Business Plan
Before you use the collaboration business plan template consider:
The purpose of the plan. Will it be used just with collaboration partners and the Legal Entity or will there be others involved? If others will be involved what are their major interests – for example, the financial information needs to be well supported by good service delivery plans.
Doing your homework. Collect information about issues that may affect the collaboration process. Talk to staff, services users and funding bodies about the likely impact of the collaboration. Seek expert advice from outside the organisation’s stakeholders: accountants; solicitors; other service providers, particularly those that have been involved in successful collaborations.
Using the italicised text as a guide only. Ignore and delete areas that don’t apply to your collaboration.
Working through the template slowly – use only the sections relevant to your collaboration. Delete, amend or add sections to meet your own Collaboration’s needs.
Differentiating between actual vs. expected figures. Where the Collaboration is a new venture and you are using expected figures for turnover and finances you will need to clearly show that these are expected figures or estimates. Most funding cycles are currently three years – consider the funding cycles of all partners when developing financial predictions.
Writing your summary last. Be brief and succinct but record the facts and be realistic but positive.
Reviewing. Reviewing, Reviewing. Check you document a number of times and then also ask a number of other people to do a proofread of the final draft.
Ensure your final plan is personalised for your collaboration, and professional in its appearance.
The Collaboration Business Plan Template is adapted from a general business template found on the Australian Government website For information see
Always consult an accountant and a solicitor before finalising any merger or amalgamation
[Collaboration Name]
[Legal Entity/Lead Agency Head Office Address]
Business Plan
Prepared: [Date prepared]
Collaboration Business Plan Summary
[Please complete this page last]
[Your collaboration business plan summary should be succinct and focus on why your collaboration is going to be successful. The answers should reflect the more detailed answers provided throughout the body of the plan.]
List the Partners of the Collaboration
Name [Enter the name of each partnering organisation]
Location [actual location of each partner service]
The Legal Entity
Lead Agency/Legal Entity name: [Enter the organisation’s name]
ABN: [Registered Australian business number.]
ACN: [Registered Australian company number, if applicable.]
Location: [Head office address]
The Purpose of the Collaboration
Note the benefits to be achieved by the collaboration:
[Why are you collaborating? What are the expected outcomes for the partnering services? What are the expected outcomes for the service users? What are the expected outcomes for the funding body?]
[List the Principles that all partners have agreed to abide by]
The Future
Vision statement:
[The vision statement should clearly state the overarching aim of the collaboration.]
[What are your short & long term goals? What activities will you undertake to meet them?]
[What is the anticipated Collaboration Budget? Where is the funding coming from? What are the expected outgoings? Who will manage the money? What system will they use? How will you demonstrate accountability?]
Monitoring and Evaluation
[How are you going to monitor, evaluate and document the impact of the Collaboration? Note the process that will be use: assessment of regular financial reporting; funding body reports; service user feedback etc.]
The Collaboration
Service Delivery
Services: [What services will you be providing? What is the anticipated demand for these services currently? Is there likely to be increased demand and what will drive this growth?]
Business name: [Enter your business name as registered in your state/territory. If you have not registered your business name, add your proposed business name.]
Trading name(s): [Registered trading name(s).]
Date registered: [Date business name registered.]
Location(s) registered: [State(s) you are registered in.]
Business structure: [Sole trader, partnership, trust, company.]
ABN: [Registered Australian Business Number.]
ACN: [Registered Australian Company Number, if applicable.]
GST: [Are you registered for Goods and Services Tax? Date registered?]
Domain names: [Registered domain names.]
Licences & permits: [List all the licences or permits you have registered]
Business location: [Describe the location and space occupied/required. What is the size of the space you occupy/require? What geographic area will the Collaboration cover? Where in relation to landmarks/main areas? Are there adequate spaces for private conversations? Is there wheelchair access? ]
Buy/lease: [If you have purchased a business premises or are currently leasing, briefly outline the arrangements. If you are still looking for a lease, outline your lease requirements and any utilities/facilities required.]
[Outline your collaboration structure in the chart below.]
Example: where the services collaborating are not Legal Entities in their own right.
Legal Entity for 1
Legal Entity for 2
Legal Entity for 3
Partner 2
Partner 3
Partner 1
Partner 5
Partner 4
Legal Entity for 4 & 5
Figure 1: Organisation Chart. [Insert your own chart]
Management of the Collaboration
Legal Entity or Lead Agency: [Insert Name.]
Legal Entity/ Lead Agency Management Committee [List the names of the Management Committee of the Lead Agency]
Collaboration Committee [List the names of those on the Collaboration Committee and the organisations that they represent]
Process: [Explain the process by which the Legal Entity/Lead Agency will work with the Collaboration Committee to govern the Collaboration. For example: decisions made by Collaboration Committee made up of representatives of each partner organisation plus representation from the Legal Entity with all strategic decisions and financial decisions above a set amount to be ratified by the Management of the Legal Entity.]
Personnel – (exclude this section if the Collaboration is not going to directly employ staff Remember the Collaboration must be a legal entity in its own right before it can be an employer. )
Current staff
[List your current staff in the table below.]
Job Title |
Name |
Skills/Strengths |
Required staff
[List your required staff in the table below.]
Job Title |
Quantity |
Skills necessary |
Date required |
Recruitment options
[How do you intend on obtaining your required staff? Advertising in the local paper, online advertising, and/or training current staff members?]
Training programs
[Are there any training programs you will be organising in the event you cannot find the required skills? Are these in-house or external providers? What training will you as the business owner/manager undertake to keep your skills current?]
Skill retention strategies
[What procedural documentation will you provide to ensure the skills of staff are maintained? Do you have an appropriate allocation of responsibilities? How are responsibilities documented and communicated to staff? What internal processes will you implement to regularly check that the current skills of staff members are still appropriate for the business?]
[What are the opportunities to be innovative in the ways that you support service users, create a learning environment within the collaboration and support staff in their professional development. Are there any gaps in local service delivery that innovation can help you fill?]
Workers compensation: [Provide details if you have workers compensation insurance? This is mandatory if you have employees.]
Public liability insurance: [Provide details if you have public liability insurance? This covers any third party death or injury.]
Professional indemnity: [Provide details if you have professional indemnity insurance? This covers any legal action taken out as a result of your professional advice.]
Product liability: [Provide details if you have product liability insurance? This covers any legal action taken out as a result of injury, damage or death from your product.]
Collaboration assets: [Provide details if you have insured your business assets in the event of a fire, burglary, or damage? For example: building, contents, motor vehicles.]
[List the potential risks (in order of likelihood) that could impact your business.]
Risk |
Likelihood |
Impact |
Strategy |
[Description of risk & impact on business] |
[Highly Unlikely, Unlikely, Likely, Highly Likely] |
[High, Medium, Low] |
[What actions will be taken to treat the potential risk to the Collaboration] |
[List the legislation which impacts on the governance of your Collaboration and its service delivery.]
Examples: Legislation listed below is just a sample. Each Collaboration needs to determine the Acts which may impact on it.
For Example –
Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 (Qld)
Commission for Children and Young People and Child Guardian Act 2000 (Qld)
Commission for Children and Young People Amendment Legislation 2006
Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth)
Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth)
Disability Discrimination Act 199 (Cth)
Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1986 (Cth)
The Domestic and Family Violence Protection Act (1989)
The Domestic Family Violence Regulation (2003) and their amendments
The Child Protection Act (1997)
The Community Services Act 2007
Community Services Regulation 2008
The Supported Accommodation Assistance Program Act 1994
The Housing Act 2003
Housing Regulation 2003
Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003 (Qld)
Workplace Health and Safety Act 1995 (Qld)
Workplace Health and Safety Regulation 1997 (Qld)
Fire Service and Rescue Act 1990
Fire and Rescue Service Regulation 1991
Building Fire Safety Regulation 2008
Building Fire Safety Regulations Act 1991
A New Tax System (Australian Business Number) Act 1999 (Cth)
Associations’ Incorporation Act 1981 (Qld)
Associations’ Incorporation Regulation 1999 (Qld)
Rockhampton Women’s Shelter Constitution
Income Tax Assessment Act 1971
Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992 (Cth)
Communication Plan
[How will partner services communicate with each other, their staff, their management committees, the lead agency/Legal Entity, service users, the funding body and other stakeholders.]
Collaboration Activities
[What specific services will be delivered by the Collaboration and over what geographic area?]
Client Group
[Who will be serviced by the Collaboration]
[List your current assets in the table below.]
Asset |
Quantity |
Value |
Technology (Software): [Is everyone already using the same operating system on their computers? Will new software be required. Will new systems to be used require new software. How will the IT support be provided?]
Service hours: [ When is service on offer to the community]
Quality control: [What Service Standards are used by the Collaboration Partners. How will you collect and use client feedback to ensure that you focus on continuous improvement in service delivery. ]
Community impact and engagement
[How will your Collaboration affect the local community? How can you engage the community to support your activities?]
[List any risks/constraints to your Collaboration’s operating environment resulting from things outside your control? For example, loss of funding to a partner]
[List Engagement Strategies, Communication Strategies, strategies for managing reduced funding or loss of partner?]
Action plan
[List your sustainability milestones below?]
Milestone |
Indicator |
Date |
S.W.O.T. analysis
[List each of your Collaborations strengths, weaknesses, opportunities or threats in the table below and then outline how you plan to address each of the weaknesses/threats.]
Strengths |
Weaknesses |
Opportunities |
Threats |
[List the agreed Practice Principles]
For Example:
Social Justice
Democratic decision making processes
Regular and inclusive communication
Commitment to cooperation and collaboration
Effectiveness of processes
Focus on clients, their families and quality of life outcomes
Transparency and accountability
Minimising the impacts of social constructs on clients and their families
The Future
[What is your Collaboration’s vision statement. This should clearly state the overarching aim of the Collaboration.]
[What is your Collaborations’ mission statement? I.e. how will you achieve your vision?]
[What are your short & long term goals? What activities will you undertake to meet them?]
Please note: This table does not include sustainability milestones as they are listed in the sustainability section above.
Milestone |
Date of expected completion |
Person Responsible |
What are the milestones you need to complete starting from today |
When to you plan to complete them? |
Who is responsible for delivering this milestone? |
The Finances
Key objectives and financial review
Financial objectives
[List your key financial objectives. This can be cost sharing, new funding]
Finance required
[How much money up-front do you need? Where will you obtain the funds? Are partners making a financial contribution to the Collaboration?]
The financial tables on the subsequent pages are based on the assumptions listed below:
[List your financial assumptions. These can include on-going funding for all partners, contributions by partners etc.]
[Double-click the table below to enter your details or attach your own start up costing sheet at the back of this business plan.]
Commencement Costs |
Cost ($) |
Equipment/Capital Costs |
Cost ($) |
Business Name Registration if necessary |
Start-up capital |
Domain Name |
Plant and equipment |
Vehicle Registration |
Vehicles |
Accountant fees |
Computer equipment |
Solicitors fees |
Computer software |
Rental lease cost (rent advance/deposit) |
Phones |
Utility connections & bonds |
Fax machine |
Phone connection |
Photocopier |
Internet connection |
Data projector |
Computer software |
Security System |
Wages |
Furniture |
Staff training |
Membership fees & affiliations |
Other |
Insurance |
Building and contents |
Vehicle |
Public liability |
Professional Indemnity |
Workers compensation |
Collaboration assets |
Printing |
Stationary and office supplies |
More |
Total start-up cost |
Total equipment/capital costs |
[Double-click the table below to enter your details or attach your own Balance sheet forecast at the back of this business plan]
Balance Sheet Forecast |
2011/2012 |
2012/2013 |
2013/2014 |
Current Assets |
Cash |
Petty Cash |
Pre-paid expenses |
Fixed Assets |
Leasehold |
Property & land |
Renovations/improvements |
Furniture & fit-out |
Vehicles |
Computer Equipment |
Other |
Total Assets |
Current/short-term liabilities |
Credit cards payable |
Accounts payable |
Interest payable |
Accrued wages |
Income tax |
Other |
Long term liabilities |
Loans |
Other |
Total liabilities |
Net Assets |
Profit and loss forecast
Profit & Loss Forecast |
2011/2012 |
2012/2013 |
2013/2014 |
Funding |
Less cost of service delivery |
Other |
Gross profit/net sales |
Expenses |
Accountant fees |
Advertising |
Bank fees & charges |
Bank interest |
Credit card fees |
Utilities |
Telephone |
Internet |
IT services |
Lease/loan payments |
Rates and rents |
Motor vehicle expenses |
Repairs and maintenance |
Stationary & printing |
Insurance |
Superannuation |
Income Tax |
Wages |
Other |
Total expenses |
Expected cash flow
Expected cash flow |
Jan |
Feb |
Mar |
Apr |
May |
Jun |
Jul |
Aug |
Sep |
Oct |
Nov |
Dec |
Opening Balance |
Cash incoming |
Funding |
Asset sales |
Room hire |
Total incoming |
Cash Outgoing |
Accountant fees |
Solicitor fees |
Advertising |
Bank fees & charges |
Interest paid |
Credit card fees |
Utilities |
Telephone |
Internet |
IT services |
Lease/loan payments |
Rent & rates |
Motor Vehicle expenses |
Repairs & maintenance |
Stationary & printing |
Membership & affiliation fees |
Insurance |
Superannuation |
Income Tax |
Wages |
Other |
Total outgoing |
Monthly cash balance |
Monitoring and evaluation
Monitoring and evaluation process [Develop a list of objective criteria by which you will monitor and evaluate the ongoing success of the Collaboration]
For example:
Monthly balance sheets which reflect the financial viability of the Collaboration
Reports to funding Agencies
Documented satisfaction of the funding body
The annual financial audit
Client and stakeholder surveys that reflect the level of service user satisfaction
Minutes of the Collaboration meetings that record positive and negative issues associated with the Collaboration itself and also note the impact of the collaboration on the partner organisations
Demonstrable improvements in service delivery
Demonstrated credibility within the sector
Increased engagement by stakeholders
Good staff retention
Awards or public recognition achieved by the Collaboration
Demonstrated interest by other agencies in using your model
Supporting documentation
Attached is my supporting documentation in relation to this business plan. The attached documents include:
[List all of your attachments here. These may include resumes, inventory list, survey/questionnaire and/or financial documents.].
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