Assessment 3

81 views 9:50 am 0 Comments September 23, 2023

Assessment 3

Learners Assessment Guide

Student ID:
Email Address: Class:
Unit name:
Unit Code: Assignment name:

Student Declaration

I declare that –

Assignment Coversheet

RTO No: 21595 | CRICOS Code: 02634E

  1. The evidence I have submitted for assessment is my own work, and
  2. The evidence I have submitted for assessment has not been shared with otherstudents, and I have taken all reasonable precautions to ensure that my work cannot

    be accessed by other students that may seek to submit my work as their own, and

  3. All of the sources of information used to prepare my work have been, or may beaccurately cited, and
  4. I retain a copy of all my original for my own records, or for resubmission if required byAcademia Australia, and
  5. I have read and understood Academia Australia’s policy regarding plagiarism, and Iaccept the right of Academia Australia to investigate suspected plagiarism, and to act in accordance with the policy and procedure I have read.

Student Signature: __________________________________________ Date of Submission: ___ / /20

BSBFIM601 Manage finances Assessment 3 ©Copyright Academia International 2020

Page 1 of 4 Version 4 B Approved by: Bade

Assessment Information

  •   You must achieve a satisfactory outcome for each of the required criteria of this assessment to be deemed satisfactory for this assessment. You must achieve a satisfactory result for the assessments for this unit of competency to achieve a competent result for the unit. If one or more of the assessment results are not satisfactory, you will be Not Yet Competent for this unit.
  •   You may follow the Assessment Appeals process in the Student Handbook ( if you are not satisfied with:

o the assessment result; or
o the way an assessment was carried out by your trainer; or o the conditions or structure of the assessment

The student handbook has the steps for reassessment if you receive a Not Yet Competent mark and do not want to appeal.

Reasonable adjustment for assessment

Where students have highlighted Language, Literacy and Numeracy issues reasonable adjustment to the assessment can be made. Should you receive a ‘Not Yet Competent’ or ‘Resubmit’ result for the assessment you will be given the opportunity to re-submit your assessment work with any amendments requested by your trainer.

The adjustment may include actions such as:

• Student demonstrating knowledge through verbal discussion to identify correct answers • Student demonstrating knowledge through applied skills
• Allowing additional time relating to disability
• Through consultation amending assessment timeframes

• Assistance in the form of the training location to allow easier access
• Accessing relevant equipment or aids to assist the student
• Adjustments to the assessment methods to cater for any special needs (without effecting the integrity of the outcome)

If a student requests or is identified as requiring reasonable adjustment to the training and assessment process a detailed training and assessment plan including timetables, notes regarding the required adjustments, and any related communications regarding the adjustments must be maintained in the students file.

The RTO Manager must review and authorise any request for ‘reasonable adjustment’ to ensure that any adjustments and resulting outcomes are not affecting the integrity of the training and assessment process.

Location of and completion timeframes for assessment

The location of the assessment will depend upon the nature of the assessment. Assessments such as; role plays, in class activities, presentations and knowledge questions will be conducting in the classroom. The timeframes and due dates for these assessments, as well as any reports, projects or research assignments, are documented in the stage outlines. Stage outlines are handed out at the beginning of each term.

BSBFIM601 Manage finances Assessment 3 Page 2 of 4 ©Copyright Academia International 2020 Version 4 B Approved by: Bade

RTO No: 21595 | CRICOS Code: 02634E

Assessment 3 – Project 2

Task 1

Your Tasks:

  1. Go to the Spreadsheet Activity 2 Support Material from assessment 2.
    Collate the totals for the actual 2018/2019 and the draft budget 2019/2020 in the tab “comparison”.

    Answer the following questions by analysing your results from the Excel sheet review all departments to manage your budget give your view on what will be required and complete a report on this .

    1. How do the figures compare overall?
    2. Which areas would need to be investigated and adjusted within your budget?
  2. Go to the tab “Draft Budget”, create a copy and move this copy to the end. Rename and label this copy “Future Potential” and manipulate the scenario below:Due to renovations for your 2019/2020 budget as outlined in Task 2, the number of available rooms had been limited to 75%.

    Answer the following question by analysing your results from the Excel sheet.

1. How will your budget for 2020/2021 be affected once the number of available rooms will be 100% and the occupancy rate will increase to 80% and the average room rate increases to $180.00 per room and “Other Expenses” increases to 25%?

Task 2

Your Tasks:
Answer the following questions by analysing your results from the Excel sheet.

  1. Given the suggested changes in the operation for the 2019/2020, discuss which departments you will need to liaise with in terms of financial and HR impacts. Which details will you need to discuss for a successful implementation of the budget and what changes and adjustments may need to be applied to keep things on track?
  2. Which factors need to be considered when the hotel reaches full accommodation capacity based on the future forecast for 2020/2021? What adjustments will be required for your operation review all departments and give suggestions and your views on what will be required for your new budget to operation correctly
  3. Given the modernization of the operation, the director in conjunction with the F&B director have approached you to prepare for the purchase and implementation of a new stock control system linked to a POS to enhance security provisions and prevent theft and to assist in stock control .Research a suitable system and compare two such systems.
    Provide details for the features and a cost estimate including ongoing costs for maintenance or subscription and recommend one of the systems. Attach all information you have researched to this assessment.

BSBFIM601 Manage finances Assessment 3 Page 3 of 4 ©Copyright Academia International 2020 Version 4 B Approved by: Bade

RTO No: 21595 | CRICOS Code: 02634E

Marking Criteria

RTO No: 21595 | CRICOS Code: 02634E

Report B

Not Attempted

Not Satisfactory





BSBFIM601 Manage finances

Project presented in a professional format Comparison – Overall
Comparison – Issues identified Comparison completed accurately

Future Potential – Effect on budget
Future Potential – Financial & HR issues
Future Potential – Technology issues
POS system submitted
Student shows good knowledge about the subject.

Student is satisfactory for this assessment task: Yes

________________________________ Trainer’s Signature

Not Yet

___ / ___ / _____ Date

Total Marks out of 27

BSBFIM601 Manage finances Assessment 3 ©Copyright Academia International 2020

Version 4 B

Page 4 of 4 Approved by: Bade

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