Global Business Environment

110 views 11:18 am 0 Comments September 29, 2023

Unit Learning Outcomes

  • LO1 Analyse the key factors which drive globalisation.
  • LO2 Determine the strategic complexities associated with operating in a global environment.
  • LO3 Evaluate how operating in a global market influences an organization’s structure, culture, and functions.
  • LO4 Develop a global strategy to support decision-making for a given organisation.

Vocational Scenario Background

Big companies, often referred to as multinational corporations or multinational enterprises (MNCs/MNEs) play critical roles in global business and national development. The benefit of MNEs includes investing in countries and regional platforms, paying taxes to support local economies and jobs opportunities. Some people argue that their activities have caused some negative social impacts such as the effect on the environment. Others have been accused of being too greedy. Yet, the global society needs these big companies.

You are in the final year of your HND Business program at the Global Banking School, UK. As part of your final year project, you have been asked to do a report on a MNEs of your choice (you may select a MNEs from any industry).


The report is expected to:

  1. Provide a critical analysis of key factors like cost, market, environment, and other challenges and opportunities and the impact they have on global businesses. Expand further by evaluating strategic challenges such as risks, diversifications, and complexities in global supply chain management. Support your arguments with specific examples.
  2. Critically evaluate the influences of globalisation on governance, structure, leadership, and culture. You must also consider its ethical and sustainable influence on organisational functions. Go further by making valid and justified recommendations on how organisations should adapt their structure and strategy, to support decision making, in a global context.
  3. Focusing on the same organisation (of your study), you are required to develop strategies that embed an integrated approach across different countries to achieve a competitive advantage. Firstly, you must evaluate the different ways that decision making can work effectively in a global context. Secondly, devise objectives and strategies that meet business objectives and a range of stakeholders’ perspectives, with some examples
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