Organisational Psychology Essay

100 views 6:52 am 0 Comments November 1, 2023

Question 1
The COVID-19 pandemic has posed significant challenges to organizations in Singapore, resulting in a global phenomenon known as the “great resignation.” This trend has led to a sudden increase in the number of employees who voluntarily leave their jobs, with a growing number of employees in Singapore resigning from their positions due to uncertainties about the future of work, work-life balance, mental health, and job satisfaction.

Question 1a (Word limit: 2,000 words)
As an organizational psychologist in Singapore, examine the impact of the great resignation phenomenon on organizations. Discuss and illustrate how different topics in organizational psychology can inform effective strategies for employee retention and management during the pandemic. Explain the role of organizational leadership in driving successful changes, with specific reference to employee recruitment, evaluation, and efforts to drive job satisfaction. Show specific examples of how organizations in Singapore have successfully adapted to the great resignation trend using these strategies.

Question 1b (Word limit: 1,000 words)
Illustrate with recommendations how organizations can continue to evolve and adapt in the post-pandemic world, considering the challenges discussed in Q1A.

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