Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning

89 views 10:10 am 0 Comments November 1, 2023

Question 1
Based on the industrial visit, carry out an individual academic study into your observations and assessment of the facilities’ emergency preparedness and response planning. You are expected to examine the emergency plans, evacuation procedures, incident response procedures, and management strategies of the facilities (unlimited to the scope of this course) and illustrate in your TMA-Report how the respective facility play their part in the overall preparedness of the Jurong Island Industry Community as follows:

(a) Facility 1, Emergency Authority: SCDF Banyan Fire Station (SCDF/BYFS).
Established in 2010, BYFS has a staff strength of 80 trained emergency response personnel operating in 3 rota (shift-system). Headed by the Station  Commander, BYFS is equipped with emergency appliances such as Fire Engines, Red Rhinos, Fire Bike, Combined Platform Ladder, Foam Tender,  Foam Pods, HazMat Pod, HazMat Decon Pod, Hazmat Support Vehicle, Clothing Pod, Pod Carriers, Large Monitor Vehicles, Large Pumps, and Hose Laying Truck. Being faced with potential threat scenario of a fullsurface tank fire, BYFS is also equipped with special equipment such as the 2000 GPM (gallon-per-minute) monitor. Together with Jurong Island Fire Station (JIFS), the SCDF covers all oil refineries, petrochemical industries and chemical plants on the Jurong Island Industry

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