Address Translation

100 views 11:22 am 0 Comments June 27, 2023

Lab 8 (Week 11)

Address Translation (II)


This lab is to be continuous from the previous lab (Lab 7) using the Address Translation Simulator.

Download the Address Translation simulator ( from LearnJCU and extract the zip file. This produces a folder named address.

The user manual for this simulator, address_doc.html, is included in this folder. It is strongly suggested that you read through this documentation describing how the simulator operates prior to beginning the following exercises.

In this lab, you will perform address translation using two-level page tables. You will create a logfile of your activity that will replace the logfile from the last lab (Lab 7). Before proceeding, rename your logfile from Lab 7 to logfile-lab7.html.

Exercise Tasks

Perform the following steps using the address translation simulator

Edit the addressconfig file in the address directory and replace your name with the name default_user.

In the address directory execute runaddress (UNIX, Linux, Mac OS X) or runaddress.bat (Windows.) This will start the address translation simulator.

Click on the blue button labeled Two Levels. Seven buttons labeled Two Level Page Table Test 1 through Two Level Page Table Test 7 appear.

Click the Two Level Page Table Test 3 button. A window titled Virtual Address Translation appears.

Click the button labeled Progress at the bottom-left of the Virtual Address Translation window. The Progress window appears with the 16 tasks for resolving the logical address to the physical address.

Perform Tasks 1-3 in the Progress window, using the Progress window help or Lifelines, if needed.

Perform Task 4 in the Progress window and segment the TLB.

Perform Tasks 5 and 6 in the Progress window.

Perform Tasks 7 and 8 in the Progress window, and segment the logical address into separate entries for the single-level and second-level page tables.

Perform Tasks 9 and 10 in the Progress window.

Perform Tasks 11-15 in the Progress window.

Perform Task 16 in the Progress window by pushing the appropriate completion button.

Click the pink Quit button in the lower left-hand corner of the Virtual Address Translation window to terminate the simulator.

Edit the addressconfig file in the address directory and replace the name default_user with your name.

Execute the simulator again.

Click on the Open Log button in the lower right-hand corner of the main window.

Complete the remaining tests 1, 2, and 4-7 for two-level paging. You should use the Progress window, at least for the first few tests. Not all tests will use the TLB (in those tests, the TLB button will be disabled.)

Click the Close Log button (you have created a file called logfile.html) and terminate the simulator.

Submit your logfile — logfile.html — to your instructor per his or her instructions.



What is the size of the page after completing Step 2?

a) 8192
b) 4096
c) 1024
d) 512

What is the value of the page offset after completing Step 2?

a) 111000010111
b) 000111010110111100
c) 110100010101
d) 00000000000

How many bits in the TLB are used for the frame after completing Step 7?

a) 18
b) 11
c) 12
d) 10

Was the logical address resolved in the TLB after completing Step 8?

a) Yes
b) No

How many bits are used in the logical address to represent the first-level page table after completing Step 9?

a) 10
b) 12
c) 11
d) 9

Is the entry in the first-level page table valid after completing Step 10?

a) Yes
b) No

Is the entry in the second-level page table valid after completing Step 11?

a) Yes
b) No

What is the physical address after completing Step 12?

a) 000111010110111100110100010101
b) 00001111011110100010101
c) 110111100110100010101
d) There was page fault.




~ This is the End of Lab 8 ~

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