e. growth rate) of CPI from one year ago, which
means you are actually using the
monthly inflation rate but correctly calculated year-on-year (not monthon-month). Do not use the monthly inflation rate calculated month-on-month!
Explain what the data are about and how each variable is measured.
Plot both series in levels and in first differences.
Run the
ADF, PP, and KPSS unit root tests. Are the series stationary I(0) or nonstationary I(1)?
Run the
Engle-Granger cointegration test. Are the two variables cointegrated?
Run the
Johansen cointegration test. Are the two variables cointegrated?
Run the
ARDL model using the “dynamac” package in R, assuming that one of the variables is exogenous
and the other is endogenous. Recall that the ARDL model combines variables in differences (for the shortrun effects) and variables in levels (for the long-run effects). You can test for the significance of the ARDL
long-run relationship in levels if you set “ec=TRUE” when running the ARDL model and then running the
command for the
PSS bounds test. If the F statistic is above the I(1) critical value you can conclude that
the long-run variables in levels are jointly significant. Remember to also run the
diagnostic checks
(Shapiro-Wilk, Breusch-Godfrey, Jarque-Bera etc.). Finally, set “simulate=TRUE” and then plot the
impulse-response functions.
Run the
VAR model, assuming that both variables are endogenous to each other. If the Johansen
cointegration test or the Engle-Granger cointegration test tell you that there is cointegration then you
need to include the
error correction mechanism (ECM) in the VAR model. This in fact means that you
need to estimate the
Vector Error Correction (VEC) model. If there is no cointegration than use the VAR
model, not the VEC model.
Run the
Granger-causality tests in both directions.
Use a
Cholesky decomposition to make the structural errors orthogonal to (independent of) each other.
Plot the
impulse-response functions.
Run the
ARIMA model for one of the two times series. Which ARIMA model has the best fit? You can use
the “auto.arima()” function in R to automatically detect the best model. Use the estimated ARIMA model
forecast the series in the next 10 months. Plot your forecast.
Part 2: Panel Data (Optional)
Open the R code file for panel data models, then scroll down to the last section titled “Panel Data Example
using World Bank Data (WDI 1960-2015)”.
Explain what the data set is about and how each variable is measured.
Include one more variable in your panel data model that is available in the WDI dataset but not already
included in this example in the R code. Explain why you have chosen to include the additional variable.
Run the
Random Effects (RE) model.
Run the
Fixed Effects (FE or ‘within’ model).
Run the
Pooled OLS and then test for poolability. What do you conclude?
Run the
Hausman test and decide which model is preferred.
Run the
diagnostic tests on the residuals of each model. Are the residuals white noise (free from autocorrelation and heteroskedasticity)?

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