A discrimination lawsuit

111 views 8:52 am 0 Comments August 4, 2023

Dr. Ngartelbaye Guerngar, University of North Alabama| Applied Statistics Project| Spring 2021
Project: A discrimination lawsuit
Due date for submission of the written report: April 10, 2021
For the format of this report or article, please follow the directions below: the project should include
1. description of the research question(s)
2. description of data
3. presentation of statistical analysis of data including
i) what analyses were used and why?
ii) results containing essential tables or graphs
iii) the appropriateness of the assumptions underlying your methods should be addressed.
iv) Conclusions
4. limitations of analysis/data
5. Further questions and suggestions.
In this typed paper:
Your R results should appear as tables or figures in the text (for the most important ones).
All output should be clearly labelled and edited to remove non‐essential portions. Do not simply
put a pile of output through which the reader will have to wade to find the relevant analyses. As a
general rule, do not include any output which you do not mention, describe or discuss in the text of
your paper.
I also would like to see the R CODE(s) you have used for your data analysis in the appendix.
First page
Title Page: Title/Author/Name of the Institution (Logo if possible)/Date.
Title page should also contain an
A list of key words that describe the project and identify the major research concept that should be
submitted with the report.
main objectives.
statistical methods used.
summary of most important results.
major conclusions.
Dr. Ngartelbaye Guerngar, University of North Alabama| Applied Statistics Project| Spring 2021
Second page
Table of Contents and Lists of Figures and Tables: The Table of Contents should list section numbers, titles,
second level headings and their page numbers.
Then Sections’ part should begin…
Section 1. Introduction
should contain the answers for the following questions
What is the problem? What data are available?
Why is it important?
What work has been done on this type of problem before?
What type of statistical approach are you going to take?
Section 2. Background (if necessary)
If the problem studied requires a time‐consuming description, it may be better to give only a rough
outline in the Introduction and to give details in this section.
If the project involves a lot of ‘new’ statistical methodology, then it can be covered in this section.
Section 3. Statement of Problem and Statistical Analysis Approach
Clear & repeatable description of how you tackled the problem.
Describe statistical methods used.
Enough information for a knowledgeable person to reproduce the results you are about to
Give results ‐ boxplots, bar charts, histograms, etc. as appropriate.
Say what statistical package was used, but do not spend time describing the particular operation
that package does. (E.g. Do not say, “The data were loaded into R, then such function was used…”.)
Section 4. Results
Actual findings, significant output of tests & analysis
Must be readable, not pages of computer output
Include problems encountered, believability of results, accuracy estimates.
Section 5. Summary & Conclusions
Restate problem, approach & results
Conclusions you drew (& why?)
Utility of results
Subject for further study
Dr. Ngartelbaye Guerngar, University of North Alabama| Applied Statistics Project| Spring 2021
Rest of the tables/graphs
Computer Listings (R codes)
Tables and figures must be numbered sequentially and titled individually.
Place tables and figures as close as possible to the text in which they are mentioned.
Use “Figure 1,” not “Fig. 1,” or “Table 1.” in the text, as well as for captions.
Unless generated by the researcher, a source should always be cited.

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