A Spiral Model of Software

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A Spiral Model of Software
Development and
Barry W. Boehm, TRW Defense Systems Group
“Stop the life cycle-I want to get off!’’
“Life-cycle Concept Considered

“The waterfall model is dead.” This evolving risk-
“No, it isn’t, but it should be.”

driven approach
hese statements exemplify the
Iife-cycle process models. The
provides a new
framework for guiding
the software process.
current debate about software
topic has recently received a great deal of
TheDefense Science Board Task Force
on Military Software‘ issued in
1987 highlighted the concern that traditional software process models were discouraging more effective approaches to
software development such as prototyping
and software
reuse. The Computer Society has sponsored tutorials and workshops
on software process models that have
helped clarify many of the issues and
stimulated advances in the field
(see “Further reading”).
The spiral model presented in this article is
one candidate for improving the software process model situation. The major
distinguishing feature of the spiral model
is that it creates a
risk-driven approach to
the software process rather than a primarily
document-driven or code-driven process. It incorporates many of the strengths
of other models and resolves many of their
This article
opens with a short description of software process models and the
issues they address. Subsequent sections
outline the process steps involved in the
spiral model; illustrate the application of
the spiral model to a software project,
using the TRW Software Productivity
Project as an example; summarize the primary advantages and implications
involved in using the spiral model and the
primary difficulties in using it at its current
incomplete level of elaboration; and present resulting conclusions.
Background on software
process models
The primary functions of a software
process model are to determine the
of thestages
involved in software development and evolution and to establish the
transition criteria for progressing from one
stageto the next. These include completion
criteria for the current stage plus choice
criteria and entrance criteria for the next
stage. Thus, a process model addresses the
following software project questions:
(1) What shall we do next?
( 2 ) How long shall we continue to do it?
Consequently, a process model differs
from a software method (often called a
methodology) in that a method’s primary
focus is on how to navigate through each
phase (determining data, control,
hierarchies; partitioning functions;
allocating requirements) and how to represent phase products (structure charts;
stimulus-response threads; state transition
Why are software process models
important? Primarily because they provide guidance on the order (phases, increments, prototypes, validation tasks, etc.)
in which a project should carry out its
major tasks. Many software projects, as
the next section shows, have come to grief
because they pursued their various development and evolution phases in the wrong
Evolution of process models. Before
concentrating in depth
on the spiral model,
we should take a
look at a number of
others: the code-and-fix model, the stagewise model and the waterfall model, the
evolutionary development model, and the
transform model.
The code-and-fix model. The basic
model used in the earliest days of software
1988 0018 9162/8X/0500-0061$01 00 1 Y X 8 IEEE 61
Figure 1. The waterfall model of the software life cycle.
development contained two steps: mary difficulties:
(a) After a number
of fixes, the code
so poorly structured that subsequent fixes were very expensive. This
underscored the need for a design phase
prior to coding.
(b) Frequently, even well-designed software was such a poor match to users’ needs
that it was either rejected outright
expensively redeveloped. This made the
need for a requirements phase prior to
design evident.
(c) Code was expensiveto fix because
poor preparation for testing and modifi-
(1) Write some code.
(2) Fix the problems in the code.
Thus, the order of the steps was
to do
some coding first and to think about the
requirements, design, test, and maintenance later. This model has three pri-
cation. This made it clear that explicit
recognition of these phases, as well as testand-evolution planning and preparation
tasks in the early phases, were needed.
The stagewiseand waterfall models. As
early as
1956,experience on large software
systems such as the Semi-Automated
Ground Environment (SAGE) had led to
the recognition of these problems and to
the development of a stagewise model’ to
address them. This model stipulated that
software be developed in successive stages
(operational plan, operational specifications, coding specifications, coding,
parameter testing, assembly testing,
shakedown, system evaluation).
The waterfall model,3illustrated in Figure
1 , was a highly influential 1970refinement of the stagewise model. It provided
two primary enhancements to the stagewise model:
Recognition of the feedback loops
between stages, and a guideline to
confine the feedback loops to successive stages to minimize the
expensive rework involved in feedback across many stages.
An initial incorporation of prototyping in the software life cycle,
via a “build it twice” step running
in parallel with requirements analysis and design.
The waterfall model’s approach helped
eliminate many difficulties previously
on software projects. The
waterfall model has become the basis for
most software acquisition standards in
government and industry. Some of its initial difficulties have been addressed by
adding extensions to cover incremental
development, parallel developments, program families, accommodation of evolutionary changes, formal software
development and verification, and stagewise validation and risk analysis.
However, even with extensive revisions
and refinements, the waterfall model’s
basic scheme has encountered some more
fundamental difficulties, and these have
led to the formulation of alternative process models.
A primary source of difficulty with the
waterfall model has been its emphasis on
fully elaborated documents as completion
criteria for early requirements and design
phases. For some classes of software, such
as compilers
or secure operating systems,
is the most effective way to proceed.
However, it does not work well for many
classes of software, particularly interactive
The waterfall model
has become the basis
for most software
acquisition standards.
end-user applications. Document-driven
standards have pushed many projects to
write elaborate specifications of poorly
understood user interfaces and decisionsupport functions, followed by the design
and development of large quantities of
unusable code.
These projects are examples of how
waterfall-model projects have come to
grief by pursuing stages in the wrong
order. Furthermore, in areas supported by
fourth-generation languages (spreadsheet
or small business applications), it is clearly
unnecessary to write elaborate specifications for one’s application before implementing it.
The evolutionary development model.
The above concerns led to the formulation
of the
evolutionary development model,4
whose stages consist of expanding increments of an operational software product,
with the directions of evolution being
determined by operational experience.
The evolutionary development model is
ideally matched to a fourth-generation
language application and well matched to
situations in which users say,
“I can’t tell
you what
1 want, but 1’11know it when I see
It gives users a rapid initial operational
capability and provides a realistic operational basis .for determining subsequent
product improvements.
Nonetheless, evolutionary development
also has its difficulties. It is generally difficult to distinguish it from the old codeand-fix model, whose spaghetti code and
lack of planning were the initial motivation for the waterfall model. It is also
on the often-unrealistic assumption
that the user’s operational system will be
flexible enough t o accommodate
unplanned evolution paths. This assumption is unjustified in three primary circumstances:
( I ) Circumstances in which several
independently evolved applications must
subsequently be closely integrated.
(2) “Information-sclerosis” cases, in
which temporary work-arounds for software deficiencies increasingly solidify into
unchangeable constraints on evolution.
The following comment is a typical example: “It’s nice that you could change those
equipment codes to make them more intelligible for
us, but the Codes Committee
just met and established the current codes
as company standards.”
(3) Bridging situations, in which the
new software
is incrementally replacing a
large existing system. If the existing system
is poorly modularized, it is difficult to provide a good sequence of “bridges”
between the old software and the expanding increments of new software.
Under such conditions, evolutionary
development projects have come to grief
by pursuing stages in the wrong order:
evolving a lot of hard-to-change code
before addressing long-range architectural
and usage considerations.
The transform model. The “spaghetti
code” difficulties of the evolutionary
development and code-and-fix models can
also become a difficulty in various classes
of waterfall-model applications, in which
code is optimized for performance and
becomes increasingly hard to modify. The
transform model’ has been proposed as a
solution to this dilemma.
The transform model assumes the existence
of a capability to automatically convert a formal specification of a software
product into a program satisfying the specification. The steps then prescribed by the
transform model are
a formal specification of the best initial understanding of the desired
automatic transformation of the
specification into code;
an iterative loop,
if necessary, to
improve the performance of the
resulting code by giving optimization
guidance to the transformation
exercise of the resulting product; and
an outer iterative loop to adjust the
specification based on the resulting
operational experience, and to rederive, reoptimize, and exercise the
adjusted software product.
The transform model thus bypasses the
difficulty of having to modify code that
has become poorly structured through
repeated reoptimizations, since the
modifications are made to the specification.
I t also avoids the extra time and
expense involved in the intermediate
design, code, and test activities.
Still, the transform model has various
1988 63
Evaluate alternatives,
~- Commitment
Develop- Requirements
Plan next phases
Develop, verify
next-level product
Figure 2. Spiral model of the software process.
difficulties. Automatic transformation
capabilities are only available for small
products in a few limited areas: spreadsheets, small fourth-generation language
applications, and limited computerscience domains. The transform model
also shares some of the difficulties of the
evolutionary development model, such as
the assumption that users’ operational systems will always be flexible enough to support unplanned evolution paths.
Additionally, it would face
a formidable
knowledge-base-maintenance problem in
dealing with the rapidly increasing and
evolving supply of reusable software components a n d commercial software
products. (Simply consider the problem of
tracking the costs, performance, and features of all commercial database management systems, and automatically choosing
the best one to implement each new
changed specification .)
The spiral model
The spiral model of the software process
(see Figure
2) has been evolving for several
years, based on experience with various
of the waterfall model as
applied to large government software
As will be discussed, the spiral
model can accommodate most previous
models as special cases and further pro-
vides guidance as to which combination of
previous models best fits agiven software
situation. Development of the TRW Software Productivity System (TRW-SPS),
described in the next section, is its most
complete application to date.
The radial dimension in Figure 2
represents the cumulative cost incurred in
accomplishing the steps to date; the angular dimension represents the progress
made in completing each cycle of the spiral. (The model reflects the underlying
concept that each cycle involves
a progression that addresses the same sequence of
steps, for each portion of the product and
for each of its levels of elaboration, from
an overall concept of operation document
down to the coding of each individual program.) Note that some artistic license has
been taken with the increasing cumulative
cost dimension to enhance legibility of the
steps in Figure
A typical cycle of the spiral. Each cycle
of the spiral begins with the identification
the objectives of the portion of the
product being elaborated (performance, functionality, ability t o
accommodate change, etc.);
the alternative means of implementing this portion of the product (design
A, design B, reuse, buy, etc.); and
the constraintsimposed
on the application of the alternatives (cost, schedule, interface, etc.).
The next step is to evaluate the alternatives relative to the objectives and constraints. Frequently, this process will
identify areas of uncertainty that are significant sources of project risk. If
so, the
next step should involve the formulation
of a cost-effective strategy for resolving
the sources of risk. This may involve prototyping, simulation, benchmarking,
reference checking, administering user
questionnaires, analytic modeling, or
combinations of these and other riskresolution techniques.
Once the risks are evaluated, the next
step is determined by the relative remaining risks. If performance
or user-interface
risks strongly dominate program development
or internal interface-control risks,
the next step may be an evolutionary development one:
a minimal effort to specify
the overall nature of the product, a plan
for the next level of prototyping, and the
development of a more detailed prototype
to continue to resolve the major risk issues.
If this prototype is operationally useful
and robust enough to serve as a low-risk
base for future product evolution, the subsequent risk-driven steps would be the
evolving series of evolutionary prototypes
going toward the right in Figure
2. In this
case, the option of writing specifications
would be addressed but not exercised.
Thus, risk considerations can lead to
project implementing only a subset of all
the potential steps in the model.
On the other hand, if previous prototyping efforts have already resolved all
of the
performance or user-interface risks, and
program development
or interface-control
risks dominate, the next step follows the
basic waterfall approach (concept of operation, software requirements, preliminary
design, etc. in Figure
2), modified as
appropriate to incorporate incremental
development. Each level of software specification in the figure is then followed by
a validation step and the preparation of
plans for the succeedingcycle. In this case,
the options to prototype, simulate, model,
etc. are addressed but not exercised, leading to the use of
a different subset of steps.
This risk-driven subsetting of the spiral
model steps allows the model to accommodate any appropriate mixture of a
specification-oriented, prototypeoriented, simulation-oriented, automatic
or o t h e r
to software development. In
such cases, the appropriate mixed strategy
is chosen by considering the relative magnitude of the program risks and the relative effectiveness of the various techniques
in resolving the risks. In a similar way,
risk-management considerations can
determine the amount of time and effort
that should be devoted to such other project activities as planning, configuration
management, quality assurance, formal
verification, and testing. In particular,
risk-driven specifications (as discussed in
the next section) can have varying degrees
of completeness, formality, and granularity, depending on the relative risks of
doing too little
or too much specification.
An important feature of the spiral
model, as with most other models, is that
each cycle is completed by
a review involving the primary people or organizations
concerned with the product. This review
covers all products developed during the
previous cycle, including the plans
for the
next cycle and the resources required to
carry them out. The review’s major objective is
to ensure that all concerned parties
are mutually committed to the approach
for the next phase.
The plans for succeeding phases may
also include
a partition of the product into
increments for successive development
components to be developed by indicidual
or persons. For the latter
case, visualize
a series of parallel spiral
cycles, one for each component, adding a
third dimension
to the concept presented
in Figure
2. For example, separate spirals
can be evolving for separate software components
or increments. Thus, the reviewand-commitment step may range from an
indibidual walk-through
of the design of
single programmer’s component to a
major requirements review involving
developer, customer, user, and maintenance organizations.
Initiating and terminating the spiral.
Four fundamental questions arise in considering this presentation of the spiral
( 1 ) How does the spiral ever get
(2) How d o you get off the spiral when
it is appropriate to terminate
a project early?
(3) Why does the spiral end so
(4) What happens
to software enhancement (or maintenance)?
The answer
to these questions involves
an observation that the spiral model
applies equally well to development
enhancement efforts. In either case, the
spiral gets started by a hypothesis that
particular operational mission (or set of
missions) could be improved by a software
effort. The spiral process then involves
test of this hypothesis: at any time, if the
hypothesis fails the test (for example, if
delays cause a software product to miss its
market window,
or if a superior commercial product becomes available), the spiral
is terminated. Otherwise, it terminates
with the installation of new
or modified
software, and the hypothesis is tested by
observing the effect
on the operational
mission. Usually, experience with the
operational mission leads
to further
hypotheses about software improvements,
a new maintenance spiral is initiated
to test the hypothesis. Initiation, termination, and iteration
of the tasks and
products of previous cycles are thus
implicitly defined in the spiral model
(although they’re not included in Figure
to simplify its presentation).
Using the spiral model
‘The various rounds and activities
involved in the spiral model are best underMay
1988 65
stood through use of an example. The spiral model was used in the definition and
development of the TRW Software Productivity System (TRW-SPS), an integrated software engineering environment.6 The initial mission opportunity
coincided with a corporate initiative to
improve productivity in all appropriate
corporate operations and an initial
hypothesis that software engineering was
an attractive area to investigate. This led
to a small, extra “Round
0” circuit of the
spiral to determine the feasibility of
increasing software productivity at a
reasonable corporate cost. (Very large
complex software projects will frequently
precede the “concept of operation” round
of the spiral with one or more smaller
rounds to establish feasibility and to
reduce the range of alternative solutions
quickly and inexpensively.)
1,2, and 3 summarize the application of the spiral model to the first three
rounds of defining the SPS. The major
features of each round are subsequently
discussed and are followed by someexamples from later rounds, such as preliminary
and detailed design.
Round 0: Feasibility study. This study
involved five part-time participants over a
two- to three-month period. As indicated
in Table
1, the objectives and constraints
were expressed at a very high level and in
qualitative terms like “significantly
increase,” “at reasonable cost,” etc.
Some of the alternatives considered,
primarily those in the “technology” area,
could lead to development of a software
product, but the possible attractiveness
a number of non-software alternatives in
the management, personnel, and facilities
areas could have led to a conclusion not to
embark on a software development
The primary risk areas involved possible situations in which the company would
invest a good deal only to find that
resulting productivity gains were not
Table 1. Spiral model usage: TRW Software Productivity System, Round 0.
Risk resolution
Risk resolution results
Plan for next phase
Significantly increase software productivity
At reasonable cost
Within context
of TRW culture
Government contracts, high tech., people oriented,
Management: Project organization, policies, planning,
Personnel: Staffing, incentives, training
Technology: Tools, workstations, methods, reuse
Facilities: Offices, communications
May be no high-leverage improvements
Improvements may violate constraints
lnternal surveys
Analyze cost model
Analyze exceptional projects
Literature search
Some alternatives infeasible
Single time-sharing system: Security
Mix of alternatives can produce significant gains
Factor of two in five years
Need further study to determine best mix
Six-person task force for six months
More extensive surveys and analysis
Internal, external, economic
Develop concept of operation, economic rationale
Fund next Dhase
potentially high-leverage improvements were not compatible with some
aspects of the “TRW culture.”
The risk-resolution activities undertaken in Round
0 were primarily surveys
and analyses, including structured interviews of software developers and
managers, an initial analysis of productivity leverage factors identified by the constructive cost model (Cocomo)’; and an
analysis of previous projects at TRW
exhibiting high levels of productivity.
The risk analysis results indicated that
significant productivity gains could be
achieved at a reasonable cost by pursuing
an integrated set of initiatives
in the four
major areas. However, some candidate
solutions, such as a software support environment based on a single, corporate,
maxicomputer-based time-sharing system,
were found to be in conflict with TRW
constraints requiring support of different
levels of security-classified projects. Thus,
even at a very high level of generality of
objectives and constraints, Round
0 was
able to answer basic feasibility questions
and eliminate significant classes of candidate solutions.
The plan for Round
1involved commitment of 12 man-months compared to the
two man-months invested in Round
(during these rounds, all participants were
part-time). Round
1 here corresponded
fairly well to the initial round of the spiral
model shown in Figure
2 , in that its intent
was to produce a concept of operation and
a basic life-cycle plan for implementing
whatever preferred alternative emerged.
Round 1: Concept of operations. Table
2 summarizes Round 1 of the spiral along
the lines given in Table
1 for Round 0. The
features of Round
1 compare to those of
0 as follows:
The level
of investment was greater
(12 versus 2 man-months).
The objectives and constraints were
more specific (“double software productivity in five years at a cost of
$1O,OOO a
person” versus “significantly increase
productivity at a reasonable cost”).
Additional constraints surfaced, such
as the preference for TRW products (particularly, a TRW-developed local area network (LAN) system).
The alternatives were more detailed
or SADT, as requirements tools etc.” versus “tools”; “private/shared” terminals, “smart/dumb”
terminals versus “workstations”).
The risk areas identified were more
specific (“TRW LAN price-performance
within a 510,000-per-person investment
constraint” versus “improvements may
violate reasonable-cost constraint”).
The risk-resolution activities were
more extensive (including the benchmarking and analysis of
a prototype TRW LAN
being developed for another project).
The result was
a fairly specific operational concept document, involving private offices tailored to software work
patterns and personal terminals connected
to VAX superminis via the TRW LAN.
Some choices were specifically deferred to
the next round, such
as the choice of operating system and specific tools.
The life-cycle plan and the plan for the
next phase involved
a partitioning into separate activities to address management
improvements, facilities development, and
development of the first increment of
software development environment.
The commitment step involved more
than just an agreement with the plan. I t
committed to apply the environment
to an
upcoming 100-person testbed software
project and to develop an environment
focusing on the testbed project’s needs. I t
also specified forming
a representative
steering group to ensure that the separate
activities were well-coordinated and that
the environment would not be overly
optimized around the testbed project.
Although the plan recommended
a prototype environment, it
also recommended that the project employ
requirements specifications and design
specifications in
a risk-driven way. Thus,
the development of the environment followed the succeeding rounds of the spiral
Round 2: Top-level requirements specification. Table 3 shows the corresponding
steps involved during Round 2 defining the
software productivity system. Round 2
decisions and their rationale were covered
in earlier work‘; here, we will summarize
the considerations dealing with risk
management and the use of the spiral
The initial risk-identification activities
during Round 2 showed that several system requirements hinged on the decision
a host-target system or a fully
portable tool set and the decision between
VMS and Unix
as the host operating system. These requirements included the
functions needed
to provide a userfriendly front-end, the operating system to
be used by the workstations, and the functions necessary to support a host-target
‘Tokeep these requirements in
synchronization with the others,
a special
minispiral was initiated to address and
resolve these issues. The resulting review
to a commitment to a host-target operation using Unix on the host system, at a
point early enough to work the OSdependent requirements in a timely
Addressing the risks
of mismatches to
the user-project’s needs and priorities
resulted in substantialparticipation of the
user-project personnel in the requirements
definition activity. This led to several significant redirections of the requirements,
particularly toward supporting the early
phases of the software life-cycle into which
the user project was embarking, such as an
adaptation of the software requirements
engineering methodology (SREM) tools
for requirements specification and
It is also interesting
to note that the form
of Tables
I , 2, and 3 was originally developed for presentation purposes, but subsequently became a standard “spiral
model template” used on later projects.
These templates are useful not only for
organizing project activities, but also
as a
residual design-rationale record. Design
rationale information is of paramount
importance in assessing the potential reusability of software components on future
projects. Another important point to note
is that the use of the template was indeed
uniform across the three cycles, showing
that the spiral steps can be and were uniformly followed at successively detailed
levels of product definition.
Table 2. Spiral model usage: TRW Software Productivity System, Round 1.
Risk resolution
Risk resolution results
Plan for next phase
Double software productivity in five years
510,000 per person investment
Within context of TRW culture
Government contracts, high tech., people oriented,
Preference for TRW products
Office: Private/modular/.
. .
Communication: LAN/star/concentrators/. . .
Terminals: Private/shared; smartldumb
Tools: SREM/PSL-PSA/. . .; PDL/SADT/. . .
May miss high-leverage options
TRW LAN price/performance
Workstation cost
Extensive external suneys, visits
TRW LAN benchmarking
Workstation price projections
Operations concept: Private offices, TRM’ LAN, personal
Begin with primarily dumb terminals; experiment \ith
Defer operating system,
tools selection
Partition effort
into software development environment
(SDE), facilities, management
Develop first-cut, prototype SDE
Design-to-cost: 15-person team for one year
Plan for external usage
Develop prototype SDE
Commit an upcoming project to use SDE
Commit the SDE
to support the project
Form representative steering group
terminals, VAX
smart bvork
st at ions
May 1988 67
Succeeding rounds. It will be useful to
illustrate some examples of how the spiral
model is used to handle situations arising
in the preliminary design and detailed
design of components of the
SPS: the
preliminary design specification for the
requirements traceability tool (RTT), and
a detailed design rework
or go-back on the
unit development folder (UDF) tool.
TheK TTpreliminarydesign specification. The RTT establishes the traceability
between itemized software requirements
specifications, design elements, code elements, and test cases. It also supports various associated query, analysis, and report
generation capabilities. The preliminary
design specification for the RTT (and most
of the other
SPS tools) looks different
from the usual preliminary design specification, which tends to show a uniform
level of elaboration of all components of
the design. Instead, the level of detail of
the RTT specification is risk-driven.
In areas involving a high risk if the
design turned out to be wrong, the design
was carried down to the detailed design
level, usually with the aid
of rapid prototyping. These areas included working
out the implications of “undo” options
and dealing with the effects of control keys
used to escape from various program
In areas involving a moderate
risk if the
design was wrong, the design was carried
down to a preliminary-design level. These
areas included the basic command options
for the tool and the schemata for the
requirements traceability database. Here
again, the ease of rapid prototyping with
Unix shell scripts supported agood deal of
user-interface prototyping.
In areas involving a low risk if the design
was wrong, very little design elaboration
was done. These areas included details of
all the help message options and all the
Table 3. Spiral model usage: TRW Software Productivity System, Round 2.
Risk resolution
Risk resolution results
Plan for next phase
User-friendly system
Integrated software, office-automation tools
Support all project personnel
Support all life-cycle phases
Customer-deliverable SDE
= Portability
Stable, reliable service
OS: VMS/AT&T UnixIBerkeley Unix/lSC
Host-target/fully portable tool set
Workstations: Zenith/LSI-1 l / .
. .
Mismatch to user-project needs, priorities
User-unfriendly system
12-language syndrome; experts-only
Unix performance, support
Workstation/mainframe compatibility
User-project surveys, requirements participation
Survey of Unix-using organizations
Workstation study
Top-level requirements specification
Host-target with Unix host
Unix-based workstations
Build user-friendly front end for Unix
Initial focus on tools to support early phases
Overall development plan
for tools: SREM, RTT, PDL, office automation tools
for front end: Support tools
for LAN: Equipment, facilities
Proceed with olans
report-generation options, once the nature
of these options was established in some
example instances.
A detailed design go-back. The UDF
tool collects into an electronic “folder” all
artifacts involved in the development of a
single-programmer software unit (typically
500 to 1,000 instructions): unit
requirements, design, code, test cases, test
results, and documentation. It also
includes a management template for tracking the programmer’s scheduled and
actual completion of each artifact.
An alternative considered during
detailed design of the UDF tool was reuse
of portions of the RTT to provide pointers
to the requirements and preliminary design
specificationsof the unit being developed.
This turned out to be an extremely attractive alternative, not only for avoiding
duplicate software development but also
for bringing to the surface several issues
involving many-to-many mappings
between requirements, design, and code
that had not been considered in designing
the UDF tool. These led to a rethinking of
the UDF tool requirements and preliminary design, which avoided a great deal of
code rework that would have been necessary if the detailed design of the UDF tool
had proceeded in a purely deductive, topdown fashion from the original UDF
requirements specification. The resulting
go-back led to a significantly different, less
costly, and more capableUDF tool, incorporating the RTT in its “uses-hierarchy.”
Spiral model features. These two examples illustrate several features of the spiral
It fosters the development of specifications that are not necessarily uniform,
or formal, in that they defer
detailed elaboration of low-risk software
elements and avoid unnecessary breakage
in their design until the high-risk elements
of the design are stabilized.
It incorporates prototyping as a riskreduction option at any stage of development. In fact, prototyping and reuse risk
analyses were often used in the process of
going from detailed design into code.
It accorpmodates reworks
or go-backs
to earlier stages as more attractive alternatives are identified or as new risk issues
need resolution.
Overall, risk-driven documents, particularly specificationsand plans, are important features of the spiral model. Great
of detail are not necessary unless
the absence of such detail jeopardizes the
project. In some cases, such as with a
product whose functionality may be determined by a choice among commercial
products, a set of weighted evaluation
criteria for the products may be preferable to a detailed pre-statement of functional requirements.
Results. The Software Productivity System developed and supported using the
spiral model avoided the identified risks
and achieved most of the system’s objectives. The
SPS has grown to include over
300 tools and over 1,300,000instructions;
93 percent of the instructions were reused
from previous project-developed, TRWdeveloped,
or external-software packages.
25 projects have used all or portions
of the system.
All of the projects fully
using the system have increased their productivity at least 50percent; indeed, most
have doubled their productivity (when
compared with cost-estimation model
predictions of their productivity using traditional methods).
However, one risk area-that projects
with non-Unix target systems would not
accept a Unix-based host system-was
underestimated. Some projects accepted
the host-target approach, but for various
reasons (such as customer constraints and
zero-cost target machines) a good many
did not.
As a result, the system was less
widely used
on TRW projects than
expected. This and other lessons learned
have been incorporated into the spiral
model approach to developing TRW’s
next-generation software development
Advantages. The primary advantage of
the spiral model is that its range of options
accommodates the good features of existing software process models, while its riskdriven approach avoids many of their difficulties.
In appropriate situations, the spiral model becomes equivalent to one of the
existing process models.
In other situations, it provides guidance on the best mix
of existing approaches to a given project;
for example, its application to the TRWSPS provided a risk-driven mix of specifying, prototyping, and evolutionary development.
The primary conditions under which the
spiral model becomes equivalent to other
main process models are summarized as
If a project has a low risk in such areas
All of the projects
fuIIy using the system
have increased their
productivity at least
50 percent.
as getting the wrong user interface or not
meeting stringent performance requirements, and
if it has a high risk in budget
and schedule predictability and control,
then these risk considerations drive the spiral model into an equivalence to the waterfall model.
If a software product’s requirements
are very stable (implying a low risk of
expensive design and code breakage due to
requirements changes during development), and if the presence of errors in the
software product constitutes a high risk to
the mission it serves, then these risk considerations drive the spiral model to resemble the two-leg model of precise
specification and formal deductive program development.
If a project has a low risk in such areas
as losing budget and schedule predictability and control, encountering large-system
integration problems,
or coping with
information sclerosis, and if it has a high
risk in such areas as getting the wrong user
or user decision support requirements, then these risk considerations drive
the spiral model into an equivalence to the
evolutionary development model.
I f automated software generation
capabilities are available, then the spiral
model accommodates them either as
options for rapid prototyping
or for application of the transform model, depending
on the risk considerations involved.
I f the high-risk elements of a project
involve a mix of the risk items listed above,
then the spiral approach will reflect an
appropriate mix of the process models
above (as exemplified in the TRW-SPS
In doing so, its riskavoidance features will generally avoid the
difficulties of the other models.
The spiral model has a number of additional advantages, summarized as follows:
It focuses early attention on options
involving the reuse of existing software.
The steps involving the identification and
evaluation of alternatives encourage these
It accornmodales preparation for lifecycle evolution, growth, and changes of
The major sources
of product change are included in the
product’s objectives, and informationhiding approaches are attractive architectural design alternatives in that they reduce
the risk of not being able to accommodate
the product-charge objectives.
It provides a mechanismfor incorporating software quality objectives into softwure product development. This
mechanism derives from the emphasis
identifying all types of objectives and constraints during each round of the spiral.
For example, Table 3 shows userfriendliness, portability, and reliability as
specific objectives and constraints to be
addressed by the
SPS. In Table I , security
constraints were identified as a key risk
item for the SPS.
It focuses on eliminating errors and
unattractive alternatives early.
The riskanalysis, validation, and commitment
steps cover these considerations.
For each of the sources of project
activity and resvurce expenditure, it
answers the key question,
“ H o w much is
enough?” Stated another way, “How
much of requirements analysis, planning,
configuration management, quality assurance, testing, formal verification, etc.
should a project do?” Using the riskdriven approach, one can see that the
answer is not the same for all projects and
that the appropriate level of effort is determined by the level of risk incurred by not
doing enough.
It does not involveseparate approaches
for software development and software
enhancement (or maintenance).
aspect helps avoid the “second-class citizen” status frequently associated with
software maintenance. I t also helps avoid
many of the problems that currently ensue
when high-risk enhancement efforts are
approached in the same way as routine
maintenance efforts.
Itprovides a viableframeworkfor integrated hardware-sof twaresystem development. The focus on risk-management and
on eliminating unattractive alternatives
early and inexpensively is equally applicable to hardware and software.
Difficulties. The full spiral model can be
successfully applied in many situations,
but some difficulties must be addressed
before it can be called a mature, universally applicable model. The three primary
challenges involve matching to contract
software, relying
on risk-assessment
May 1988 69

expertise, and the need for further elaboration of spiral model steps.
software developments like the TRWSPS, but it needs further work to match it
to the world of contract software acquisition.
internal software developments have a
Matchingto contract software. The spiral model currently works well on internal
Table 4. A prioritized top-ten list of software risk items.

Risk item
1. Personnel
Risk management techniques
Staffing with top talent, job matching; teambuilding;
morale building; cross-training; pre-scheduling key


2. Unrealistic
schedules and
design to cost; incremental development; software
Detailed, multisource cost and schedule estimation;


3. Developing the
wrong software
reuse; requirements scrubbing
Organization analysis; mission analysis; ops-concept
formulation; user surveys; prototyping; early users’

4. Developing the
wrong user
5 . Gold plating
6 . Continuing stream
of requirement
externally furnished components
8. Shortfalls in
performed tasks
9. Real-time
10. Straining
7. Shortfalls in
Task analysis; prototyping; scenarios; user
characterization (functionality, style, workload)
Requirements scrubbing; prototyping; cost-benefit
High change threshold; information hiding; incremental
analysis; design to cost
development (defer changes to later increments)
Benchmarking; inspections; reference checking;
compatibility analysis
Reference checking; pre-award audits; award-fee
contracts; competitive design
or prototyping;
Simulation; benchmarking; modeling; prototyping;
instrumentation; tuning
Technical analysis; cost-benefit analysis; prototyping;
reference checking
Table 5. Software Risk Management Plan.
5 . Initiate appropriate corrective actions.
identify the project’s top
10 risk items.
Present a plan for resolving each risk item.
Update list of top risk items, plan, and results
Highlight risk-item status in monthly project reviews.
Compare with previous month’s rankings, status.
great deal of flexibility and freedom to
accommodate stage-by-stage commitments, to defer commitments to specific
options, to establish minispirals to resolve
critical-path items, to adjust levels of
or to accommodate such practices
as prototyping, evolutionary development,
or design-to-cost. The world of contract software acquisition has a harder
time achieving these degrees of flexibility
and freedom without losing accountability and control, and a harder time defining contracts whose deliverables are not
well specified in advance.
Recently, a good deal of progress has
been made in establishing more flexible
contract mechanisms, such as the use of
competitive front-end contracts for concept definition
or prototype fly-offs, the
use of level-of-effort and award-fee contracts for evolutionary development, and
the use of design-to-cost contracts.
Although these have been generally successful, the procedures for using them still
need to be worked out to the point that
acquisition managers feel fully comfortable using them.
Relying on risk-assessment expertise.
The spiral model places a great deal of reliance on the ability of software developers
to identify and manage sources of project
A good example of this is the spiral
model’s risk-driven specification, which
carries high-risk elements down to a great
deal of detail and leaves low-risk elements
to be elaborated in later stages; by this
time, there is less risk of breakage.
However, a team of inexperienced or
low-balling developers may also produce
a specification with a different pattern of
variation in levels of detail: a great elaboration of detail for the well-understood,
low-risk elements, and little elaboration of
the poorly understood, high-risk elements.
Unless there is an insightful review of such
a specification by experienced development
or acquisition personnel, this type of
project will give an illusion of progress
during a period in which it is actually heading for disaster.
Another concern
is that a risk-driven
specification will also be peopledependent. For example, a design
produced by an expert may be implemented by non-experts. In this case, the
expert, who does not need a great deal of
detailed documentation, must produce
enough additional documentation to keep
the non-experts from going astray.
Reviewers of the specification must also be
sensitive to these concerns.
With a conventional, document-driven
approach, the requirement to carry all
aspects of the specification to a uniform
level of detail eliminates some potential
problems and permits adequate review of
some aspects by inexperienced reviewers.
But it also creates a large drain
on the time
of the scarce experts, who must dig for the
critical issues within a large mass of
noncritical detail. Furthermore, if the highrisk elements have been glossed over by
impressive-sounding references to poorly
understood capabilities (such as a new synchronization concept
or a commercial
DBMS), there is an even greater risk that
the conventional approach will give the
illusion of progress in situations that are
actually heading for disaster.
Need for further elaboration of spiral
In general, the spiral model
process steps need further elaboration to
ensure that all software development participants are operating in a consistent
Some examples of this are the need for
more detailed definitions
of the nature of
spiral model specifications and milestones,
the nature and objectives of spiral model
reviews, techniques for estimating and
synchronizing schedules, and the nature of
spiral model status indicators and costversus-progress tracking procedures. Another need is for guidelines and checklists
to identify the most likely sources of project risk and the most effective riskresolution techniques for each source of
Highly experienced people can successfully use the spiral approach without these
elaborations. However, for large-scale use
in situations where people bring widely
differing experience bases to the project,
added levels of elaboration-such as have
been accumulated over the years for
document-driven approaches-are important in ensuring consistent interpretation
and use of the spiral approach across the
to apply and refine the spiral
model have focused on creating a discipline of software risk management,
including techniques for risk identification, risk analysis, risk prioritization, riskmanagement planning, and risk-element
tracking. The prioritized top-ten list of
software risk items given in Table
4 is one
of this activity. Another example is
the risk management plan discussed in the
next section.
Implications: The Risk Management
Even if an organization is not ready
to adopt the entire spiral approach, one
characteristic technique that can easily be
adapted to any life-cycle model provides
many of the benefits of the spiral
approach. This is the Risk Management
Plan summarized in Table
5. This plan
basically ensures that each project makes
an early identification of its top risk items
(the number 10is
not an absolute requirement), develops a strategy for resolving the
risk items, identifies and sets down an
agenda to resolve new risk items as they
surface, and highlights progress versus
plans in monthly reviews.
The Risk Management Plan has been
used successfully at TRW and other
organizations. Its use has ensured appropriate focus
on early prototyping, simulation, benchmarking, key-person staffing
measures, and other early risk-resolution
techniques that have helped avoid many
potential project “show-stoppers.” The
US Department of Defense standard on software management, DoDStd-2167, requires that developers produce
and use risk management plans, as does its
US Air Force regulation, AFR
Overall, the Risk Management Plan and
the maturing set of techniques for software
risk management provide a foundation for
tailoring spiral model concepts into the
more established software acquisition and
development procedures.
e can draw four conclusions
W from the (1) Thedata risk-driven presented: nature
of the spiral model
is more adaptable to the
full range of software project situations
than are the primarily document-driven
approaches such as the waterfall model
the primarily code-driven approaches such
as evolutionary development. It is particularly applicable to very large, complex,
ambitious software systems.
(2) The spiral model has been quite successful in its largest application to date: the
development and enhancement of the
TRW-SPS. Overall, it achieved a high level
of software support environment capability in a very short time and provided the
flexibility necessary to accommodate a
high dynamic range of technical alternatives and user objectives.
(3) The spiral model is not yet as fully
elaborated as the more established models.
Therefore, the spiral model can be applied
by experienced personnel, but it needs further elaboration in such areas as contract
STD =2167AI2168
Denver, Colorado
11 -15 July
18 22 July
25 – 29 July
1 4 August
13th Annual SeriesSummer 1988
Defense Software Management Courses
TREC Software Enterprises Corporation
Software Management Training Institute
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(818) 889-7814
Reader Service Number 3
May 1988
ing, specifications, milestones, reviews,
scheduling, status monitoring, and riskarea identification to be fully usable in all
(4) Partial implementations of the spiral model, such as the Risk Management
Plan, are compatible with most current
process models and are very helpful in
overcoming major sources of project
I would like to thank Frank Belz, Lolo
Penedo, George Spadaro, Bob Williams, Bob
Balzer, Gillian Frewin, Peter Hamer, Manny
Lehman, Lee Osterweil, Dave Parnas, Bill Riddle, SteveSquires, and Dick Thayer,along with
Computerreviewersof this article, for their
stimulating and insightful commentsand discussionsof earlier versions of the article, and Nancy
Donato for producing its several versions.
1. F.P. Brookset al., DefenseScienceBoard
Task Force Report on Military Software,
Office of the Under Secretary of Defense
for Acquisition, Washington, DC 20301,
Sept. 1987.
2. H.D. Benington, “Production of Large
Computer Programs,”
Proc. ONR Symp.
Advanced Programming Methodsfor DigitalComputers,
June 1956,pp. 15-27. Also
available in
Annals of the History of Computing, Oct. 1983, pp. 350-361, and Proc.
Ninth Int’l Conf. Software Engineering,
Computer Society Press, 1987.
3. W.W. Royce, “Managing the Development
of Large Software Systems: Concepts and
Proc. Wescon, Aug. 1970.
Also availablein
Proc. ICSE 9, Computer
Society Press, 1987.
4. D.D. McCracken and M.A. Jackson,
“Life-Cycle Concept Considered Harmful,”
ACM Software Engineering Notes,
Apr. 1982, pp. 29-32.
5. R. Balzer, T.E. Cheatham, and C. Green,
“Software Technologyin the 1990s:Using
a New Paradigm,”
Computer,Nov. 1983,
pp. 39-45.
6. B.W. Boehmet al., “ASoftwareDevelopment Environment for Improving Productivity,”
Computer, June 1984,pp. 30-44.
7. B.W. Boehm,
Software Engineering Economics, Prentice-Hall, 1981,Chap. 33.
Further reading
The software processmodel fieldhasan interesting history, and a great dealof stimulating work
has been produced recently in this specialized
area. Besides the references that appear at the
end of the accompanying article, here are some
additional good sources of insight:
Overall process modelissuesand results
Agresti’stutorial volume provides a good overview and set of key articles. The three recent
Software Process Workshop Proceedings provide access to much of the recent work in the
Agresti, W.W.,
New Paradigmsfor Software Development, IEEE Catalog No.
EH0245-1, 1986.
Dowson, M., ed.,
Proc. Third Int’lSoftware Process Workshop,IEEE Catalog
NO.TH0184-2, NOV.1986.
Potts, C., ed.,
Proc. Software Process
IEEE Catalog No.
84CH2044-6, Feb. 1984.
Wileden, J.C., and M. Dowson, eds.,
Proc. Int’l Workshop Software Process
and Software Environments,
ACM Software Engineering Notes, Aug. 1986.
Alternative process models
More detailed information on waterfall-type
approaches is given in:
Evans, M.W., P. Piazza, and J.P. Dolkas,
Principles of Productive Software
John Wiley & Sons, 1983.
Hice, G.F., W.J. Turner, and L.F. Cashwell,
System Development Methodology,
North Holland, 1974(2nd ed., 1981).
More detailed information on evolutionary
development is provided in:
Gilb, T.,
Principles of Software Engineering Management, Addison Wesley, 1988
(currentlyin publication).
Someadditional process model approacheswith
useful features and insights may be found in:
Lehman, M.M., and L.A. Belady,
Program Evolution: Processes of Software
Academic Press, 1985.
Osterweil, L., “Software Processes are
Software, Too,”
Proc. ICSE 9, IEEE
Catalog No. 87CH2432-3, Mar. 1987,pp.
Radice, R.A., et al., “A Programming
Process Architecture,”
IBMSystems J . ,
Vol. 24, No.2, 1985,pp. 79-90.
Spiral and spiral-typemodels
Somefurther treatments of spiral model issues
and practices are:
Belz, F.C., “Applying the Spiral Model:
Observationson Developing System Software in Ada,”
Proc. 1986Annual Conf.
on Ada Technology, Atlanta, 1986,pp.
Boehm, B.W., and F.C. Belz, “Applying
Process Programming to the Spiral
Proc. Fourth Software Process
IEEE, May 1988.
Iivari, J., “A Hierarchical Spiral Model
for the Software Process,”
ACM Software
Engineering Notes,
Jan. 1987,pp. 35-37.
Somesimilar cyclicspiral-typeprocess models
from other fields are described in:
Carlsson, B., P. Keane, and J.B. Martin,
“R&D Organizations as Learning Systems,”
SIoan Management Review, Spring
1976, pp. 1-15.
Fisher, R., and W. Ury,
Getting to Yes,
Houghton Mifflin, 1981;Penguin Books,
1983,pp. 68-71.
Kolb, D.A., “On Management and the
Learning Process,” MIT Sloan School
Working Article 652-73, Cambridge,
Mass., 1973.
Software risk management
Thedisciplineof softwarerisk management provides a bridge between spiral model concepts
and currently established software acquisition
and development procedures.
Boehm, B.W., “Software Risk Management Tutorial,” Computer Society, Apr.
Risk Assessment Techniques,Defense Systems Management College, Ft. Belvoir,
Va. 22060, July 1983.
Barry W. Boehm is the chief scientist of the
TRW Defense Systems Group. Since 1973, he
has been responsible for developing TRW’s
softwaretechnology base. His current primary
responsibilitiesarein the areas of software environments, process models, management
methods, Ada, and cost estimation. He is also
an adjunct professor at UCLA.
Boehm received his BA degree in
mathematics from Harvard in 1957and his MA
and PhD from UCLA in 1961and 1964,respectively.
Readers may write to Boehm at TRW
Defense Systems Group, One Space Park,
R2/2086, Redondo Beach, CA 90278.

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