Advanced Data and Network Mining

133 views 10:22 am 0 Comments June 30, 2023

Assessment Task                                                                                                          [100 Marks]

  1. Read the journal article available on Moodle “The CRISP-DM Model: The New Blueprint for Data Mining” Shearer 2000. Write a critique of this article as it applies to the mining of ‘Big Data’ in 2023. Your appraisal should include a review of two related journal articles (the original paper and two other published on or after 2018). Approximate length 1500 words. Cite all references using Harvard referencing (guidelines on Moodle). (50 Marks)
  • Select a Big Data mining case study published either in a journal; conference paper or vendor report. Discuss the data mining techniques applied and tools used. Highlight the benefits to the business together with measurable implementation success criteria. Approximate length 1500 words. Cite all references using Harvard referencing (guidelines on Moodle). (50 Marks)

The grade assessment will be based on the DBS CA grading scheme which has been included at the end of this document.

Include a cover page and cite all references. Two files should be loaded to Moodle on or before Sunday 11 June 2023 (23:55).

  1. A SINGLE pdf file named CA01_Surname_First-Name_Student-ID including answers to parts a) and b).
  2. A zipped file including your reference documents.
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